Germany is a dying nation and you user are why it is dying.
i do
That stream was fucking amazing.
They actually did a few interviews with them months after the show was over. Jesus could hold a show on his own if he wanted it.
You ll see.
Germany will save the world and we will rule.
kill yourselves, redditors
he really should,he's so entertaining #nohomo
Hes an interesting guy for sure.
I often think about him and wonder if hes lurking and what hes up to these days.
he could be posting right now
he has a youtube channel on what he uploads sometimes
it's called jihadijesus
We can relive the fun by trolling this nigger streaming live now youtube. com/watch?v=ohkslhEo4H4
Lets do it
he's doing phone calls man
just you, faggot. once they thought they were e-celebs and started doing interviews and shit it was over.
I pray every day that Jesus will come back to salute us once more.
cringe AF
I do
Fuck NYC Antifa for making the bomb threats that made them shut down the stream
These guys were comfy af desu
Just follow them on twitter. Their cool dudes,
haha paper yeeeaah!
Milk man is still reddit incarnate.
I don't. I actually have friends IRL.
Literal autism
I just want to cum inside Venti. Is that so much to ask?
What's their twitter?
I miss scarfjew
jesus twitter?
I miss HWNDU. It was good times.
Sam Kekison and I had some good plans for orchestrated happenings. I forget our Spanish Cowboy's chan nickname, but we were gonna dress him up as a rabbi and have him walk up to the camera holding a swastika stencil and a can of spray paint, then Sam Kekison would walk up behind him and say, "Whatcha doin' rabbi?"
Sad it ended so soon. But HWNDU Tennessee was a fun season.
I still think pic related was my favourite moment.
Before things got insane.
>bunch of shitskins and chinks doing retarded shit in front of camera
>"hahah so based! comfy af!"
kys stupid leddit niggers KYS
stfu roach
why the hell does a turkroach think they can talk like this
>Roach taliking about people doing retarded shit
>All Turkey does is retarded shit
Piss of Erdogan
He's right, though.
He kind of does, he does wrestling
Non-vay mann
I got about 16 hours of sleep that first week. It was captivating in a way that was unlike anything I've ever experienced before. I remember this dark shadow that appeared in the background. It approached the camera with such a stride you knew something good was about to go down. That man turned out to be Sup Forumsblart. Wish I could find video of that.
Well, that's actually kind of a lot
that's a big guy
I have to agree with this. What was so amazing was that anything could happen at any time, and we knew /ourguys/ were lurking somewhere. You would see someone spouting normie memes and you would just assume they were a leftist. Then out of nowhere, they would do something like that, and the threads would go insane. This was such a perfect event for everyone coming down off of the high from Trump's victory. Pic related was my favorite moment without a doubt, everyone lost their mind. Also this was pretty awesome:
like tears in the rain
I loved it so much it's been my wallpaper ever since.
The best thing is that many people was claiming that ourguys are shills. This really shows the stupidity of pol.
That night was incredible
>Jackie's first marathon shift
>CIA, blart, venti and many others all introduced
>singing in the rain with normies as a joint was passed around
>villains in the form of Green Goblin and museum director introduced
>Adidasbro shows up in Drive jacket and boombox
>Jesus, Jackie (with John the Baptist off screen) and later Kim Jong user take over and create history
I miss this dumb stream so much.
That was just paranoia from the /x cross posters
Paper was creepy as fuck. Do you think that he is connected with pizza gate?
I think he is just an opportunist who tried to get some free publicity for his shitty rap music. I actually saw him at a Washington Wizards and Boston Celtics game a couple of weeks ago where he was dancing and holding a giant clock, it totally threw me for a loop. The one thing that he was good for is calling out that faggot KK.
>pic related
Do not worry. He is living the life he wanted.
I'm happy to see that, he seems like a great guy, an absolute showman at heart.
Are you brave enough to take the PaperPill?
>Trump is EXTREMELY afraid of Paper
>Paper in contact with all peace and love on earf
>Possess ability to change world with message of positivity
>Owns blankets all over Brooklyn & one tent
>Direct descendants of the ancient egyptian kings royal blood line
>Paper’s positive vibes been measured on Mars by the curiosity rover
>Trump tried to hide Paper in Iron Mountain facility in WV to try to contain Paper’s energy
>Marked as Trump’s first failure because it made Paper stronger plus Paper easily escaped the underground bunker by hypnotizing his captors with love and connectedness to every human on this planet
>Paper’s emotional IQ can only be roughly estimated, but it has been said that his emotional quotient is somewhere between double and triple the world population’s combined score. That’s 7 billion people.
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of an angel who will descend upon earf and will bring an era of enlightenment and never-ending love with him
>All the energy on earf passes through Paper. You probably cant feel it though because the message is being suppressed
>The ancient Chinese would say that “Qi” is emanating from Paper, but again, you probably cant feel it yet.
>Why are such powerful forces working against Paper? Because they control people with hate and fear and dividing us. If Paper’s message were to get out to the rest of the planet then those in power would lose their control. Paper’s message can literally change everything. Now I guess you know why trump is so afraid of him.
>Also, Shia Labeouf wants to use Paper to take credit for when everything is changed and we are no longer divided. Just remember that it was really Paper that united us.
>Paper is the key to all of this.
>Are you starting to feel it?
>if you can say PAPER HAHAHAH YEEEAAHHHH then the spell is nearly broken
Adidasbro was my fav
>the museum director
kek gonna miss paperposting
When does the beta for Friend Simulator 2018 come out
>missing /r/the_donald shitskins in a based maga™ hat™ being nice to commies
>anime edits
They were funny. Whites were cringy
this piss my sides at this
They weren't T_D. The only official T_D guy I remember was the big fat guy with the bandana covering the bottom half of his face. Also, there was a guy that looked like a tranny and he was sithposting IRL (Anakin's "I HATE YOU!!"). Everyone else was either Sup Forums or twitterfags pretty much.
Did Stolen Valor stay at HWNDU to avoid his wifes cooking?
>Hating on /ourguys/ having fun
kys losers
I remember having sleep deprivation from watching those streams late at night for the memes and laughs. It felt like a fun time to be on Sup Forums
Same. I only got 2-3 hours asleep each night and had to catch up on weekends. I even watched at work briefly, but it was mostly normies in the day time. It even affected my dreams, too. My dreams were nearly 90% HWNDU-related.
It had that classic Sup Forums feeling like what it used to be about.
For the lulz.
>h-he's fast
If by that you mean fucking that short brown bitch, then yes.
>missing shitskins
Same. Best show ever.
I do kind of.
Why didn't Jesus start a youtube channel or something? He would probably have 300,000 subs right now.
Holy shit did pol finally red pill him?
It was a great ride.
>remembering when mods were deleting HWNDU
>all of Sup Forums uniting through the bans to keep them going
good times
Nearly failed last semester because of that liveshow. I have no regrets
Uncle Chang and Jesus were my favorites
jfc I had forgotten about this. I mainly watched for our guys but moments like this were magic.
I miss the whole hwndu saga. It was a great way to kick off the year. And quite surprisingly, we found out Sup Forums is more diverse than the dnc.
Jackie was THICC tbqh