*skeptism increases*

*skeptism increases*


Native people commit more crimes while making up more than 90% of the population compared to minorities who shouldn't even be there.
More breaking news at 11.

this is complete bullshit right?

what fucking white terrorists?


do these people have no integrity when publishing this crap?

Trumps giving out beer now?
And just when i thought he could not be anymore fucking awesome!

It's almost like there aren't a lot of them in America

Maybe we should keep it that way


wtf I love refugees now

It's funny because they include all the "Refugees who have killed americans" in the "White terrorists who have killed americans" count, on account of them using their reality bending logic to count everyone as white, no matter the skin tone.

Patented fake news.
Spend one minute in a search engine and you can see this is all lies.



Nice and simple. I'll be borrowing that logic.

>America is the only country!!

Are these journalists legitimately retarded or do they just know their readers too well?

And black men have probably killed more black men this week than police have in the past year but I wonder which deaths the author of that article would think warrant protests?

The boston bombing ALONE disproves this.
And what about illegal immigrants killing innocents?
How can they get away with blatantly lying to people? How are people this gullible?

Tom Cahill is an incredible liar that even the Jews at politifact had to call him out.

Dude that went on an anti-Muslim stabbing spree in Portland.

2 dead, 1 injured.

With bullshit like "law abiding illegal immigrants" I bet "refugees" conveniently only means law abiding non-murderers.
>when we exclude all the data we don't like, we get the picture we want! racists btfo

"Resistance Report"

came out that it wasnt a white guy didnt it?

>white terrorists
>well we stretched the definition of the word terrorist to mean any white person who committed a murder, and we stretched the definition of white to include spics and sand-niggers

>orlando shooter


>son of afghan refugee

>manchester bomber


>son of libyan refugee



It was a BLM supporting Jill Stein voter, he was white though.

Shitty logic. Following this logic, we should be deporting/killing whites and importing more refugees.