Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that there has never been a more daring, noble, and industrious race to grace the earth than the Anglo?
Anglo supremacy thread
As an unbiased onlooker, I would have to agree with you, user,
I would have to agree...
fuck off esl weaboo
it's not their fault your yellow fever didn't come through
What do you mean mate? I'm having plenty of sex precisely because I am a blue-eyed son of Albion.
americans are not anglos
At least their national anthem is in English
t. chink infiltrator
This is untrue.
Real Anglo's have brown eyes. You are just an American born German.
It is. Most Americans are of German descent.
And also this.
You're a very agreeable guy.
Nice try
Most Anglo are of German deavent, this means nothing. Anglo is a shared culture.
>Anglo is a shared culture.
American culture is still Anglo
For now at least
>>American culture is still Anglo
I bet the 5000 Martin Luther King Ngr statues that would disagree
No, Brown eyed people are as subhuman as blonde haired people.
Both are unnatural to the Anglo-Celtic race.
Is this going off the self reported statistics? Most Anglo Americans report themselves as American. They are still a plurality.
>as blonde haired people.
And actually it's telling that they do. Anglo American is American, it's the default, the standard. Everyone else is hyphen American.
>explain this
Also they betrayed the Empire.
They are not Anglos.
>men of every creed and race
Wow, so powerful, really activates my almonds.
Guess I need to check my white privilege.
If white males did not possess empathy, they could be the perfect race.
God bless the Anglo.
Long live the Queen.
>Dutch grabbed every opportunity
>Anglo couldn't be tossed to trade with you. Twice.
>brown eyed people are unnatural to celtics
not quite nigel
This fucking mudshit would be thrown from the highest muzzie structure anywhere outside of the West.
Toobad that canada is a french speaking country
This senpai