Who got the most votes again? I can't remember
Electoral college votes? That was President Donald Trump.
You drumpanzees never cease to amuse me. We all know who got the most votes.
We'll never know since the Dems pay for illegal votes
Electoral college votes? That was President Donald Trump.
barack bongo sure didn't
Who was it that assumed the presidency again? It's on the tip of my tongue...D...Dan...no that's not right...hmm...
We can't just please the high population centers. We have to make sure the majority of the countries land mass isn't pissed off.
The herd think doesn't count for as much in our elections. You city fucks can't think for yourselves. You should get even less of a say.
>muh illegal votes
Prove it, drumpkin. Oh wait, you can't. You need to just come to terms with the fact that Hilldawg won by over 2 million votes. Stop making excuses and accept defeat.
This OP sure is an epic troll!
Yet Hillary beat Trump by over 2 MILLION votes. Really makes you think.
ummmmm sweetie.... when you normalize the votes to account for people in states that matter (PA, MI, WI, etc) Trump actually got more votes
t. better statistician than nate silver
Yea. City herd fucks all coddled together. Again, you can't have the majority of the countries land mass pissed off.
Yet Donald Trump was sworn in to the office of POTUS on inauguration day.
Must really burn your buns.
Shill thread, sage.
how does it feel to get cucked ? you win by 3mil votes and yet the rep control every aspect of the gov
Trump got the most votes.
He DID actively campaign in the Midwest too, unlike somebody we all know who took them all for granted.
City folk are more intelligent. That's why rural and suburban retards voted for drumpf and city folk all voted for Hilldawg.
ofc you get the most votes requaired that those are migrants votes that you imported
How many illegal aliens voted in the election?
I've lived in both the big city and the country. You're dead wrong there. City people can't even help themselves. I'm afraid the opposite is true from my personal experience.
Who got 30/50 States?
I dunno
>you win by 3mil votes
Sure did. And it feels great. I bet drumpf is crying right now about the fact that most of the country voted for Hillary and humiliated him on election night.
>Sure did. And it feels great.
glad winning by 3 millions but losing everything felt great i guess
Who do you think feeds these so called 'intelligent' city folk?
Democrat strongholds won't institute and enforce voter ID checks at polling places, so we'll most likely never know.
That epic pic reminds me of a song I wrote. It goes like this:
Humpty Drumpty did not build a wall
Humpty Drumpty had a great fall
All of the redditards and the klansmen
couldn't put Drumpty together again
Drumpity broke his promise on wars
The lion of Syria cut off his balls
Putin and Xinping laughed at his dick
Bill Mitchell settled on his asshole to lick
Drumpity's presidency turned to shite
America's now less than 50% white
Niggers and spics, the kikes at the top
Didn't we vote for the bullshit to stop?
Drumpf he tried washing his shame out with water
All while a jew was fucking his daughter
And making the choices on every adventure
And you thought I suffered from dementia?
Oh little trumplets, look at you now
You were all duped and we all know how
Your IQs so low, we should just pull the cord
When will you realize, Sup Forums isn't your board?
Burgerland's passing now into the grave
The world will not miss you, the gay things you gave
Pretty soon you will look like Brazil
And that little trumptards, is the true redpill
It's now getting late, so I bid you adieu
Hilldog's the name, with my guitar too
And as you are niggerfied, one thing you'll see
You're already wishing you voted for me
No. Hillary wouldn't even come on stage. She was reportedly throwing a temper tantrum.
Also? Trump was not going for popular vote. He and his team said so. They were going for winning. And they did. You lost.
Now you can pretend defeat is a win all you like, but your part holds NO majority in any branch of government. That's not just losing. That's being shut out entirely.
She can go be president o California then.
Either illegals...
But even if not, welcome to non-democracy. Never were.
>How many illegal aliens voted in the election?
A billion! A trillion! Why not?
Yeah..but who's president :^)
>reddit spacing
Go back to the_donald, drumpanzee.
>'intelligent' city folk?
you like "science"?
some graphs comming your way, professor
what makes you think i'm a liberal other than i called out your retardation
This is like a meme made by a mom
Spic votes count as 1/2 of a white man vote.
Nogs 1/4
Women 1/8
Trump won by 10,500,000.525 votes
Trump is correct. The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy. Thankfully, we are not a democracy. The electoral college is perfect for a republic.
Since we've established that Hillary got over 2 million more votes than drumpf, let's play a game. How many tears do you guys think drumpf shed since Hillary won by over 2 million votes. My rough guess would be around 100 tears for every vote.
>call mexiturd retarded
>85-IQ mexiturd chimps out and starts dumping his entire redpill folder as if I don't already know these things
sorry paco but this board is WHITES ONLY
You have 10 seconds to prove your entire country isn't a garbage dump.
If your family arrived in the country after 1965, your vote literally should not count. Only, like, 3rd generation and onwards should be legally allowed to vote. How the fuck can you think it's good for 10th generation Americans to be outvoted by immigrants and their offspring? If they truly have "assimilated" and aren't a hostile conquering force, then they should be happy with what multi-generational Americans vote for.
Which counts?
Hillary Clinton will never be president. bewahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaa!
trying to forum slide the seth rich threads i see
your memes aren't funny
your candidate is a sick nutcase who worships saudis
the extra votes were the illegals you registered in a fixed election and still lost
kys shariablue
Trump won and you can't do anything about it
this happened to your father and coukdn't treat you on time, cucknadian
A shillary Calling trump supporters "drumpanzees"
Is like a chimpanzee calling a banana a chimpanzee.
The hillary supporter is actually closer to an orangutan tho.
>when hillary spent almost a billion dollars in campaigning and rigged the polls but still lost
>when hillary campaigned a few times in the midwest
>when hillary used the women card
>but muh votes
>but muh russia
Please fuck right off
extreme butthurt, shouldn't you be off getting your face peeled off while you're still alive by a cartel or something?
Awww, are the drumpanzees mad? I would be too if my candidate lost by over 2 million votes. Want a banana?
So Hillary accepted it when she won the popular vote against Obongo in 2008 but still lost, but not now?
>when you're in this much denial
sage this weak bait. Get fucked, shill.
I agree. Their denial is funny, isn't it? Drumplets are sore losers.
Based Mexican intellectual
>popular vote vs. electoral votes
Which one counts?
No one voted for Theresa May, tard.
Trump did
The bitch did. Yet, she still loses. Now fuck off.
>when you're an illiterate shareblue
Hey look, it's another Drumpfkin that can't count. That seems to be a recurring theme.
hillary thats why we call her pic related
blatant shill/bait, try harder
You can't remember because you're fucking retarded.