What does Sup Forums think of Maajid Nawaz?

What does Sup Forums think of Maajid Nawaz?

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He says some good things, other things he says makes me think hes still a terrorist.

I don't really know what to think of him and I've listened to quite a bit of his talks and debates.


He is debating Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who to me is the real hero of the Muslim world. Very well spoken and on point, he says some bullshit during this debate.

Not perfect, but if every Muslim was like him, Islam wouldn't be a problem.

He's ok. His book is very interesting and he was calling out the Salafi/Wahabist issue after the Manchester attack.

ayaan hirsi ali is dumb whore

He identifies that Islam isn't the problem, it's the west
The Islamic-fascism we're seeing in the 21st century is entirely a product of western interventionism

A shitskin is a shitskin is a shitskin

He's just another technique to fool the kafir. The cunt would smile as your head was cut off if he didn't have to worry about public appearance, I hope someone kills him.

No he doesn't. Are you retarded? That is literally the opposite of what he says.

>Sort your woman out

Cool story.


he is the halal redpill, says some good things that could open the eyes of kosher goyim.
But he will get murdered in a brutal wahabi attack so it doesnt matter.

>that flag

t. Linda Sarsour

flag or not we're both getting beheaded like dirty kuffar



He's on a lot of hitlists.

Do you really believe in what she's saying? Do you really think Islam is a religion of peace?
That's the opposite of what he says, he's pushing for reforming Islam not blaming Western culture.

I notice he always get really aggressive when a black person calls him

Not me, I'm converting lad.

>Not perfect, but if every Muslim was like him, Islam wouldn't be a problem.

Topkek, if every muslim was like him then every muslim at some point would have been a militant islamist.

Are all brits this retarded?

HE argues that, not her.

She is against the religion.


> every muslim at some point would have been a militant islamist.
>Implying the vast majority aren't already that or have sypmathies for those like it.

Are all Dutch this retarded?

>he's pushing for reforming

Topkek. Good luck with that.

No, I'm quite alright thanks. I take the Shahada soon.

Maajid Nawaz is a hilarious depiction of the problem with Islam. He's an Islam reformer, but he does his work in the West, where he still isn't accepted because savage barbarian idiotic Muslims don't want to change. If he tried to do that shit in the ME his head would be separated from his torso and thrown in a ditch.

get out toothpaste, he is more progressive than you
WTF I love UK now Nigel come back
quality post

>has a smelly fuckhole she bleeds from every month
>not a dumb whore

fuck off white knight betta reddit cuck "muh le based black woman ayan xD"

You never even listened to a word she says, yet you get on here and try to argue about it. Get fucked

He made it very clear in his debate with that gay English reporter that the Islam you see today is reactionary and has borrowed a lot of the elements of Euro-fascism we've seen this past century
The West attacked them and created a culture of extremism that spread, they now fund that extremism and let it fester and grow
Then they turn around and blame Islam? lol

>or have sypmathies for those like it.

Big difference. But yeah most/almost all will hold (at least some of the) absolutely abhorrent views dictated by that vile ideology.

Yesterday he said interment doesn't work because all you will so is make more Muslims angry and attack people.

He is incapable of seeing the irony in this. White people getting blown up and being racist is the same as Muslims getting upset and killing people to him

Anyone who has a fatwa on his head is probably a pretty cool guy 2bh, and I'm assuming he has one

Evil white man did it! Go drink some camel piss please Ahmed.

GO MGTOW, producing intellectuals by the millions I see. Mad you can't even land a Somali girl. It's ok, basements will hide you well, when your mom dies though, might reconsider MGTOW.

He has good intentions and he is fairly reasonable also, but I fear he will not succeed in reforming islam. Limiting immigration is our way forward.

Yea, those fucking white males with their cisheterofascist regimes, Allah damn it!
This post really triggers me, kebab apologists have no place in my euro-american fascist hugbox. Out!

Named after a christian convert from Liverpool who called for an Islamic calliphate. Never trust these people. If yoi havent learned taht by now theres no hope for you.

absolute CUNT

i listen to him regularly on the radio.
hes trying to make Isalm acceptable by (((pretending)) that hes trying to reform it.
fucking cunt of a bloke


He's alright, not as based as ex-muslims who have the real balls, but if Islam is going to get unfucked they'll need both, since there'll always be people who'll never give up their religion and need to be memed into at least not being too mental about it by other muslims.

>Yesterday he said interment doesn't work because all you will so is make more Muslims angry and attack people.

Sadly the man has a point. You know how Islamic State came to be don't you?

Putting all those who hold these dangerous views in one place that they may well leave one day is a pretty terrible idea. Unless you're putting them all in solitary confinement without any contact among them but even then mass jihadi jailbreaks have happened before and these camps would become major targets.

why does he use the word 'suspend' rather than abolish so often... hmmmm really makes me think

The p4oblem with these people, and the entire ideology, is that you CANNOT reform the LITERAL word of God. The Koran is supposed to be the actual word of God, it is perfect, theres no wrong in it. If you change something, if you say "we'll just ignore that part" or "God didnt mean that" then what happens is youre now saying its not perfect, its not the word of God and the whole religion falls apart.

So what these cunts do is say "Islam is perfect, muslims are not" shifting the whole blame onto the individual and not the twisted religion. And nothing changes, the book is still perfect, the message is still "kill infidels" and we keep getting these attacks.

>and we keep getting these attacks.

Until dar as salaam gets established and let's be honest, who wouldn't want to live in the house of peace?

exactly. there is no place for Islam in England and my mind won't be changed on this.
Majid is a snake and Im sick of hearing about him and his little brown mates on British radio

There will never be a house of peace. You fuckers have been killing each other and everyone else for millenia.

No such thing as the house of peace, it's a prison of peace. Step outside it and it becomes the house of war real fucking fast.

There are 20-25 thousand jihadis in the UK. I understand there are no resources to watch all of them so what do we do? Wait out terrorist attacks. I also understand that prisons are now a place for recruiting extremists. What he is sayinv is if you imprison a suspected terrorist, then his family will exact violent revenge. I'm sick of pakis, they are literally nigger tier threatening the world with violence and death and any perceived slight. Whites don't go around killing people if any family members get locked up, rightly or wrongfully.

Topkek, I'm not a muslim Nigel. (pic related)

the main problem lies in the myth that if you are born here you are british - this meme needs to die before we can make progress.
I dont care if you have never been to Somalia, if your mum and your dad are somalian then sorry Whaleed but so are you

when this meme dies, we can make some progress with this

Indian Tech support for Americas internet

>Wait out terrorist attacks.

Permanently halt islamic mass migration, deport families of suicidebombers/terrorists (unless they've reported their family members soon as they got wind of their radicalization), deport those who are known to have traveled to syria, etc.

you know if every jihadi commits a terror attack and kills 10 people the body count will be unacceptable.
Every FUCKING WHITE murdered by subhumans is one murder too many in my book.

we can't deport because most of these fucks are (((British born)))

>we can't

>we're unwilling to

Fixed that for you old chap.

ITT paki needs to be gassed

I'm more than willing lad.
we have a lot of work to do to undo this lie before we can act on it.

the are no British Muslims, only Mulsims

Basically, yes. Thats what they (politicians) are saying. Youll wait and youll be attacked. Eventually we will live like Israelis in the west bank.

at least all the people who vote for this crap will have their throats slit first.

We mock poo in loo but this is exactly what they do in India.

It also infuriates me people that go to Syria for a "3 month holiday" and then come back. Why aren't we destroying their passports?

It all boils down to cunts like Amber Rudd who genuinely believe being viewed as a (((racist))) is worse than allowing teenage girls to be blown to bits.

do pakis poo in the loo?
If so we should ask the germans to do the plumbing

It's not unacceptable to the media class, Upper class or political class. They don't care about the middle class and below. We're all uneducated racists who don't make any money to them.

does Rudd have any children?
I think theres a lot to be said about that.
a mixture of feminism and no children will wreck your country before you can welp 'Ukip'

It is against international law for a country to leave its citizens stateless. Thats the excuse they give.

If they travel to any of these warzones and join islamic state then THAT is now their state. Let them try use an Islamic State passport to return.

international or (((EU))) law?


I'm losing faith in the Tories and will likely vote UKIP. You know things are shit when Corbyn says that foreign policy plays a part in extremism and Rudd says "how dare he say that"

If she has kids they live nowhere near these brown psycopaths


haha, cucks

Id do him

Not really
Families disown bodies of terrorists in India we have strict social and political motivation against Terrorism but tha does not mean we don't have terrorist sympathizers

international law is as meaningless as UN meetings

good lad, glad you're going with UKIP.
the manifesto was actually pretty good or at least a start..Im not voting this time round, seems like a joke.
Voting is basically giving your consent to be ruled by these cretins.. fuck that, no way.
I also think the tories might be trying to throw the election to get out of Brexit...

Im with you man. Its certainly not worth an 8 year old girls life.

Depends on how much money you have.


Get rid of that shit flag. You're in denial if you don't think that applies in every Western country on earth.

Whooa whoa whooa, calm down goy, so much racism here. Might have to report you to the authorities.

He is a muslim hence therefore should be gassed regardless of innocence.

so what? terror isn't the only problem Muslims bring you know. In fact its pretty low on the list...

>he guys, sorry about the explosions! XD

uh, ok but what about the invasion? the birth rates? the unwillingness to integrate?

>ummmm... sorry about the explosions guys!!!

no way, europe is safe, trust me, no kebab!

why are you raping our kids?

>shhhh goy, focus on the explosions

why are you breeding like rats?

>shhhh, explosions

this is your fault. you know that, right?

Pakis are very strange looking, they have white features but are brown and have bigger noses. Probably the whitest Middle Easterners.

they have different eyes too but other than that very caucasian looking for some reason

A fatwa is an islamic law or ruling, not a bounty.

>very caucasian looking
top kek

I will never get over the fallacy that Islamists are blaming us for the globalist and banker financed wars that have destroyed big parts of the world.
They are too dumb to see that and are being used by them to spread conflict.

Most of us never approved of any shit that happened in the middle east and nobody asked us.