post yours and anyone asking for a fucking template you can pant bucket over the colors you fucking retard
What do you think of the world Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Give me the template.
Alan, I'm a white German-New Zealander.
can you not hate me thanks.
why u hate me
Gold -> topteir
Red -> faggits.
>love canada
>love russia
>love japan
>dislike america
>dislike our closest white neighbour and literal best friend/most trusted ally new zealand
you left-wing leaning parasite, get the fuck out of my country
>likes Denmark
>dislikes Norway
Is you retard?
>being a putinshill
he rigged the election for drumpfy
>Top tier
>loves Canada
woah you can actually delete posts here on Sup Forums? I thought you can only do that on other chan boards
see this tread about why i hate America and love Russia just fuck you. you sheep shagging cunt nah not really your all right but fuck you
Alan, I don't own any sheep.
You got something against Congolese pygmies?
fucking bigot.
red is the good guys. blue are the bad guys.
Fake and gay
Correct and heterosexual
Mixed with Based Japan. Kill yourself
whats this?
you are okay with germany but hate based poland?
Thats it folks, australia needs a nork nuke.
Naturally a sheep shagger would dislike South Africa. 4 Million pale skins in South Africa out performing the whole of Australia in every aspect possible while carry 50+ Million shit skins on our backs. You fuckers have always been green with envy.
Why you hate Australia Namor?
I imagine this is pretty typical for Americans.
why do you hate me desu?
South Africa seems pretty shitty since blacks took over.
fuging r8
also everyone who isn't on my opinion map is irrelevant.
what's up with Novi Pazar, or whatsdat west serbian strip? Who lives there?
>mixed on turkey
you from sydney bro?
>Novi Pazar
filled with mudslimes
republika srpska
fucking shqips even came here and organized a bakery mafia. Using illegal slave labor to make shitty cheap bread and undercut proper, EU-regulated bakeries. They also harassed women.
Europe should be finally purged of the mudslime scum.
Those aren't albanians though, it's "Bosniaks".
Get your lads and beat them up
Pls r8. I was a bit too kind.
Whites = love
explain Ethiopia
>Loves the Central African Republic
You just did the world in large blocks that don't make much sense. 3/10
You mostly don't care. 2/10
I can't tell whether you're a sailor or you think gypsy land is an island. 1/10
>hating Japan and loving Lesotho, also what is Argentina?
You just hate everyone you misanthrope 7/10
I'd probably feel the same way if I was Norwegian, but why ambivalent on Germland? 7/10
Heh, 9/10
>all my opinions are directly from Sup Forums and I can't think for myself at all
Stay safe in these dark times. 9/10
I'd probably feel mostly the same if I was Swiss. 8/10
I can follow your logic for the most part. 9/10
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum/10
Pretty much everything the same. Except Love for Estonia and ethnic cleansing for all of Africa.
>hating Central Asia and Best Korea
But why? :D
Else, it's bretty good would rate 5/5
>Argentina/Chile = white
>All of Russia west of the Urals = white
Love the sentiment though
Why you dislike me, dingo?
argentina is white
Lol, make that:
>All of Russia EAST of the Urals.
Coffee still kicking in.
Couldn't be fucked to colour in northern Canada so I just did Europe and the surrounding areas.
Hint: colour the Anglosphere in dark green apart from America and idgaf about outside of the white world.
This. Those German-Irish-Italian mongrels can fuck off.
So, you're a weeaboo with a slight penchant for Thai Ladyboys. Got it.
>Britain, Poland, Hungary, Lithuania and Austria for their history
>Australia for their shitposting
>NZ for their based rugby team
i don't
Mostly cool with everyone who's cool with us tbqhwyf
no one cares about your opinion, burger
Splitting Russia would take to much time.
Argentina and Chile are largely white and they know how to kill commies and niggers.
That's harsh.
What? Why hate burgers?
>TFW you don't hate all niggers
believing the memes
you're a fucking autist
just because we had a war doesn't mean we're savages, we're literally one of the most peaceful parts of Europe.
Why everybody hate us?
You guys are awesome because you are pagans and you hate the muslims for trying to turn you muslim. Also your food is delicious, and your women can be pretty hot. Praise Shiva. Oh you guys also created buddhism.
We also don't like you because there's shittons of poverty and people living in filth and nobody there is doing anything about it. Also your people keep coming and taking our jobs.
India was a pretty based colony. Hindus are the best shitskins here.
Ethiopa has never been conquered and was a great country. Though the real reason is that I didn't want to fill the entire Africa with red.
Btw South Africa is a bit hard to decide because white people are completely fine but... niggers.
u mad
We also fought for the good guys desu
You just need to have proper hygiene
So did some of our guys.
I don't hate you Pajeet, i'd take 100 hindus etc for every muslim, your country aside from the poo thing has some pretty god-tier culture and music, Islam is worthless
Also stop pretending your name is Dave when I phone Mumbai tech support
Because POO IN LOO, too many people, and poor. Nothing deeper than that.
This is not a ''rate the people of this country'' but ''rate country''.
I don't hate your country but you still have a lot to improve.
Here is why:
+ great history and you removed kebabs
- only known for "weed lmao" and "peace brought us indepedence"
- your country is poor. no good education, poo in loo, bamboozle culture, etc.
I might like you once your country get educated with a strong middle class.