Virath Hindu Brahmins-The original Aryans

Hindu brahmins will rule the world by 2020.Your frog wont protect you for long.

Other urls found in this thread: from Pompeii.htm

Do they have legal weed tho



>that id

>id with poo
top kek

>ID: PO0


I know what you are talking about.But thats the inferior dalits.We live in gated colonies and stay away from them.They are untouchables.Us Virath Hindus havery light skin and and have superior genetic build.

That ID mann.

>one shit by this ID

Brahmins are certified bro-tier TM

>ID is literally POO

Literally niggers
Punjabis and Kashmiris are caucasoid, aesthetic and intelligent people, though

Not till now.The pseudo secular govt befor has always followed the victorian ways.BUt its chaning now.Our God Shiva was a grade A level Pothead who smoked from his chillum and is also the destroyer of life.We indians consume cannabis on special occasions like holi.IIts made in our house.To appease to the porkis and the seculars our Hindu culture was lost.But we are gaining it back.Harr Harr Modi Ghar GHar modi


All those cholera bacterias, must have scrambled your brain, poo-de-loo.

>Also ID= POO

No those are Tam Brahms.They aren't real brahmins.They are fake nigger brahmins.Us North Indian White skinned brahmins are the Original Aryans

>literally finding nothing
>playing board game invented by persians

Nice try poo


Poos in a loo
Shits in designated shitting streets

PO0 1N TH3 L0O

Your protected by 'browner' more tanned Tha you, Indians...
So might wanna go Albania to phuc Europe up some more, plebtard.

Fucking indian pice of shit. That is a mediterranean not a fucking Indian shitskin.

>Trying to chat shit
Ok pahjeet go back to cleaning my toilet

you're communicating to us in English. You automatically lose any argument about civilisations. POO AT THE BEACH BRAH

HAHAHAHAHA The British Empire (whites) dominated your country. As a Mediterranean myself, you do not look like this, heres a better photo.

reminder that Romans also PO0: from Pompeii.htm

(((Virath Hindu))) Not exactly Aryan shitposter plebtard

when the chimp is whiter than pajeet


"streets were filled with rubbish and then people would then have a poo on top of the rubbish. I wanted to video the way that people were just pooing everywhere but I didn't really have the balls to whip out the camera and film someone having a poo as they stare directly at you"

>4 shits by this ID

Seriously India, do you have a case of the runs?



>out of india theory

my favourite part is when Indians start to tell him he didn't portray the "real" India and then he answers them that he actually took a lot of the worse parts out, like a mob of Indians surrounding him, trying to rob him and pinning the blame of the truck crashing on him.

>That fucking ID

Top fucking kek, sit the fuck down pajeet

Must we really fight over who had the best mathematicians? I assume you have heard of Carl Friedrich Gauss, Gottfried Leibniz, Isaac Newton, Bernhard Riemann, Leonhard Euler... and those are just taken from the last 4 centuries
Dude the only reason your nation is not on nigger level is that you're of indo-european origin. Your upper class might be of some worth but most of your country consists of people shiting on the streets. If it wasn't for us your country would be an even bigger pile of shit.

India is officially un based

Someone screenshot then make a zoom meme ending on a close up of PO0.
This MUST be immortalized
>inb4 "in can be done in MS paint you lazy nigger"



>that ID

You are full of shit even your ID tells that lol

>Indians are superior to whites
Yeah, your country was fucking conquered by whites, indofag.

>europeans invented nothing
how about the technology you're using right now to make this retarded post.

>so much effort ruined by a fucking id

pol would be converted to sanskirt soon.

Jews(part of the medditerranean race) rule and will rule the world forever

Learn how to shit at home before defecating in this honorable platform. Hard mode: learn how to use toilet paper first, superturds. Indian women don't give birth through the anus.




Holy shit op you had one fucking job

madarchod kyun tamasha bana kr rakha hai, rahi sahi izzat ki maa mat chod

top fucking kek

If you can find even ONE indian "woman" amongst over a billion, even half as cute as one of these average nordic girls, I'll give you everything i have

I think a filthy poor macedonian has nothing to contribute to such a topic You dont want to mess with thousand of our Virath Hindus.The 3rd eye of shiva will burn you to pieces.

You can't even rule your shit waters

I feel so sorry for you, Pajeet



But those are British and Irish girls in a multi school school event.





Designated shitpost?

why do they darken their eyes?

gypos are upper caste brahmin

The populations showing closest relatedness to Roma were Kashmiri Pandits. Kashmiri Pandits are Kashmiri Brahmins.[26]

Lmao! Didn't you know that Brahmins are the new dalits? The caste whose majority now works as public toilet cleaner

The internet technology was used way before in the ancient times in India.We had pushpak viman(Plane which ran on a very cost effeicient fuel)We lost our knwoeldege about it due to the westerners.We also developed plastic surgery in acnient India as it can be seen in our Elephant head god ganesha.He had a human face but once his dad who is literally the destroyer of life gets mad at him and chops his head off..But attaches a elephants head to him using the ancient plastic surgery techniques

>The caste
why is this still allowed in 2017? It sure not helps the growth of the country.

Implying Indians are this fair-skinned.

Not even your caste system was able to prevent your upper classes from mixing with the native Dravidians, you're dark as fuck now

PO0 1N TH3 L0O


sale choot, Brahmanism is dead and your glorious
Hindu/Sanatan Dharma is going down with it.

also stop beating chest on the achievement of ancestor so long gone; what does you have to show for since your country got independence.

Its the second time I guess some user screencap please?

Majority of top tier people are Brahmins,we keep our identity pure.




lol, so much for democracy. Casts are outdated if you want to build society to rival China.


>they made ravdeep look as white as possible

Calling me A dalit won't change the fact that Brahmins are cleaning public toilets to survive.
Once a hindu gets enough money he simply becomes muh liberal/muh atheist;

the speed with which hindus are giving up tradition is astounding, also you have to worry about demographic.

lol chut , hindu should be another synonym of Cucked

Could you all stop being cucks?

I mean, like, I'm pretty sure no race is more superior AND talking about history really doesn't add up to superiority or "better race"

Like STFU with your fucking cuckiness

Hindu ==/== Brahmin
Get that fact through your inbred skull bilal

PO0 PO0 in the LO0 LO0

t. mongrel mutt

Didn't India not even exist until after they handed the reigns over to the Brits and said 'please rule us'

t. conservatism is da new countah culture paul joseph watson




ID tells it all EPICCC

Brahmins Were the keepers of knowledge and tradition, the reason your religion survived was purely because of their sacrifice.
don't spout muh inclusive & muh vast acceptance memes.
Chutiye , It was on the blood of brahmins that this cucked machinery was running and now they slowly dying off.

mediterraneans and slavs came from india

Gore lund choosna pasand he tujhe bhosadike.Katue bhosadike


chutiye sach dekh,

Tam Brahms and south India currently BTFO north India right now (GDP, HDI, life expectancy, culture, tradition, toilets, all rapes happen in North India)