Is the United States collapsing like the Roman Empire?

>Constant stream of barbarian migration
>Collapsing plebeian class
>Election campaigns cost more and more
>Foreign powers and wealthy donors largely influence the decisions of politicians
>Increasingly vulnerable to tyrants
>A state of continuous war

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Rome collapsed due to increased migration and faliure to assimilate them, internal strife that was resulting in civil wars and ropping tax revenues that resulted in debasing of the currency (more copper in coins) which in turn drove inflation up and caused rising food prices.

USA still has some 30-50 years of stagnation before they collapse. Things need to go much worse for them than they are now. They still have it good.

No. It is collapsing the world, part europe, d&c as since 1945


There's lots of parallels, but I'm pretty sure it's not the first or the last empire that collapsed that way. What they didn't have is the technology we have.

I'm sure Rome made the same conclusion

Yes. Exactly like it.

It is being destroyed by subversive Jews pushing a anti-state Utopian fantasy to cucks, women and the mutlicultural underclass.

Rome didn't have internet, computers, electricity. US may lose it's relevance but it won't explode

There was more than that to the fall of the Roman Empire, historian agree on at least 14 factors that eventually led to the decline of the Western Roman Empire.

The Western Roman Empire had ups and downs and went from crisis to crisis for over 400 years before eventually collapsing.

It's fun to make the parallels like Molymeme did but it's still comparing apples and oranges.

it would be a sad day when the US collapses

More importantly, will we enter a new 'dark age' after the collapse?

I think what we're seeing is enlightenment ideas being finally brought to their own absurd conclusion. Either we destroy ourselves in the name of tolerance and individualism or we get rid of them and move on.

I think you can compare any country that exists today to Rome in lots of ways, because Rome was such an important step in the development of civilization.

yes. but that includes western Europe as well.

Western Europe is just an extension of the US at this point. If they collapse we're fucked too

US is no where near collapsing yet but give it a few more generations.

serves them right for fucking with Carthage

Mostly include all Western Civilization countries. USA is the new Rome and the rest are the colonies.

That's probably what the soviets said about the Union.

we arent there yet,if this is susposed to be like rome,then trump is caesar and we still have time left

Same goes for Europe, it's only a matter of time..

Probably, it's happened before. If US goes down it will likely drag UK and Europe down with it. We're in a globalised economy.


It was the Sea Peoples. kek

There is huge number of leftists including academics that will celebrate it, just before their short celebration is stopped by Tyrone's machete

New England will form a new superpower
The south will form dixieland and kill all non-whited

Not just USA. Entire west.

Losing a long term rival usually leads to a small golden age and then eventual collapse.

Rome lost carthage, expanded well immediately after and prospered. Then stagnated and eventually collapsed (although parthia probably extended that)

Britain lost france, expanded and prospered for a century and then the empire collapsed

The US lost the soviets, did well for 30+ years and now we may start to see a stagnation. China's growth in power may be what the US needs in the short term to stay unified

Except we can take every last one of you faggots down with us. The US going down is not in ypur interests

>ctrl+F "christianity" 0 results

You armchair historians dont understand shit.

If the US collapses, China collapses and that means the biggest migration/war in the history of the huma race.

No, it's all the fault of women. Apparently women started getting more and more power as Rome declined.

Funny, through. You had to wonder why the Romans had to rely on barbarian mercenaries instead of recruiting citizens. I'm sure they're feeling disenfranchized like what the men of today are feeling.

We were the chosen ones.

Britain lost its empire because of World War 2.

It would have gone the same way eventually but would have lasted longer at least.

>Rome lost Carthage

Rome still had the Persian Empire/Sassanid Empire, which it ironically fought for centuries, which drained it of ressources and manpower.

If you think Christianity was the cause of Roman Empire collapse you are a dumb nigger, Roman Empire was a dying one when Christianity arive.

>Rome lost Carthage then collapsed
500 years later you fucking retard

>Implying they're not nihilists that would secretly welcome death
Even Ayn Rand recognized this.

Economically, yes. The USA and much of the western world is copying Rome economically in many ways. The biggest difference that may save us though is that we have the internet. Most people don't realize what a game-changer the internet is for mankind. It'll likely break us out of the cyclical nature of history.

Yes. And it will be replaced by the United States.

The Bretton Woods system has gotten the rest of the world's countries used to not having their own navies to guard their shipping lanes. So there is currently only one navy in the world that is worth anything.

united states of byzantine when ?

>it's only a matter of time..

what you're seeing right now in Europe is actually the product of a carefully engineered plan that has been going on ever since the aftermath of WW2. The conception of the plan can, however, be dated back to the early 1900's.

Things cannot be reverted on a macro level for Europe. Some states will survive longer than the others, but the fact of the matter is that the process is irreversible and it will completely change the shape of our continent slowly, but steady. Forced immigration over a decaying demographic-meltdown exhibited by Europe = suicide.

And at the end of the day, always remember - everything is for the money.

>webm slightly related

I said it stagnated after a couple of centuries you dopey cunt. By the time of caligula it had pretty much stopped expanding and begun to stagnate.
200 (a couple of centuries) after the third punic war

i dont think so. the internet is another layer of infrastructure dependent on more basic layers like electricity and international manufacturing.
You take out those layers the internet is also useless

All great powers are destroyed from within. You can't buy off the barbarians and take the country in debt while defunding your armies.