Sweden has a cross on its flag: very intolerant! Shouldn't Sweden change its flag so it doesn't offend its immigrants?
Meme Sweden to change its flag
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Draw Muhammad(pigs and beatings be upon him) getting raped by gay, jewish pigs!
Other flags can't compete with our superior dragon fuck your crosses
Sweden now has a crecent to symbolize the diversity of different cultures in their country. The bottom colors symbolize the African heritage of all humanity.
I like they're flag. It's a yellow cross - indicating that they're cowards. Plus I like the shade of blue. What a beautiful country it is too. I just wish it didn't have so many swedish people in it.
Actually keep the swedish colors beneath the africans because that's their favorite position
Stands for blue eyes, blonde hair and christianity.
All the scandinavian countries have crosses in their flag you retard.
What does that have to do with anything you retard?
If only you lived up to your potential, Sven. It could have been glorious.
He doesn't want to be intolerant anymore.
>kicking someone who's already down
I wouldn't be surprised if they change it anyways
M8 what's the biggest drift you've ever done?
pls of delete, is of offensive to mudslimes, now i have to go suck off ahmed, good day.
Thats only funny if you hate muslims. You on other hand...
Only poorfags do that.
New enriched Sweden flag
It works on so many levels if you're a Muslim actually.
Also did you just assume I'm a Muslim? Sven pls.
Cartoonish and severely outdated.
Isn't saudia Arabia 99.9 percent Muslim or something?
Fake news m8.
I'm reporting you Sven for assuming a saudis religion. Enjoy prison.
So many reports, tfw more free in fucking Saudi Arabia than Swedistan
Can you put me some info about this m8?
Y tho
It's literally the best thing coming out of Saudi Arabia
Me and a group of ten or so boys were watch Saudi drift crash videos
This one girl walks up and says
"Omg how can you laugh at that"
Without even thinking I put my power level on full display and immediately reply
"He's not white?"
>everyone laughs
Dindu nuffin
>Best entry thus far
Muslims must despise Swedish cuckery even more than us!
>It's a yellow cross - indicating that they're cowards
kek I get it, American slang yellow.
Yellow cross used to be what heretics had to wear as punishment in the middle ages.
What the fuck
Southern Expression = Yellow belly (indicating you've pissed yourself)
I can get my adrenaline fix elsewhere, like walking in European city ghettos.
I'm not ending up on a webm, sorry.
You left Islam? That's actually pretty respectable in Saudi Arabia
Are you open about it or?
We hate niggers and cuckoldry more than you do, that's a given. We also hate mongrels larping as Arabs in the west.
>implying I was ever a Muslim
Never bought it. But it's useful to keep women in their place and prevent degeneracy in pubic at least.
I'd like to meme San Francisco to change it's name to get liberals fighting with each other. St. Francis was a cis white hetero christian male. He is called a "saint" because he performed a miracle which is scientifically impossible. Very triggering.
Williamsburg was also named after a white guy so a name changing campaign would get traction there.
What goes through your mind when you see pic related?
Bonus Question: Opinion on Melania Trump?
Hahaha what
So you like women wearing bin bags?
Also serious question I think about this a lot
How the fuck do you know if you like a girl if she's wearing a fucking binbag? Can you even speak to them without it being weird? What if she's ugly as fuck?
Not that hot, been with better.
Melania is fine. Way hotter than Ivanka tbhwyfamalam.
Not a bad idea anymore. Maybe an Islamic creasant star on it along with the flag
this one is good
Its time to stop kidding ourselves, Sweden is an occupied country
I've never been with a Saudi girl, but anyway not all of them wear that stuff. Again, poorfags are more religious.
No you havent, Achmed. Also reported, sharia-police is on it's way.
It makes me sad to see what has happened to my ancestral homeland.
RIP Sweden.
Stop by Sturecompagniet (the VIP room) this summer. Champagne is on me :^)
Not bad.
I've noticed Muslim girls go all in with the makeup. Much better than Westerners on average.
He probably has.
>Good English
>Free Internet access
Probably top 1% in Saudi Arabia, if he's not proxy-fagging
This is nicer than your first example. Different tastes I guess.
So how are you so rich achmed?
I'm average here fám. I don't have a palace (yet).
Nah I agree. I was just looking for one acting slutty for the first one. Wanted to see if you'd talk about Western women being out of control, etc.
How do you rise up the ranks in Saudi Arabia?
You're not out there prospecting for more oil are you?
What do you seriously think about western countries being invaded by your fellow dune dwellers?
And you know when you go abroad, do you ever miss the sand stretching out into the horizon? Because whenever I go abroad after a while I miss the green fields of British countryside... Wondering if it's the same for you
Sorry for interrogation Kek
T. Not mi6
>How do you rise up the ranks in Saudi Arabia?
Family and connections are very handy.
>You're not out there prospecting for more oil are you?
Maybe I am ;) A lot of us averagefags here work in oil-related businesses.
They're not our fellows. You bong of all people should know better, the difference between us who stop by in London every summer fueling your economy, pic related, and the fucking Pakis and mongrels who cucked you and live there as parasites. They ruined your countries as tourist destinations, see for example: theguardian.com
Checked. Always remember to archive sources renowned for trash journalism and clickbait.
>Saudi working his ass off
Hope you earn that palace eventually, user. I saw some great aspects of your country during Trump's visit.
Good luck.
Must feel shit to be compared to them;)
I actually don't know why you haven't been full scale invaded yet for your oil
>why buy when you can pillage
You retards were sitting right on top of the biggest oil fields (the former colonies of Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and Abu Dhabi ring a bell?) and simply left. There was no need to even invade, you could've just stayed.
Yeah our government is fucking retarded
(As is yours (you fucking terrorists))
cross and switchblade
anybody from sweden can give me a pretty swedish name for a girl ? Im making a char in fallout 4 and i feel like giving her a swedish name for some reason
>inb4 muslim names
should be like turkey but with yellow and black
(was thinking of isis)
Close enough? It even pays homage to pre-BLACKED Sweden.
aye but the final piece needs the cross removing not much holiness left in swedistan
>degeneracy in pubic