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Nigger Hate Thread
i post because i pity your 0 reply thread.
It's like someone sat down and said they'd draw every retarded stormfaggot meme there is.
I'm just wondering how these were calculated
How do you get more than 100%
"This is getting out of hand"
Hahaha I'm dead
this is getting out of hand
Saying you hate niggers is literally like saying "I hate asian food"
The category too broad to be useful.
At least 20% of blacks are intelligent and nice.
Grow up pol stop being so edgy
What do you know about TIRE NECKLACING?
It is foreign aid injected into an economy vs government internal expenditure.
say the Rwandan gov't spends 100k on its people, if it also receives 205k in foreign donation, then its 205%
I'm not a statistician, so I'm not exactly sure, but based on the info given, I think it's comparing the amount of aid to the amount spent by the government.
For example (and this is just a fabrication of mine, not an actual statistic), let's say Libya gets $2 million in aid each year. The % given on the picture says 1%. This means, I think, that they spend $200 million, with the aid being 1% of what they spend (hence "expenditures").
There's something gruesome and creepy about the car tire deaths. It's like Stephen King or something. There's a car tire out there with your name on it, boy. Being trapped by a mob who have to find a tire and this will be the method of your execution. Primitive ingenuity in the face of industrial society brings things back down to the roots. Burn.
this is the result of trying to get American blacks to live on their own terms.
>At least 20% of blacks are intelligent and nice.
And now we have Eric Clanton posting on Sup Forums
Was that just supposed to be a joke or does she really not realize what most of the world looks like?
Well, cannibalism is still not that common, even in fourt world shitholes
Cannibalism is a day to day cultural tradition in Africa.
Can you eat yourself to stay alive?
Maybe not common, but also not something you should be all that surprised about when you hear it still exists.
They really aren't. In no way, shape or form are black people even considered human. They're more like trained apes.
this is the way I read it, otherwise, how would it calculate 195%?
this depresses me so much. it's not that a large part of my country is worthless, does not work or do anything productive and just leaches off of the people who do work. there is an entire fucking continent we are working for aswell. i also work with the disabled. i get up to do shit for people who can't or won't do shit for themselves so i can pay taxes so more people all over the world can get free shit from my labour. literally let them all die, i do not care. fuck these people. why should i work to let all these defective useless shits continue being a drain on everyone? fuck this gay earth!
Wow 20% I'm going to go speak to a nigger now if it's only an 80% chance of being robbed raped or murdered
>i wonder how many blowjobs it cost to use the pod bosses phone?
Does this count?
I recently stumbled upon TheColi forum not initially realizing what it was, and its been giving me a few laughs. Black racism towards whites is really a special thing because it requires some serious delusion, mental gymnastics and double standards to pull it off.
> "White people are primitive cavemen"
> Niggers millenia behind us
>"White people are inherently violent and evil"
> Niggers commit murders, rapes, assaults etc at an astronomically higher rate than whites.
>"whites just steal culture and have none of their own"
>Using the internet to talk shit with fellow niggers while living in the West
>"whitey be planning to eradicate our race"
> White charity causing African population to skyrocket, whitey allowing millions of niggers into white countries, whites in negative birthrates.
>"i'm scared of racist whitey"
> White on black violent crime miniscule compared to vice versa
>"whites steal history"
> Pretend to be Egyptians and Moors, claim you invented practically everything on earth and are Gods chosen people.
>"white people be coming into our neighborhoods gentrifying an sheet"
> Neighborhood was white a few decades earlier before the niggers started getting bussed in and turned the place into a shithole. Whitey comes back, makes area better attracting a higher quality of people which in turns raises house prices and boosts local economy. Niggers mad because none of them bothered to buy a house or start a business in the decades they were left alone.
>"whites hate us for no reason, they just be evil racists"
> commit insane amounts of crime, encroach on white societies in ever increasing numbers, ruin neighborhoods, put disproportionate strain on housing, education, policing, healthcare and welfare, constantly complain about white people and demand they give you more shit.
>"white people are overrepresented, white beauty standards are pushed as the norm, its white supremacy ya'll"
>Lives in the west
Getting out of "hand". kek
>ITT lil-dicked white bois taking out their rage over having small dicks and being unable to score with white women while Black men can
Niggers made peanut butter? I thought It was Jewish conspiracy to make countries unhealthy.
>Stomfaggot meme
>Niggers inventing anything
Shoo shoo leaf
>muh dick niggha.
>reperashunz yall
>lit af senpai.
#we kangs.
Lol niggers make me lol.
Why does f.a.m become senpai ffs man
Lurk moar faggot
fuck off jigaboo
But white people are racist this is clearly evidenced by the rape statistics. 0% black women are raped by whites. Not one white person wanted to take our women for free sex not one you racist pigs. All whites must die
I'm getting Leopold vibes from that
Glorious African culture. We must import this immediately
If they haven't developed a taste for white meat this seems like a sound plan. Since your nanny state doesn't allow guns you don't have an effective check to keep the population down.
Why do niggers act like teen gangs in Clockwork Orange?
They're not acting
>be baby
>have black babysitter
>live in africa
>born in ghetto
Le niggers aren't all STUPID! Le based niggers amirite pedes?!?! XD
too fucking far
Is he dancing in the end or what?
Niggers gonna nig.
daaaauuuumn dat niglet got btfo
man that 'kick' was so weak i aint even mad
they dance a lot
only in america
>Reese Bowman, an eight-month-old white baby, was killed at the Rocket Tiers Daycare in Baltimore, MD. Police say that Leah Waldon, a 23-year-old black female, was caught on camera intentionally killing the baby.
>Waldon has been charged with 1st-degree murder. Col. Stanley Branford of the Baltimore City Police described the incident as “torture.” He says that Walden can be seen striking, bodyslamming, and swinging the baby by one arm. She also appears to be smothering the baby with blankets and pillows. Brandford says that Bowman keeps looking around to make sure no one else can see what she is doing.
When will the media address the problem of anti-white violence in the US that is even being directed at children?
Go play russian roulette. Preferably with five bullets. After all, there's only an 83% chance that you'll die, the other 17% is what really matters in this world.
who are these? Find them, make them pay
and people watch because this is normal nigger behavior instead of stopping child abuse. animals
>hating on blacks
It's the establishment that keep black people down you tards. They keep black people down by giving them too much welfare.
If america tried more capitalism and free markets in the black communities, those communities will become like white ones.
Plz kill me
the fuck? did his shadow fall off?
Final Redpill :
this is my best because i don't fill my head and pc with accounts of barbarism.
>Jewish conspiracy to make countries unhealthy
There's nothing unhealthy about peanut butter, except the cost has skyrocketed in recent years, I'll call that the kike conspiracy
haha muh ground wire
lectricity is haaard
Daddy's proud, Angola. Now take care of your brothers
>still instinctively reaches for muh dick