I'm a liberal. Try to convert me.
I'm a liberal. Try to convert me
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You're already an elderly Christian conservative sharing memes on facebook. No converting needed.
I need more information before recommending an antipsychotic
No thanks. That's not how we operate.
Think for yourself.
The right wing is going to bring back child marriage for everyone except liberals. Better toss that kale if you want in.
I'm not. I'm actually liberal and I just used a generic liberal person off google in 2 seconds and there's no need to go to a computer right now for me.
Mt 25,14-30
Your pic is bullshit. Jesus never advocated for the state to help the poor, but for individuals to help the poor.
If you want to criticize the willingness of Christian congregations to give, then that is a theological argument and not a political one. But I think you'll find that Christian congregations are actually quite generous with their charity.
Show me evidence of why your right. Why is your side right?
In your picture - loving the poor wouldn't be giving them more and more free things. They would become reliant on those free things and either forget or never learn how to do/get those things by themself.
Serving the needy: what does 'needy' mean? I'm sure a lot of people have a different definition. I would say that anyone who needs help should seek help from God first. After doing that they will find help with whatever need they have.
You are weak and haven't matured mentally
No, go away
As much as I would like to convert you, that is a decision you will have to make on your own.
Mt 25,14-30
The state is made up of individuals.
Helping the poor sounds nice, but all welfare does it create a class of people who always vote for more and more free shit.
>spoonfeed me something I can disregard so I can feel smugly superior
Independent research works wonders, especially if you move away from your comfort zone.
We're all liberals, here.
What you are is actually a Marxist.
You mean attaining skills to be successful in life?
What am I looking at here?
Charity is a choice, a good deed done for charity's sake. I have to consult my conscience and decide if I should or shouldn't be charitable, and how much and in what way. That's my choice and the government shouldn't be able to make it for me.
How I'm I weak or not mentally mature? Give details and evidence. Why I'm I wrong?
But give me evidence on your side.
That is not saying what you think it's saying.
>The state is made up of individuals.
The state is a group of individuals financed by extortion of other peoples' money. God does not demand that they use that money to help the poor, any more than he would demand that a thief donate a portion of his ill-gotten gains.
Members of the state are called to be generous to the poor, but with their own money.
No offence and nothing personal, but I'd rather you just killed yourself.*
* - castration is a second best alternative. DO NOT BREED.
I'm not superior to anyone. Anything I do someone or something will be better. I'm open minded on what you have to say but I will think critically about you say.
You understand the need for the whole and the macro level of things and the way theoretically they should be.
But you still haven't come to terms with the human part of the equation yet. People fuck shit up, royally.
Let the individuals carve their way to success and keep the path as tidy as possible.
Let the weak ones go and die, it is a necessity for the herds growth and survival.
Until you come to terms with reality you will forever be stuck in theory world.
Then the old adage applies: lurk moar, post less.
>Mt 25,14-30
Where does that call for state confiscation of wealth? It doesn't. It calls for an individual wealthy man to give up his wealth in the name of helping the poor.
Forced charity =/= charity.
Big there are things that individuals can not do themselves that institutions can do to help the poor.
>I'm a liberal. Try to convert me.
I thought people like you believed you can't make gay people straight?
lurk moar or go back to clebbib
conservative values are key for a long lived society. Every society devolves into degeneracy before it's downfall.
Take the black single mothers for instance. Welfare made it advantageous for them to be single mothers. As a result a lot of kids grew up with one parent. Look at what happened to the poor blacks since the implementation.
Are roads payed by the government extortion? Should you be able to choose if you want to pay the government?
That's what private 501c3 charities are for. Private organizations. Charity is more likely to come from within a community, tightening the bonds. How well do you know your neighbors, user?
I mean pol is full of poor faggots anyways, it's not like you don't belong to the class that would have some of the biggest benefits here, right.
I really don't understand american people.
A charitable church is an institution, but unlike government it is voluntary.
It's alright OP, I used to think like you.
Than I started working around niggers
Render unto Caesar in the same vein as resist not an evil person.
These are irrelevant questions from a theological perspective.
Who's to decide how things should be? Sure we fuck things up and many times horrible to each other but we are also full of compassion for one another and many times surprise each other. Also, sometimes people fall in life and need help. Who's to give them help? Should we follow social Darwinism or should we try to defy it and be better?
There has been lots written about this idea and Haiti. As long as the Haitians continue to just rely on gibs mes, they will never fix their half of the island. Haiti is honestly a lesson in why hand outs don't work, and exponentially make everything much worse.
(A racist could also argue about black inferiority, considering the Hispanic Dominican Republic does significantly better on their half of the island. They also didn't log every single tree they had, giving a boost to the idea of conservation.)
I've been around for a while. Because someone older doesn't mean he's more knowledgeable.
evidence of what? your sides complete incompetence? that is evident in your every day life, every time you here a story of someone paying an 8,000$ co-pay, or you here about the declining and destroyed neighborhoods that have been fucked over because they were forced to house degenerates, or how about the people who lost their jobs thanks to all of the production plants moving over seas, I mean what else do you want me to point out?
Maybe you can. I need evidence you can do so though.
>I'm a liberal.
no you're not
Your weak ass shit is showing
Needs something telling you the demographics
Do you even know what liberalism stands for? Or are you just some dumb leftie?
Why do I want to go to reddit when they shut down people opinions? I want to hear it all.
Show me one (1) place where liberal policies are working.
If this is going to be a liberal nation that DOESN'T support the white race and want to kill niggers then how dare they even expect us to allow them to exist
>being a liberal
Don't forget to take your GRIDS medicine to combat the copious amounts of HIV+ nigger semen you swallow.
>Trying to appeal to my empathy
>I have none
Get out
Make a claim first. This is how discussions work. Make a complete, concrete claim.
>that poor reading comprehension
Oh sorry, I didnt realize you were special.
I agree that it's generally harder having one parent than two and can mess up children. But why has there been a decrease of marriages and increase in divorce rates? How about same sex marriages? Can they be good parents too?
Not all private charity's do what they say though. There be scandalous activities in charity's also. So why isn't the government or state good enough to give money towards?
Why would we want to convert someone with brain damage?
How do you know they're poor? There can be great wealth of knowledge and opinions here, you just have to look for it.
Not always, 12 step programs.
Liberals claim you can choose your gender and sexuality is fluid, at the same time supporting the idea that gay to straight is an evil implementation and overreach. Honestly, which is it, and if you cannot see how these two ideas are cognitive dissonance, there is no really helping you.
Sweden what is this?
>Liberal wants to be "converted" not "convinced, persuaded, debated."
I work around all kinds of people, sure race does play a part in their culture but I tend to look at the individual in my personal life. What encounter have you had that shape your opinions?
But Christianity has had part in government has it not?
Jesus was a marxist kike. Christianity didn't become a world power until it was adopted by western civilization and spread through colonization. We took Christianity from the Jews, and we can take back our future from them.
You ever be around niggas when they nig?
Liberals are a disgrace to humanity. We could have a clean safe super nation but instead we just piss away our prosperity to a bunch of shitty brown people that can't even feed themselves
Give me facts, stats, and why your side is better. All sides have problems but why is your side better?
Yes I am.
We don't want to convert you, we want to hang you.
>I'm unique because I work with diverse populations
>Implying that's not true for literally everyone
You're not special snowflake. You'd be dead weight. You're already wasting our time and board space because you're too lazy to do your own research.
Fuck off and educate yourself like literally everyone on this board has.
Being compassionate is weak? Isn't that what makes us better as people? As a group we are strong but individuals are weak by themselves. Caring for your fellow man is bad?
What political policies are important to you?
>There be scandalous activities in charity's also.
That's a good enough answer for you? You didn't really give me a reason.
The left seeks to destroy western civilization, We seek to defend what our ancestors passed down to us from them.
That should be all you need.
Fuck you, pay me.
What are you getting at?
Depends on what era of liberals your talking about. Liberalism means holding liberal views.
are you a Christian or Atheist?
Western Europe
Like I know you are a low level troll but seriously go hang yourself or go die somewhere you are cancer on this earth.
Oh yeah, those German immigration policies are working like a charm.
I like the white race as any other race and should be proud of your heritage, but killing other is what you really want to be remembered for? How are you any better than the 'niggers' if you act just like them?
Views don't age.
Both quickly becoming third world shit holes.
Do you believe in evolution liberal user? Because so far your arguments are more akin to something a bible literalist would make. If you do believe in evolution, an uncaring universe, and how the nature around you actually works on this planet, your question is dumb. That's being nice and mild.
The human brain believes in perceptions of what it thinks is reality, and basis ideas of what you hold to be "good" or "bad" values. Neither thing is actually real in any sense. Unless of course, you believe in a vengeful god. So unless you are actually a religious conservative, you are taking an illiberal stance.
Yea you do. If your human, you have empathy.
Again, you will have to figure it out for yourself. There is no benefit to me by even attempting to convert you. Free will bro. Or gal
Yeah, I'm sure 50 years from now your 2010s post-modernist anti-scientific equality/muh 50000 genders cult bullshit will still be valid, yes siree.
Welfare helps the poor. Do you agre or disagree? Why?
Meanwhile where I live in Germany I have to walk to the train to pick up my girlfriend because otherwise she will 25% of the time be harassed by refugees. Between these things, I have lost a lot of compassion. Sure theres cool ones I've met but .. as a liberal, would you want to import a ton of americans from the 40's to live in todays society? They would think women shouldnt vote and promote slavery, that would be annoying to deal with right? Well thats similar to inviting a large number of very non westernized people whom some of have medieval views.
something to do with foreskin restoration
>im a liberal, try to convert me
how hard was it getting your wife's bf to let you use the computer, you fucking cuck?
I thought it said age. I was wrong.
maybe you haven't been around long enough, but "lurk more, post less" never stops applying no matter long you've been here