Redpill me on hallucinogens Sup Forums.
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Redpill me on hallucinogens Sup Forums
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Not sure if you are serious or not, but I'll give it a shot. I once met the "Tremendum", or the "Other", or "God the Father". Let me tell you what, the Catholic Church (and I was raised Catholic) knows this and is lying to us and making us believe that the Devil is God and God is the Devil. The Timewave Theory was Terence McKenna's worst hypothesis, but I can understand where he's coming from. It's the teleological attractor at the end of time, and unlike Terence, I don't believe that Time is nonlinear. Time is linear, and it's literally a line, and you discover this on Psilocybin Mushrooms. I have a lot more to say on the subject about the mainstream Psychedelics (which are the ones you want, trust me, you don't want research chemicals) but I won't get into that in this single post.
And I discovered this entity on Psilocybin Mushrooms, should have clarified that.
go on
You can take a bike trip to any fucking country where mushrooms are legal faggot how dare you post this stupid fucking thread asking us about illegal drugs in our country you fucking basic ignoranus fucking normie faggotlord
Don't fuck with them if you have any doubts you're ready for them. If you're ready for them, don't join the psychedelic cult of "I'm more enlightened than you."
For the right person, psychedelics can act like a shortcut to a more mature worldview. Shortcuts come at the cost of missing important parts of the journey. For the wrong person, psychedelics can really do damage.
Time is a wheel with spokes that are lines. it is not at all nonlinear but it does repeat.
timeline, meet timeplane
>trip balls
>talk to satan
>Satan deceives you
You are basically like a child. I've spoken with the same, you know nothing of his ways or his teachings. He is lying to you, and you are weak enough to believe that a being that only reveals himself on psychoactive drugs is your friend.
Drugs are for whores and faggots.
If you take drugs it is because you are a whore or a faggot.
Asking other people if they like drugs is just telling everybody that you love the cock and want to get pozzed up.
Tldr OP is a faggot.
I never mentioned illegal drugs. There are legal hallucinogens you fucking degenerate burger now go be a good goy and slurp your fat-sugar concoction and shove starch sticks up your ass.
Well if you've never taken a psychedelic and do Psilocybin Mushrooms for the first time, you'll understand that, like Terence said, that culture is an illusory operating system. And you have to break that operating system and clear your disc. You'll look at your face in the mirror, and you could be fat and ugly, and still realize how attractive you are on mushrooms. It gets you a lot closer to a paradigm outside of human culture. You'll discover how much we are holding each other back by this operating system. And nature will humble you, and you will love God. It's beautiful. The visions are very Mayan, and Psychedelic Rock makes everything so wonderful. This song, although it is not Psychedelic Rock, will bring you to tears on mainstream Psychedelics.
Double-edged sword like any poison, like any redpill. CIA used psychedelics to mess with everyone precisely because they can cause ego death, mess you up for life. If you already hate who you are or need to find a reason to live, get in a hopeful space find high quality non-contaminated LSD or shrooms and do them carefully in moderation. Your life will change forever. No need for bad trips though. Go into it with love and best intentions in well-prepared set and setting.
We're all gonna have different psychedelic experiences famalam and probably inchoate views on our experiences anyway.
I have met interdimensional spiders, communicated telepathically, seen renaissance style angels, and have seen reptilian shapeshifters and suspect that I am one. But when sober I am able to concede that I don't really knew what's going on (but when on the drugs it seems to all make sense).
^You'll end up like this if you take too many hallucinogens
They're not fucking magical eye openers. If you're a degenerate retard all it will do is lvl you up from degenerate lefty into a degenerate hippie. Nothing more nothing less. You must have already the mindset of a trust seeker, someone willing to disregard the voice of the pack/msn/normies. I mostly use it to better myself. Last trip I simulated in my mind how bad my life could go from now into 5 years.
>keep doing drugs just because
>get caught
>lose job
>get kicked out of college
>get addicted to heroine
>over dose in 4 years, found dead on some common house in Boston (basically what the RWSS shut down)
It was incredibly realistic, almost cried when I reached the end of the "simulation." then I started simulating what would happen if I applied myself to school, keep drugs to a nothing/minimum every 3 months, psychs only. Graduate college in 4 years with no debts due to side business I have already going, get employed at a big company making 40k a year, 2 years later making 70, have lots of guns, probably 20 Acres of my own land. Build my own house. Almost cried again over the astounding awe and feeling of happiness I felt over simulating that. I like remembering that part of the trip, gets me focused.
Psychedelics are A TOOL. they are not like weed. They're not DUDE WEED LE PARTY DRUG. They are a tool to develop yourself, I don't believe at all that LSD will make you realize how da gubmint and THE MAN™ iz keeping the little guy down, if that were true 60% of hippies would not exist/be right wing. I took pic related while tripping on that story above. Hiking is like a guaranteed good trip.
He doesn't know how to acquire "legal" hallucinogens
He doesn't know about Dextromethorphan and Diphenhydramine; available in EVERY drug-store in the United States.
Jej. OK m8. If you're talking shrooms that's understandable, but lsd is just outright impossible unless you make them yourself and you need some chemistry background for that
no, goy, don't do psychedelics! ALL DRUGS ARE POISON!
Ur just a kid dude
>I almost forgot that I shared a thread with 19 year olds.
You idiot. You are God. God is the archetypal man, the ultimate being. A man's man. A hero with very few flaws, the beginning and the end.
How old are you?
Also I'm 22, get rekt grandpa
Done both pretty extensively, Dextromethorphan and Dipenhydramine are Hallucinogens, but not psychedelics (I'm telling this to the OP), the former is a Dissociative, and the latter is a Deliriant. They're nothing compared to Psychedelics.
They are dangerous. It's not as easy as smoking weed and feeling the DUDE WEED.
ALD, 1P-LSD, 4-MeO-Mipt
You never tried or looked into it dude. You can buy these in Canada with a creditcard.
he doesn't know about the dnm where you order kilos of skullfuck spacecandy dmt laced with dreams to your door for your pleasure
Thank you. Hehehehehehe
I don't do RCs, you're just asking for straight trouble if you mess with that. I'd like to keep my sanity and my bodily integrity intact (aka keep my livers)
They're illegal because if you lack self control you'll fuck yourself up good and lose the ability to be a good little worker making taxable revenue.
I've dropped acid only a few times, it was excellent and eye opening and I have no regrets. Friend of mine goes through hallucinogens at an unhealthy rate, and by now he's basically a walking 'dumbass hippy' stereotype. I love the guy but he basically gave himself mental retardation.
Psychedelics are dangerous kids, stay away.
dangerous when not used responsibly. condoning psychedelics to not be used ever for any reason is a pure jewish invention
I had a manic episode on an anti-depressent once. I just started going "dude numbers lel" and started working on the next fucking special relativity. Of course when I came out of it I realized how retarded it all sounded.
What's the chance I go insane?
it's degenerate shit and will literally break your mind permanently after you take it because it fucks up your chemical signaling in your brain
see: Joe Rogan sociopathic retard lunatic who doesn't understand anything he talks about
I never found any spiritual or life changing effects from Cubensis or regular mushrooms it was just fun to watch animes with my girl and her brother aside from that i took a 8 strip of 120 ug blotters that i got off alphabay and had a mental breakdown and cried on my floor for 3 hours then thought i had alziemers on a positive note after that i quit drinking and doing drugs and have been sober for a year.
And remeber drugs arent a dickwaving contest so know your limit and dont be a tard like me
Firstly based mckenna is one of the best speakers all the Jordan Peterson fags should listen to him secondly as mckenna said a psychedelic experience is as necessary as a sexual one.
Define responsibility.
You can't do classic psychedelics (lsd, Shrooms, dmt) every week, let alone every day, your tolerance auto corrects itself.
>abusing OTC cough and allergy medicine
>not just ordering much better drugs off the internet
Been there and done it. Took psychedelics had 'revelations'. It's all just an illusion. Psychedelics just open up doorways for demonic spirits to attack you or they just trick your feeble mind into believing a lie. I grew out of using that crap and started reading the King James Bible and it makes much more sense than some degenerate street drug.
Stories? I feel proud in being the least degenerate psychonaut of know. I've only done LSD and shrooms a total of 10 times at most. Only done weed other than that. And keep alcohol to a once a month.
My friend dropped a bit of LSD and tried breaking into an elementary school completely naked. Thankfully it was nightime.
There's LITERALLY a sticky about these types of threads.
Wish I grew up in the 60s. Being a millennial blows.
Its 3 hours of laughing like a retard with a slinky while you realize welfare exists simply because someone realized it was cheaper than letting the proles riot
Idk man, he seems pretty set for a degenerate lunatic
>meet incredibly cool people like Alex, Jordan peterson, Milo, professors of all kinds, comedians, some politicians
>make all kinds of money doing stuff you like doing
>have your own show with one billion views
I only watch the episodes linked here, so far he seems pretty cool, too normie for my taste though.
I'm just saying the stuff is out there in the open. DPH being legal while LSD and Psilocybin are illegal is laughable.
Try actually reading the bit were it says
>"(with no input of your own)".
I saw a kid at house party my neibour was having beat the shit out of 3 14 year old girls because there local nigger highschool dropout drug dealer thought it would be hilarious to give him nbiome-25 blotters instead of lsd they kid had to be restraned by 4 cops and he was put in a mental ward for 3 weeks because he tried to bit someones ear off in the hospital and the kid was just a normal dude and could use drugs fine
Hallucinogens cause feedback to propagate the opposite way through neurons as well as lowering its capacitances, similar results are seen with the google AI images which technically do the same thing. The results caused me to experiences alternating between being an atom and Jesus Christ. I would say its degenerate.
The state of mind they give temporarily can be inspiring, but you can't function that way in day-to-day life. Societal structures and culturally driven narratives are much more practical than thinking kumbaya everything is connected we are all one.
Pscilosibin is TECHNICALLY not illegal. You can order spores and grow kits specifically made for growing magic shrooms on the clear net. I've been considering it, but my living situation isn't as stable as id like to do that.
Terence McKenna was literally a communist shill who advocated quite openly for white genocide.
NBoME ain't nothing to fuck with. It's why I'll never take "lsd" from people at parties. The free market of DN is the best filter for fake shit.
I won't tell you the details cause I don't want to traumatize you. And I hate to say it, but you probably need to do different drugs besides psychedelics and weed. Psychonautics isn't all about the psychedelic experience. But be careful, LSD and Psilocybin Mushrooms are some of the safest as long as you're in a right mindset with a positive environment. You're going to have to experiment with other drugs that aren't psychedelic to be called a true psychonaut. Do opiates a couple times, don't get addicted, don't use heroin or crack or meth, you need to try Dextromethorphan, which is a dissociative. EXTREMELY good for psychonautics, but certainly not as good as LSD or Psilocybin Mushrooms.
Don't listen to Terence McKenna. He's a crackpot.
I own two of his books and while entertaining, he's a fucking retard assumptionist.
Here's some tips:
>Best ways to dose shrooms in my opinion; dried powder in fruit smoothie or made into tea. Eaten shrooms take longer but will up the bodyload. Tea comes on quicker and leaves faster, no bodyload. My favorite is cutting the powder in half, eating the other and drinking as tea for the other. Best of both worlds.
>Never ever take psychedelics when tired, your body wants to sleep but your mind prohibits it. It's a living nightmare.
>Weed is good for low doses and after high dose peak. It makes you feel holy with shrooms. High dose peak a is complete blackout with weed and not worth it.
>Take a minute to meditate quietly to find if there's even a hint of discomfort in the stomach. The shrooms will amplify it.
>Also, any form of anger or sadness before shrooms is a definite bad trip. You should feel at ease when taking psychedelics.
>Remember that setting and active thoughts are what shape your trip. Change rooms or go to your "safe place" (bed, couch, home in general).
>Prepare toys, drawing paper, games or movies beforehand in case you want them during tripping.
First time;
>Start with 2,5 grams of dried mushrooms or 100-150ug LSD in a comfortable safe environment with music and Planet Earth II.
Second time;
>3,5 grams of mushrooms or 250ug of LSD in dark room with headphones or alternatively forest in midday with music.
Third time;
>Heroic dose 5 grams or 500ug in dark room in bed with no music.
why is that laughable? dph actually remedies many things you retard.
I got it once from a really popular merchant on alphabay sold as lsd and i took one to test and it was coppery tasting and i spit it out cause my mom used to be a hippie and gave me the whole "if its bitter its a spitter" fast forward to the most uncomfortable 14 hour trip of my life and i put some of the reagent i had for lsd and it turned purple instead of green for lsd
Fun times
>I wanna be a hippy
No, kys. I find it funny, all my other druggie friends talk about how lsd will make me love nature and every living thing. It actually made me realize niggers are an insult to the beauty of the world and nature itself. Only beauty should be allowed to exist and if niggers behaviorally only provide disgrace and misery they don't deserve to enjoy pic related
For what it's worth with the RC LSD alternatives, if you don't get an Nbome it's close enough to the real stuff.
I have had no averse reactions with RC psychedelics that mimic psilocybin. Though there is nothing wrong with playing it safe and avoiding RCs. It's all still basically degenerate.
As soon as the spores become mushrooms I'm pretty sure it's illegal.
>you have to do opiates to be a true psychonaut
OK, kek. I'm off the psychonaut train then. I guess I just do LSD and shrooms some times. I will NEVER fuck with shit as dangerous as opioids. I won't even touch coke. Next you'll tell me Meth is a cool energy tool like coffee.
The laughable thing is that a hallucinatory dose of DPH is far more traumatic and dangerous than a hallucinatory dose of LSD.
have you done it? i'd say you're too fucked up to even realize how terrible it is until it's over.
I bought some chocolates, pretty nice, except that to get rid of the horrid shroom taste the guy had to make the chocolates huge. Tasted like the kind you make cocoa with.
I guess he was wrong on absolutely everything else then, because that's how it works, right ?
don't worry, guys just a retard.
Goddamnit by opiates I meant something like vicodin or percocet. Don't do heroin or oxycontin. You got to feel like the king of the world to analyze how to make that feeling relatively easily accessible in the culture without actually taking an opiate. Magic and God both exist man. It's a strange world out there.
I want to try a heroic dose. I may have 10x150ug. What happens during a heroic dose?
Do you remember the name of the vendor?
Hallucinogens. Although an incredible experience I wouldn't recommend to anyone to use them more than twice.
How do you know Satan didn't deceive you by writing the Bible?
Maybe you're the retard.
There is representation of this dynamic when satan tempts Christ in the desert when he is weary and tired.
Evil will approach you when you are most vulnerable, he will look to strike a lasting deal that you may make in haste in a moment of spiritual destitution.
I would not make that claim if I did not have firsthand experience. If a drug has fucked me up it is allergy medication not mushrooms.
I am still a functional member of society, but I live knowing that some fucked up shit is always a few pills away.
>as soon as the spores turn into mushrooms it's illegal
At that point it's off the shipping and possessing stations, very unlikely to get caught unless you're a retard, which at that point you deserve it.
Someone teach me how to use the dark net markets
Hallucinogens are red-pilled as fuck if you use them respectfully and sparingly for personal development. Terence McKenna was based as fuck.
Actually, time is non-linear (and it's literally a never-ending circle) and I discovered this on Psilocybin Mushrooms.
Top left
I was going to start calling you a faggot degenerate....
I smoked DMT, did mushrooms, LSD. DMT was by far the most insane experience I ever had. Honestly I felt like I was in an infinite loop of occurrences, I felt like I was going insane. When i took mushrooms I began to believe my sole purpose in life was to become immortal. I thought I was fucking Socrates, but in all honesty I went in sane and thought I was Jesus. Started studying science in the aims of discovering something that would cement my legacy.I never got that far, but I have a great career now which can be attributed to my psychedelic experiences.
fair enough user but it's not like you can accidentally take a "recreational" dose of dph. still you have to go back.
>Psychedelics are illegal because they make the populace hard to control.
>Populace easy to control anyway, no psychedelics needed.
Drugs make you OK with the bullshit of the world by placing you in a haze where you can ignore it. It fixes nothing, just ensures you aren't a player.
I got totally zonked on acid and I used that word for the first time ever on acid, later I looked it up and it was really a term for being fucked on acid.
I also began referring to my body as "he", in the sense that my consciousness was worried that it would die when it slept and before I slept "it" made peace with the face that "he" my body would live on.
I got to the bottom of a lot of my neuroses. You don't desire drugs, food, sex, or anything pleasurable. You're no longer a slave to your subconscience.
If you don't have a psychedelic experience before you die you missed out on a big part of life.
If you have enough self control to do them only 2-3 time a year they are fine. Most people are fucking pigs tough and cant get enough. You just know when somebody is too deep into psychedelics: they are very slow in terms of talking and thinking, they lose interest in most things and have a messy personal and professional life.
Other then that psychedelics are top tier.
>write a book
>make yourself the bad guy
>secretely want everyone to actually know you are the good guy
>somehow this makes sense.
Because if that's what happened, he's a fucking retard.
Scary when you realize everyone is one too many molecules away from death or psychosis.
Frank matthews
I love psychedelics but I hate the ooga booga " muh third eye" nonsense.
Psychedelics are not illegal because of some vast corporate conspiracy ( same goes for pot). It's illegal for purely coincidental cultural trends that were not conciously designed with a planned objective.
Psychedelics are fun, but they don't expand your mind. People only say that they do because most retards never take an hour to sit and think or listen to an album in its entirety.
Don't want to give too much of this away, but yes, you are right about it being some kind of circular revolution. But the Trinity's purpose is to bring us out of the Ouroboros and back into Heaven again. Most Psychedelics I would consider to be God's Medicine, but for that reason they can be very dangerous.
Yes his mindblowing theory that mushroom spores are actually alien creatures that landed from a meteor is absolutely correct, how foolish I was to question his awesome reasoning skills just because of a little white genocide talk right? :^)
Shrooms are awesome and have no side effects. Go to government websites to check this.
>Mild paranoia.
During the trip you MIGHT feel scared. Otherwise its all good.
>Psychedelics make you OK with the bullshit of the world
>You can ignore it
Cool, thanks leaf. I only buy from people with 1,200 sales or more and a 96%+ positive reviews. I don't fuck with retards with 300 sales. Probably a Fed at that point.
Haha, This is true. All that spiritual shit you eventually realize is just some bullshit.
you are an absolute retard
there is no red pill on hallucinogens. You get high as fuck and have a blast for some hours.
Anyone finding shit and seeking some meaning too it is probably mentally ill and trying to self medicate.
It will make you crazy. Do you want schizophrenia?
I don't know about the hippie "it opens your mind dude man bro", but hallucinogens do have medical applications. The shit in mushrooms that makes you hallucinate alleviates and prevents cluster migraines.
I've only done mushrooms and salvia, and I've had a few strong experiences with these.
The first time I did mushrooms I had a level 4 - 5 psychedelic drop off of 2.5 - 3 grams. I think they were really strong mushrooms or something, I felt like I went to St. Peter's Gate and my entire life was on a rewind tape and I communicated with green energy and was fed knowledge through it and intense life revelations, time felt 100% non-existent as if I was stuck in eternity. My friend left the room for 30 seconds and I told him it felt like he left for 100 years.