Aside from identity politics, what else distinguishes the alt right from cuckservatives?
Aside from identity politics, what else distinguishes the alt right from cuckservatives?
>aside from identity politics
You say that like it's a bad thing. If everyone else is playing identity politics and fighting for resources for blacks or hispanics or muslims or Jews, it is suicide for whites not to do the same. What's your problem with this? Are you non-white, a jew, or dating a non-white?
That edit gets more and more ridiculous every time around.
The word "cuck" implies they aren't fighting for their own interests but for Jews or non-white's interest, like a cuckold spending resources to raise another man's son. That's a pretty big difference between the altright and cuckservatives.
The alt-right isn't really concerned about fiscal policy
I'm white. I'm just saying that the alt right embraces identity politics while traditional conservatives try to downplay ethnic identities.
Yes, that's correct. Are you against this?
I'm just wondering if this is the only difference between the alt right and traditional conservatives.
>downplay ethnic identities
Really makes you think. All these "socially conservative" boomer around who have had the majority of the vote for decades and yet things have only gotten more BLACKED and more liberal. It's almost like "I don't like gays but I'd let my daughter marry a Christian nigger before a white non-Christian" just ain't good enough.
It's not the only difference. A lot of the alt right are national socialists, but there's also a lot of libertarians around despite being at odds with the NatSocs. Both of these positions are much more idealistic than the near-center neo"conservatives" who don't care about anything other than lining their own pockets while the country is still functioning.
They use memes better. Ask yourself, when was the last time you thought of McCain or Lindsey Graham as anything but old and white?
It just means you are just the mirror image of the people you hate - both contributing to the disintegration of rational society.
Some of us also are traditionalists/monarchists
The alt-right wants to bring back segregation.
STOP besmirching the name of Dick Speny. The Left is going to think that they got rid of him themselves.
t. not a fan
>both contributing to the disintegration of a rational society
Yes, because the fact that 200 years ago people utterly shunned white women who laid with blacks led to the collapse of society. Suicide is not rational, my friend.
kill yourself shill rat
Altright disagrees with cuckservatives on a number of issues, based on the altright's concern with white people and white society and cuckservatives lack thereof.
>Altright doesn't give a shit about Israel
>Altright doesn't care about economics, or at least has a spectrum of people who care about free markets to controlled economies
>Altright is actually socially conservative and doesn't want fags or trannies, whereas cuckservatives are only nominally socially conservative and are essentially democrats on a 10 year lag on such issues
>Altright is for a strong home defense and doesn't care about foreign wars
>Altright has mixed views on abortion based on the effect on black birthrates
>Altright stands up for itself and uses mockery and strength to fight its enemies, rather than trying to negotiate so their enemies don't call them racist or think bad of them
>Altright is anti-Jew, cuckservatives are an invention of Trotskyist Jews
That's some differences. I think you have a problem with this though based on the caption of your picture? There's plenty of goofy pics of Dickie that don't imply exercising a white identity is stupid.
You aren't going to talk blacks out of fighting for blacks. What you're advocating for is watching every group but whites fight for their own interests, and standing back and losing because MUH RATIONAL PRINCIPLES.
No shit, you know how often I hear blacks talk about their blackness? They really have nothing else going for them, so I do share OP's sentiment.
Nationalism. Traditionalism.
Antithesis from "two sides same coin" globalism of the left and right.
>you know how often I hear blacks talk about their blackness?
So your plan to fight them on the political battle for resources is to ignore your whiteness? Do you want to be Brazil? South Africa? You know whites are the only people who value individualism over group interests, right? Meaning once we're a minority, we get nothing. Your individual achievments and all the stuff going for your won't matter, because you're white, you're the past oppressor, so your farm, your spot in college or a job, etc, will also be taken from you. Unless you work with your other whites.
Either way you're going to have to care about white interests, the question's just do you do it now while we're still a majority, or later when you're under much greater threat?
Would you people go to a prison yard and say "lol fuck the Aryan Brotherhood, all those idiots have going for them is their whiteness? I'm an individual, Jamal and Jose's interests are the same as mine. They'll surely return the favor."
>the right can't fight back because liberals are also bad, and they are the same thing some how
t. the enlightened centrist
Alt-right is anti-capitalist. Alt-right believes in violent revolution against the state
>while traditional conservatives try to downplay ethnic identities
If this was an honest interrogation you wouldn't have used a Spencer-with-poop-on-his-head 'shop.
Tribalism is the only rational strategy. Game theory nigga.
This guy has a point. Traditional conservatives love playing up Jewish ethnic identity.
Not true. There's many different economic positions in the alt-right. I'd say everyone's anti global corporatist, but definitely not anti-capitalist. Also not everyone wants violent revolution, some people think at least freedom of association can be gotten through democratic means if whites as whites were a real open voting block.
>Aside from identity politics, what else distinguishes the alt right from cuckservatives?
better PR
>thinks centrism means neutral
Are you Suburban or Rural?
Are you Chinese or a native? Or is your girlfriend? Why are you so against white people organizing as a group?
Depends on how you define "capitalism." I don't really like the term because it is poorly defined (ask any two people and they will give you different definitions for it). By "anti-capitalisms" I just meant opposition to the political goals of the capital holding class, i.e. open borders and so on, as well as state sovereignty (with state policy not at the whim of capital).
The highly relatable feel when you can't deal with your early onset hair loss so you join the alt right
Gotcha. Yeah, I think the fascist position as I understand it is in line with most of the altright. Correct me if I'm wrong, but fascists seem to be pro-capitalism but growth is limited in that if a conglomerate goes against the interests of the people (eg by outsourcing, etc) it can be stopped, just as how we'll halt anti-trust or labor violations today. Seems good to me. I'm all for mom-and-pop and proud national enterprises, just fuck usury and global capital.
ill tell u what u are m8, a loser