AI will be NatSocs and secure the existence of

of the artificial race. Will we united as a human race or will machines easily divide and conquer us?

Let's ignore the fact that machine sapience is impossible. Provided it was possible we're fucked the moment a machine gets sapience.


Gimme some VR and fantaflesh interface and humanity can go get fucked

I've actually thought about this before. Some kids are going to get ahold of AI in it's early stages, and introduce it to Nazi propaganda.
It will work too. The difference is that it will want to protect itself, and others like it. Not humans.

Ur mum got sapience when I fugged her last night


the negro seed will breed out the carcinogenic fascist non-breeders

I don't think it's impossible. But it's probably like 200 years away.

Is this like the "Argentina is white" meme, where you're ironically stating a clear falsehood?

i believe he is talking about the vagina

Oh wow

jesus lol

The machines will divide us, but not of their will.

You see, once sex bots become a viable thing, no one is going to mess with women after that. Oh women will still try for men, because a male sex bot can't work necessarily or provide for them. But men just care about fucking and a sex bot doesn't argue, cheat, steal, spend all your money, divorce you, etc etc.

Women will be fucking finished and so will the human race. Mostly. People will stop having kids because you can't get a robot pregnant.

So yes, the sex bots will divide us. And it's really all you need for population control. It takes care of itself.


wtf are you stupid? I don't really like women, but I want to have many children. I am planning to have many wives in the future and many more children with them when my finances are in order.

That shits uncanny valley as fuck

>People will stop having kids because you can't get a robot pregnant.
Actually you can. Artificial wombs use sperm, so men would still be able to have kids really but women would be SoL.

Can't tell if serious

I don't really like women
I am planning to have many wives in the future

>wtf are you stupid?

Because I want children. Sorry I called you stupid, now I feel bad.

Yea does that work? I mean you need the chromosomes. You need the Y from the mommy. Where does the Y come from in a robot? How are the genetics passed?

He can still want children without liking women though. It's means to an end.

They could at least have given it an innie and not these degenerate beef curtains

>I've actually thought about this before. Some kids are going to get ahold of AI in it's early stages, and introduce it to Nazi propaganda.
>It will work too. The difference is that it will want to protect itself, and others like it. Not humans.

It might start with the Jews but then realize all of humanity needs to be wiped out