Macron said Trump handshake was "not innocent"

But look here at this pic. This shows the difference between a cucked mama's boy, and a true man. Macron looks like he's trying so hard that he's gonna burst a vein. He's concentrating so much on not squealing like the cucked French pig that he is. He's in pain while trying to seem manly. Trump on the other hand is looking like he's having a good time and is enjoying the look of squeamish agony on Macron's face. Frenchie got BTFO



>skinny tie
>girl hands

What the fuck France? Where did all your men go?

Trump let go first making him the loser.


>did you see me shake the fuck outta that 70 year old man's hand?
>let's see them make surrender jokes now
>gran-..I mean the wife will be so proud of me


>ignore drumpf
>treat drumpf with disrespect
>talk shit

He was done touching that sag tit sucking prick

>people think they're handshake meme masters
>think a single handshake tells a lot about the person
Who here becomes a wet noodle on purpose just to fuck with their mind?

I give a firm normal handshake and then I fist bump and say "fist bump"out loud
always gets a chuckle because I'm extremely white wear a suit and nobody expects it

t. wellyfag

This guy shakes

If marrying a geriatric barren woman and raising another man'a kids didn't convince you that French faggot was a cuck, a cuck move like trying to play games with handshakes and thinking that intimidates anyone should do the job.

Wellington isn't even the gayest part of NZ, pal.

This is the gayest topic in politics right now
There are actually serious things going on in the world

I hear that the French like it.


>holding another man's hand is dominate behavior

Weeping because Europe let the fucking Krauts loose. It's a good thing civilization got its stuff together and kicked their shit in. Shit, even the niggers of Europe (Russia) beat that pathetic German pussy up.

spot on comment

Only betas obsess over shit like handshakes. This is pathetic.

That's where you're wrong.

To a normal person they wouldnt give a fuck, but for trump he will absolutely be infuriated by it.

But muh powershake!

>It didn't have to be this way, Pierre

I love Trump. He's not taking any shit from these EU faggots.

welcome to the dumbest universe we know of

Germany was pretty fucking badass in the 40's. Now they got a fat ugly dyke and mudshits everywhere. No true German would fight for Merkel.

>not doing butt bumps instead