Ultimate Red Pill Shows

I need more shows that open me up to the truth! Please share!

Pic related. Dear White People taught me that racism towards black people is downright stupid. If you haven't seen this show I highly recommend it!

Nice bait nigger

Kikes are busy in here today.

Actually "dear white people" shows that most things that count as "racism" are plainly not racism.

Its a pretty good movie with a shit title.

worst bait of the week award

Oh bro the show is waaay better. Not to mention that the black chick on the show is cute as hell!

I mean the main black chick on this show, although the other ones are pretty good too!

i heard it was a decent show, gonna watch it some time.

Admit it, the notion perpetuated on here that black people are inferior and stupid is bullshit. No one is predisposed to be anything. We are whatever we are, and while yes the numbers are rather concerning, we also have to take into account that there ARE black people that are far more educated and accomplished than most, if not all of us on Sup Forums put together. And to that I ask: WHY?

Think about it, "WHY?" If they really are inferior and predisposed to be the monsters we all make them out to be, then why do we have black doctors, engineers, teachers, etc.? Why aren't all those people stealing and committing mass murders across the country? I know that blacks are only something like 13% of the population and yet they commit 50% of the crimes, but there has to be a reason behind that. We're not factoring something in...

What is it?



So can I get some shows/movie suggestions?

Man.... There be some hate up in here

The young pope

>affirmative actions
>good luck when Laquisha treats your cancer in 2030

The difference between a nigger raping children and a nigger teaching children is a White man educating the less retarded niggers in white values and then hiring them to do white jobs. So yeah, they really are inferior cause they cannot live without the whiteboy or outside whiteboy civilization.

Found the filthy nigger

The show us actually pretty good and self aware.There. I said it. It picks on a lot of sjw tropes. You niggers get butthurt about the dumbest shit without knowing what it is

You're talking about the movie, the Netflix show is what the movie looks like with your typical liberal bias poured in.

>Preaches racial harmony
>Continues seeding racial discord

It's almost like every narrative they push is designed to implicate and aggravate a sense of rage, separatism, and victimology and then is assigned to the only culture that's classically worked to eradicate the "injustices"....



Low energy troll

Er ist Wieder is on Netflix now. I enjoyed it. Other than the few slapstick skits they did to make Hitler look foolish, it wasn't a bad movie.

> Dear white people is just satire you stupid crackas
> Dear white people is just for everyone
> Dear white people cast explain why blacks can't be racists

Fuck you niggers