The white nationalist movement (or whatever name you prefer to call it) will forever appear as tactless, meme-spouting imbeciles at best... and murderous totalitarians at worst.
It is only rational to instead reject the labels that have been provided by your enemies (Does anyone here call themselves alt-right? Stop it), and live a life that does not contribute to the system that hates you.
What is the solution to all your problems? >Live a traditional life It goes without saying that if you are addicted to the "modern" lifestyle, you will be murdered by it. Abandon your video games, unhealthy food, drug addictions, alcoholism, and of course STOP WATCHING PORN. The benefits will be obvious both to you and those around you. Don't you find it odd that you are currently paying money for something that kills you? >marry traditional woman Anyone who whines about not being able to find a good woman is somehow who has not proven himself as a man. What true accomplishments do you have? Are you in shape, successful, hard-working, and family-oriented? If not, then why do you expect a wife who is the same? >Have many children If you wish to save your people, you must provide the people. And then provide FOR them. If you cannot accomplish this simple task that your ancestors did since the dawn of life itself, then what use are you to anyone? >Live off the grid, in nature The system you dislike is the system that feeds off you. Starve it to death by refusing its gilded cage. Grow your own food.
Only the addicted masses and their overlords could reject these simple lifestyle changes.
This is your reminder that the so-called "alt-right" is a socialist, collective idendity movement.
Isaac Bell
Tradition is dead and it's just larping now.
They shitskins are going to rape your "traditional" children to death.
>source >South Africa/Rhodesia
Alexander Carter
>wants traditionalism >wants paganism >yet 95% of the Western world lives and behaves like pagans
Carson Smith
This is a good point, but that is not why the "alt-right" is inherently wrong. White nationalists (or whatever you want to call yourselves) must move on from playing the games of their enemies. You accomplish nothing, and each "victory" is just Odysseus taunting and laughing... as Polyphemus throws the rock that sinks his ship.
You are one of those morons I was referring to. >Tradition is dead and it's just larping now. Tradition is not dead, if it was we all would be dead right now. Saying something is "larping" is ironic coming from someone who probably spends more time pretending to be a cool soldier in a video game instead of a productive member to his people's community. >They shitskins are going to rape your "traditional" children to death. Immigrants and nonwhites are raping the modern whites, because the modern whites continue to feed into the system that destroys them. Would the shitskins still be there in the first place if the current system was removed? No, they would be treated quite harshly.
>South Africa/Rhodesia Did you forget that South Africa and Rhodesia are in Africa? These are not white lands, they are natively black lands. The white people who live there do not live a traditional European lifestyle, they have attempted to adapt to Africa. It is no surprise that they face such struggles, especially in the current age of white hatred. If they were smart, they would abandon the blacks to starvation and leave Africa. There is nothing to be gained there, except by the corporate kings and queens who can extract the true wealth.
Adrian Jones
Catholics are pagans. Deep South Paganism.
Nathaniel Long
All of the IDs so far in this thread are the shade of green.
Liam Johnson
Luke James
He isn't that wrong, many aspects of European Christianity were taken from paganism. Many major holidays (Christmas, for example) and figures (many Saints) have pagan origins. This was done to encourage conversion, and it means that nearly all Christians who observe European traditions are practicing an altered form of paganism.