What's a positive experience you have had with black people Sup Forums?
What's a positive experience you have had with black people Sup Forums?
My North Carolina middle school was a Charter School. There was 1 (one) black kid and he was normal.
saw a black guy jump this guy and steal his shit and i thanked him for not doing it to me and he said no problem dude and ran away. but its probably because hes a well known crackhead around my area and i gave him change a few times
Older black ladies call me "sweetie"
I let my nigger roommates have a party with their shitty ass rap music on blast, and in return they spotted me some weed.
never had one lol
they make me feel better about myself
>i will never be black
feels good
I busted a nut on some mulatto woman's face and she didn't even give me aids
The fact that you are a degenerate does not make that a positive experience.
never even seen a black guy aka niger in real life left alone interacted with
Met some on Sup Forums meetups.
They make Sup Forums the most diverse white supremacy group ever.
Head of computer science dept at my uni was black. I talked to him on the phone a few times then met him in person and was surprised, but he was really helpful.
Black people can often be friendly and fun to be around, but theyre unpredictable and can turn on you; a lack of loyalty. In a lot of ways, dealing with blacks is like dealing with women.
Theyre annoying. In my highschool there was only one black table durinf lunch and it was unsurprisingly the loudest. I tend to stay away from them
I was close friends with two black kids growing up. One of the white kids on the block with a cop dad and an authoritarian streak beat up their younger cousin. The message from then on was "white people bad" and they wouldn't even say hi to me after.
U should have the same mentality about them
>black friends at school
>my doctor is black
>my local MP is black
I've had more positive than negative
My pharmacist is black, he's got a scam going where the province will pay the pharmacy for # of individual prescriptions filled, so I get dirt cheap generics for free and he writes off all the costs since I pick up meds every week instead of every 3 months.
Leave it to the black guy to not only scam drugs but scam welfare systems at the same time.
Chances are you had a pleasant conversation with me at one point or another here. I don't bring up race unless its to fuck with people. Have a nice day faggot.
I was at a coffee shop chilling with a black guy to my left and someone's charging phone to my right. I pack up and leave, and after I'm about 50 feet out the door I see the black guy running to catch up to me to make sure that I wasn't leaving my phone behind. I tell him "Nah, but good looking out, dude", and spend the rest of my walk home appreciating the rarity that is a black guy with actual morality.
>never even seen a black guy aka niger in real life
How the fuck is that even possible? You must never go to cities.
>5th grade
>abnormally tall and bulky for my age
>tall father, built like a tank, tall mother too
>go from rural county school with maybe 3 black kids total
>they're all normal
>to 90% black city school
>was always told that they're equal to us
>treat them like normal human beings
>end up bullied but never by only one of them at a time
>always in a pack and only aggressive when in a pack
>bloodied and constantly bruised shins from being kicked on the playground
>for whatever reason kicking was their choice of attack
>get fed up
>wigger that hung out with them was especially cruel to me, probably to prove his nigger-cred
>realize I have to stick up for myself and stop acting like a pussy
>challenge wigger to fight after school
>he doesn't show up
>talk shit about him the next day
>continue to act tough around them
>eventually he and his pack of niggers leave me alone
The worst part is, if he did show up to fight me, he'd bring his pack of niggers along and they'd all pile me.
You do realize much of Europe has almost no Africans right?
They're really easy to make laugh because they never progressed beyond that middle school conception of humor. Spend a half hour hanging out with a pack of niggers and you will feel like a professional comedian.
Or maybe they just find white people funny period. idk
I've heard the opposite. I've seen Latvians complaining how their capital has too many Africans. I figured every major European city has blacks.
there are no niggers on my city (i now the memes you fuckers) there are many mestizos but no really niggers in here, though i live in a small city
One of my niggas said I was his nigga so I started actin like a nigga doin nigga shit. Some white niggas took notice and them niggas put the beats on me. My nigga... I sold my story to the niggas at the new york daily news and they gave me a job. I don't even have to show up to the office I can just shitpost to their site and on twitter from my porch. That shit wuz perfect fo a nigga, nom sayin? The rest was nigga history. Muh fugga!
there are no niggers on my city there are many mestizos but no really niggers in here, though i live in a small city
My buddy in Army BCT was a black dude. We spent most of our time trying to find places to nap.
Being friends with a black guy and spending all of my time hanging out with him didn't stop some black knuckle draggers from accusing me of being racist because we didn't get along.
Not everywhere is a big American city. Hell, not every big American city is some multiracial melting pot. I grew up in Vermont and saw all of one black person IRL before I joined the Army.
Good to hear, my white friend.