Should the voting age be raised?

Been lurking on Sup Forums and Sup Forums for years now (don't know how long, probably since 2010) and never felt the need to post, but things are just too out of hand in this country and I feel like something substantive needs to be done.

We need to raise the minimum age to vote. And it should be AT LEAST 22, although I would personally prefer it if it were 26. There should be an exception for those who serve in the military (with the minimum age remaining at 18).

Why should we do this? The average millennial "adult" is far too sheltered and naive to make informed decisions about who belongs in leadership roles in this country at the state and federal level and which laws should pass. And I use the term "adult" loosely because the root of my argument is that they are not adults at all.

>A Bachelor's degree is increasingly becoming a requirement to break into worthwhile fields.
>College is not an appropriate "real-world" environment for a teen to mature in and gain valuable life experience (having a job, paying rent, other bills, run-ins with crime, etc.)
>Too much opportunity for indoctrination and (in most cases) parental dependence.
>And then there's pic related.

All throughout history our standard for adulthood has changed, and as civilization has advanced the age at which you are considered to have reached it has almost always gone up. I think we have reached another milestone. Look at the state of our college campuses. Watch videos of these protests going on around the country and try not to marvel at the profound ignorance and naivete of these students.

They do not have enough common sense to be allowed to vote.


yes, there should be consistency in all the different "ages" of adulthood. legally being able to buy alcohol, vote, being legally independent. these should all tie in at the same age, since the base premise is centered on "maturity" and "adulthood"

you are legally held responsible as an adult for crimes in a different way than a juvenile. so why can't you buy alcohol at the official age of adulthood at 18? (because studies show you aren't mature and fully developed until 25 yada yada libshit propaganda science stuff)

well the ages should all be THE SAME. faggots

and yes, the libshits will fight any attempt to raise the voting age since they rely heavily on the indoctrinated demographic with zero life experience in the real world, who have never paid taxes or had to deal with procurement of their own housing and healthcare

I don't necessarily think they should do anything to the drinking age. Part of growing up is about learning how to deal with drugs and alcohol and I know I'm a wiser man for it. But yes, a lot would have to have to laws in regards to how we charge people, as adults or minors.

Oh, and yes they'll fight. But we're running out of opportunities to do something real to change our course.

so if drinking age stays at 21, the legal system must be changed to set the new bar of adulthood at 21.

parents must raise their children until 21, you can't vote until 21, you can't control your destiny until 21

No - the system needs to be reformed to iq based

>Should the voting age be raised?

No, we should seek political separation through peaceful and legal means first.

Then the laws should be changed to reflect this...

1. Only one vote per family, which means that one must be married and have at least one child through natural conception. Husbands cast the vote, not the wives.

2. Even if one has a family, one is only permitted to vote if one is employed and owns land.

3. The only people who can run for office are those who vote, own land, and have a family.

4. Only men can run for office.

5. Voting age is raised to 30.

6. Age to run for any office, except at the state level (states would set their own rules), would be 40.

Legal system is all over the place right now though.

>Can join the military at 18.
>Can't rent a car in a lot of states until you're 25.
>Parents helping kids with their student loans til the kid is well into their thirties.
>Obamacare allowed you to be on your parents plan until I think 25?

Even liberals realize their pushing a world that's going to create all these manchildren, kek

In a more perfect world

Age? Fuck no. Here are things that might help:
- Overall taxes paid from earned money (no votes for leftists and your country's "niggers")
- A test on basic knowledge of economics and logics (no votes for most women) to be taken every 20 years after taken 1st time (and no votes for senile old people)

That will both raise average voting age (letting in occasional 15yo genius that is statistically insignificant) and increase quiality of voters.

No but people should pass some kind of tests to be able to vote. Too many fucktards believe anyshit they read or hear from big oranges potatoes

This would all be nice but none of this shit is within the realm of possibility TODAY.

Raising the age is as much as I think we could get away with today, and even doing that little you would have to drag along the left kicking and screaming.

That's pretty good for 18th century and US city planning. But why the fuck I need land if I'm not a farmer and don't want to drive to work for 2 hours one way? Also, a dick move towards infertile couples who can only adopt.

IQ doesn't measure intelligence on enough levels to measure, wether someone is capable of voting or not. Neither does age.

This problem could only be resolved by enough political education in school, from an objective perspective, so people would understand a little bit more on how voting works, how do you find information on your candidates etc.

Now at least over in Finland, all information related to politics happens only if a person individually is interested enough on the subject to actually do some research.

Even the basic steps of understanding party-agendas and seeking info on political history of the person you are about to vote, would help a lot. People seem too lazy to even do that / or they don't simply understand, yet vote because they have the privilege to vote. If one had understanding of the basics, it would help develop more critical thinking on politics.

>and yes, the libshits will fight any attempt to raise the voting age since they rely heavily on the indoctrinated demographic with zero life experience in the real world, who have never paid taxes or had to deal with procurement of their own housing and healthcare
You realize more than half this board is still in the college age, right?

Senile old fucks - no better than liberal arts students.
Shite, I'm 24 and am paying more taxes than most people in my country earn.

Also, men live less on the average so raising voting age would also raise % of female voters

No it should be lowered but only for white people.

Yea, most likely. I'd also hope that most of them are smart enough to see that even though this might impact them negatively, it would deal a heavy blow to the left and their useful idiots.

And I'm 27.

Fair enough on the female part, but how many "men" 22 and below would you actually consider men?

The problem with this is it puts too much faith in the American school system which is already alarmingly liberal. Throughout high school and college I can count on maybe one hand how many teachers I could tell for sure were conservative.

Even it were the other way around, teachers have biases and can't be trusted. Best way to develop a political identity is the real fucking world.

No, it should be lowered to at least 9. Most kids I talk to are a lot smarter than adults. Adult brains have been battered by bullshit for too long.

>Best way to develop a political identity is the real fucking world.

Of course it is. But an objective perspective of education is needed, otherwise there can be no education at all.

The real fucking world also teaches people to make very fucking stupid decisions without education.

No need for any additional political education though. By the time I was in 8th grade I already knew everything I needed to know about absorbing a new topic/news story and forming a political perspective on it. Logical vs. emotional arguments, how to weigh the credibility of a source, realism vs. idealism, etc. All before I ever had the opportunity to take a political science class.

Granted, I didn't understand the importance of these things yet, but I remembered them well enough to make use of them when I got older.

Nothing makes me sicker than a relative or a friend talking about how their political science teacher is trying to sway their opinion, or grading their papers with bias because of it.

Counterpoint: Ban everyone over retirement age from voting. If you're not earning a living wage, you shouldn't get a say in how a country's being run.

First we need to understand why the voting age is 18 to begin with:

the Voting age used to be 21 up until 1971. It was changed because the draft age was 18, and it was viewed as unfair and immoral that you could send a young man to his death in war before he could even vote his mind.

that said, considering we no longer use the Draft, we should reinstate the 21 voting age. 21 is by all other means the mark of adulthood, and is much closer to when a person might be in the real world, an 18 year old is still in high school and has less experience in the real world.

though at the same time, in today's world, there are far more people in college, which could influence votes of the young, seeing as how college is a hard indoctrinator.

I guess situation is a bit different in US.
45+ here in Ukraine still have soviet brainwashing while in US it is youth that is more subjected to communist propaganda.

What if you're over retirement age but working? Also, you could just get a part time job every few years.

My exact concerns.

Also, why I think there should be an exception for servicemen/veterans.

The problem demographic is abundantly clear.

How about 21 and you can't vote unless you've left your parent's house and experienced the real world?

Voting shouldn't be age based. It should be tax based. Meaning anyone who pays taxes can vote.

I'd be fine with that if it wasn't complicated to quantify legally speaking. Do you need to demonstrate you've worked x number of years? Parents can't claim you on taxes? Have to be out school?

This is also fair I think.

I agree, only boomers should vote.


Looks like alot of native Americans based on the Oklahoma turnout.

Not to mention do the votes get weighted depending on how much tax you pay?