Both of these structures were built around 3000 BC. How was this conceivable?

Both of these structures were built around 3000 BC. How was this conceivable?

The Stonehenge rocks were MOVED within 200 miles of their original locations. This was not conceivable with the technology of that time.

The Egyptian pyramids could not have "shaped" large boulders using flimsy tools of that time, as the tools would simply break -- this is simple physics.

Rational human beings should be extremely confused by the narratives set for these occurances. Wouldn't it be strange if BOTH of these were a complete mystery? Yet, there are almost undeniable theories concerning the pyramids, which coincidentally have a direct connection with Jews.

Other urls found in this thread:;_Anglice_Wilshire_(Atlas_van_Loon).jpg,_c._1885.jpg

The idea of human/workers rights were also not a thing.

"They had whips, Rimmer. Massive, massive whips."

aliens. it was on history channel

log conveyors

This has nothing to do with anything though. 100 men still couldn't lift a several tonne boulder.

>hurr durr some shitskin people made a big triangle and stuffed a dead guy in it

Oh wow how did they ever do it??!!?

kys sage

Well, it was obviously aliens.

No but seriously, the pyramids aren't perfect blocks. They are more like a pile of stone that is capped with smoothed pieces of stone that were cut to shape on site.

Stonehenge would've been a bigger trick though. Most likely it was "walked" to site in a similar manner to the stone faces on Easter island.

This is why you're a mongoloid.

>This was not conceivable

But it was conceivable. They has a lot of time and a lot of people. They did not mind if it took 10 or 20 years to build.

In today's age we build entire skyscrapers in 1-2 years.

it's called leverage, look it up.

>The Stonehenge rocks were MOVED within 200 miles of their original locations. This was not conceivable with the technology of that time.
Yeah, they rolled them on logs, I saw a reconstruction, now fuck off.

>he doesn't know about the giants that inhabited the world
macedonian education here, folks

Slavery - gets shit done

The Stonehenge is still a mystery and they did not roll them on logs because the weight would not be distributed properly even for a second so feel free to get the fuck out of my thread

Martin Luther King Jr, and decent respectful black people did this when they waz kingz.

There were no slaves in England (or much of anything) in 3000-2300 BC and there is no proof the Egyptians actually had slaves, or at least Jewish/Egyptian anywhere near what could be considered a reasonable quantity.

saged. Back to /x/ or whatever board this belongs too.

This. Imagine having thousands of slaves tirelessly worked till they pass out from exhaustion for countless years and enough manpower anything can be done. But let's just put on our tinfoil hats because it's fucking aliensss!!11! one!

We are not the first civilization. Weird how we just popped out of nowhere.

Ayy lmaos

I'm not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens

Rational human beings would just conclude we're wrong about what we believed the technical capabilities of the people at the time were

The discovery of things like Gobli Tepik and the oldest human fossil in being located in Europe, not Africa, show we don't really know half as much as we think we do about the past

Better question: how are these structures still standing after thousands of years, yet my 3 ft retaining wall can't last five. Fucking Mexicans.

Reminder that Stonehenge was built in the 20th century, by some rich English faggot.

Prior to that, it was just a pile of stones, which may or MAY NOT have been stacked on top of each other.

Dozens of tears and thousands of workers.

Also harder rock breaks softer rock.

The pyramids weren't built by slaves. There's no proof of that. The running theory is they were built by laborers in the planting off-season since those farmers would've had little to do. They had lots of food, wealth, and lots of people who had months of nothing to do. They could've paid laborers. That's like saying the hoover dam was built by slaves. Nah just cheap out of work laborers the government employed

Also if you really want to watch jews sperg out point out there is no archeological evidence the jews were ever in Egypt

Egypt did not have thousands of slaves. The Jews were not reduced to slavery at that time or any period before during after Ancient Egypt. Egyptians recorded almost all of their history through various media and there is nothing showing that they had slaves, or that Moses freed the slaves, or any other biblical stories.

Is your 3ft wall made of massive stones that don't like to move around a lot?

Or is it made of shitty little bricks that a dog oul conceivable carry

It seems unlikely now, but try to think about this. You had teams of hundreds, possibly thousands of people working for decades to build one structure. These workers were all extremely skilled, and following designs made by some of the most intelligent people in the world. When you have that much human power working together, I don't really think anything is inconceivable. History proves we are nature's greatest force.

As for a more practical answer, large scale simple machines is the most probable explanation.

Further interesting facts in case you didn't know:
>slaves didn't build pyramids, skilled tradesmen did. There are tombs of workers inside pyramids.
>jews didn't build pyramids. jews didn't exist when the pyramids were built

>thousands of workers
>only dozens of tears

Doesn't sound that bad
Dozens of tears is, like, one guy losing a toe

Jews as slaves is just a meme.

Imagine every Jew you know. Do you think they could have done manual labor for days on end?

Just like the myth of negro slavery. Sure, Jamal spend _all day_ doing manual labor and not resorting to murdering whites. American slavery lasted about 5 years until they found negroes could barely do any work. That's why things are so slow down south.;_Anglice_Wilshire_(Atlas_van_Loon).jpg

What is roman historical evidence?

We use cheaper building materials nowadays. The pyramids were white. They lost their outer layer. Stonehenge was a pile of rocks and the British government put it back together. I think only one of the stacks was actually still in place prior to restoration. Most people don't know how Stonehenge looks isn't how it was prior to the 1950s

You're basically asking how big rocks lasted 2000-3000 years

Remember climates were different with different river beds.

>the oldest human fossil

haha pre-human fossil is not the same as human fossil

>According to a pair of newly published papers in the journal Science, paleoanthropologists working in Ethiopia have discovered a 2.8-million-year-old jawbone, making it the oldest fossil in the human ancestral line ever found by more than 400,000 years.

Most recent finding isn't that of a human but and 'ancestor' to humans.

Scientists find 7.2-million-year-old pre-human remains in the Balkans

keyword, pre-human. faggot.

Exaggerations. You obviously haven't read Roman accounts. They managed to inflate everyone they came into contact with to prove how big tough guys they were.

If you're writing a history of yourself being a badass, do you write your enemy was a barely functioning retard? No, he was the biggest, toughest guy on the block, that piled up rocks, but then Rome came around and kicked THAT guy's ass.

Stonehenge was reconstructed using cranes less than 100 years ago you fucking imbecile

Exactly. It took 20 years to build the pyramids. I think most people put modern building times into ancient projects. It was a slow grinding painstaking process.

The pyramids are much older than 3000BC, closer more to 10000BC, jews had nothing to do with it, read some Graham Hancock. There's a number of ancient megastructure sites around the world that 'defy explanation', one interesting theory of how they moved such massive objects was with anti-gravity soundwave technology. How they performed such precise stonemasonry and carvings etc. is another mystery.

>how was this conceivable

like this.

You misunderstand what i said burger, I said the Romans took note of the site 2000 years ago, and so it must not be faked as you suggest it.

whether they fudged evidence as to the military might or knowledge of the celts is not the issue.

>have holes that they lead them over logs into
>over time the holes go away and some stones fall
Mysteries solved

The pyramids were cast from concrete.

Completely agree. Another user said it before, best way to see a Jew chimp out is to mention that there is ZERO proof that Jews were ever slaves in Egypt. The Bible does not count as proof.

More interesting things to think about:
- Some Jews however DID travel to Egypt during that time; merchants and tradesmen to be exact
- These Jews integrated into Ancient Egyptian society
- The Egyptian "God of Gods", the most powerful God, was called Amun;
- (((Coincidentally))) enough, the Jews were already living amongst Egyptians at this time, and they all prayed to "Amun", however most people don't know that in Hebrew vowels are interchangable and "Amun" is literally "Amen"

Someone hasn't actually read the Roman accounts. You're hard pressed to find any written Roman accounts of Stonehenge. Even Pliny didn't write about them when he wrote the history of Roman Britain

It's strange that there is virtually no mention since the site was 2mi from Vespasians camp.

Everything after that mostly comes from the Anglo saxon chronicles until Alfred the great . History is pretty light about that time period in Britain

>Graham Hancock

believes in black-genesis theory. thats crazy.
believes in anti-gravity soundwave technology, thats ok.

haha Sup Forums

Stones were moved by placing seaweed under a sleigh and simply pushing the rocks into place.

It's easy once you know that seaweed is more slippery than greased up jew playing keep away with your money.

source faggot.

It was a pile of rocks back then. Somehow, ancient Brits managed to drag a bunch of rocks to one area, until they were fucked out existence by the Vikings, French and Germans.

The rebuild and Victorian digging up messed up the area so much that even the alignment of the stones is wrong.

It's literally a Victorian creation by a fanciful, bored rich lad.

>How was this conceivable?
Ramps made of sand or dirt, which were removed after the fact. Yes, this is lots of sand for the pyramids, but it is quite simple to create and remove.

Check out this video as an example:

>Put one rock on top of 2 other rocks
>How did the ancients do it???

There's an illustration of it from 1645. Was it a Victorian creation back then as well?

You know what the fuck I mean you butthurt nigger. Homo Sapiens Sapiens are relatively new. If you're talking about their fossils they're all over because hominids were pretty widespread

You don't actually understand the basis for the out of Africa theory in the first place, obviously.

Drink bleach

Human ancestors evolving human features in Europe prior to when they were supposed to have branched from apes in Africa throws a whole wrench into the narrative

>Currently, most experts believe that our human lineage split from apes around seven million years ago in central Africa, where hominids remained for the next five million years before venturing further afield.

>But two fossils of an ape-like creature which had human-like teeth have been found in Bulgaria and Greece, dating to 7.2 million years ago.

>The discovery of the creature, named Graecopithecus freybergi, and nicknameded ‘El Graeco' by scientists, proves our ancestors were already starting to evolve in Europe 200,000 years before the earliest African hominid.

>An international team of researchers say the findings entirely change the beginning of human history and place the last common ancestor of both chimpanzees and humans - the so-called Missing Link - in the Mediterranean region.

Drink bleach


Macedonia just compared the primitive structures for measuring time on the plains of
Salisbury to the ones in the fertile crescent.

jsyk.....(White people built the pyramids.)

>One area
You do realise, there are THOUSANDS of stone circles across the british isles right?

No I didn't. The romans didn't take note of the site. There are no Roman accounts. Find them if you don't believe me

I know you're a dumb burger but you're clearly not blind so why don't you go ahead and read the op again

>How did they move rocks?
>All they had were wheels and rope and tools

Hancock isn't the one who talks about anti-gravity soundwave technology, it's common knowledge that soundwaves are anti-gravitational. And I don't think Hancock necessarily pushes opinions as objective fact either, he's someone who researches these ancient mysteries pretty extensively and presents his findings.

Using 6,000,000 jews! All perished in the construction. Never forget.

The chosen people built these marvels. Jews build more, even today. God has given us the world and broken our chains. We are the architects of this earth.

You're underestimating the power of slavery and extreme BC autism. If some motherfucker wants some rocks somewhere, he will get them there if it takes hundreds of men over many decades.

"Artistic license"

Yeah, and look at those stones. Are they shaped and stacked like Stonehenge? Nope. They're rough, barely dressed stones essentially leaned over.

The only evidence of stone stacking is tumulus tombs, with flatter stones, pushed up by earthen ramps and buried.

The only reason Stonehenge is a thing is so modern, drunken, inbred UK fucks can go

>"Oi, so wut if Rome built them nice stone buildings. LOOK WHAT WE BUILT GUV! The rocks 'r bigger!"

Why're you so dispassionate? Is there not something to be wondering about here!? Of course there is. FUCK YOU

>Post literally explaining exactly how people would have moved large objects to build these structures
>Nobody replies or even gives a fuck

They moved them with their minds.

are you lying??

Yes Hancocks theory makes sense Tbh he cheekily mentions the jew top once in a while,_c._1885.jpg

>"Oi, so wut if Rome built them nice stone buildings.
Romans made concrete that is the most durable concrete in the world. A mix of volcanic sand and the lack of steel reinforcement bar makes their base structures limited by imagination and simple physics. The fascia then was cut marble, or was painted.

Romans also made AMAZING roads that are still in use. The technology existed in the roman empire to make roads that lasted thousands of years, but somehow the Department of Transportation can't figure out how to make one last 10.

Whats even more fucked up about that, is that paver stone patios are installed using a simple roman formula.

>which coincidentally have a direct connection with Jews
Not really, most archaeological evidence suggests that the exodus never happened, and that the Jews never were in Egypt.

>the jew top
whats this? you mean the capstone?

You're clearly a fucking moron with zero knowledge of the time period or the history so I'm gonna go ahead and ignore your posts from now on.

Just for your general reference, not that you'll remember any of it: a very SMALL number of Neolithic people occupied what is now known as England. They had primitive tools, the wheel was barely discovered at the time (wheel was discovered on the edge of the Neolithic Era - beginning of Bronze Age), and did not possess the sheer man power to move those rocks. The Romans did not account for any monoliths, yet they accounted for everything.

I just did what your retarded education system failed to do in 60 seconds.

I predict, without looking, that this belongs on //X//

I meant too instead of top fuckin auto correct

this only proves that black peoples were in europe millions of years ago.

since you can't get black from white, but can get white from black.

dominant recessive alleles, science bro.

>Still dosent explain pyramids

so how did they build these structures?

Right, so clearly the only other explanation is an ultra-advanced society, of which, no advanced structures, history or technology remains, piled a few boulders on top of eachother.

Makes sense.

The Mayan pyramids were built right around the same time. I think there were other cultures- like Easter Island, that built similar structures also.

Only inferior white cucks need faggot gadgets to build structures, us kings built the pyramids using our cocks.

That stuff has nothing to do with Jews at all, you stupid womble.

There's pyramids all over the world mate, Japan, Indonesia, hell even Straya has a pyramid cunt, theres scattered egyptian-esque shit all over the place here.

That is the whole mystery. Congrats.

>knee jerk reaction
We have history, structure and technology it's just that (((archeology))) has already decided the answer as have you and everything questioning that narrative gets a knee jerk reaction


Back then time was not as we know now. Decades was a blink of the eye considering it took months to go from Egypt to France for example.

>Implying anglos aren't the true jews

No one mentioned ultra-advanced societies in this thread (at least not seriously).

ethiopians are the true jews faggot.

10 commandments come from 42 laws of maat.
circumcision comes from

You have a poo saying that very thing just a couple of posts above you.

Yes it has absolutely nothing to do with the Jews except for the fact that the entire pyramids narrative is based around the fact that JEWISH slaves built the pyramids. Geez you've really opened my eyes, I'm getting kinda sleepy... maybe we should all go to bed...

>Wouldn't it be strange if BOTH of these were a complete mystery?
Also, I got off topic a bit in my last few posts.

I think there was a site in egypt where burn marks and broken pieces were found. They tested the theory that the rocks were somehow heated and quenched and would crack. Fire and water were both available technology in 3000bc.

I have sat here and watched a few videos, and for some reason I am not "impressed" with the scope of these projects. I work construction, and prefer working in power plants and other heavy industrial. The size and scope of these projects does not impress me either lol. The solution to most of life's mechanical problems involves throwing the most intelligent and the most willing to work in the same place and watching magic happen.

I do understand however that the stones were a huge undertaking. Can anyone give me a quick rundown on the volume of stones, distance traveled and time period it took to create these marvels? It would be a nice little tidbit to help me comprehend.

My last project I saw a gas power plant stack being put into position. It was 7 pieces of the "tube". Each was 6-8 stories tall from estimate....100% steel. It took hours to move each piece to the crane for the lift, and just a half mile distance was AMAZING to watch. I was working inside the cooling tower when it drove down the road....I could have reached out and touched it as it crawled past.

Its because the human race is a lot older than you think. We once had technology that was as powerful as todays in some way but also not as advanced in others. Then the great floor came and destroyed the old kingdom civilisations.



Archeology is not a science and does not work with the scientific method, it is simply politically-motivated story-telling. Humans have certainly gone through many cycles of civilization in the past, the evidence for that is simply too overwhelming.

>some shitskin people

there's these things called ice ages were people move south to avoid it, you don't believe me becuase you're not smart and bluepilled.

>inb4 WE WAS

>Not the Finno-Korean hyperwar.

Learn the true history

>Can anyone give me a quick rundown on the volume of stones