Muslims can't integra-
Muslims can't integra-
Pick one
those are Sikhs dumbass which is the complete opposite. Sikhism was literally created to defend against Muslims. They carry a traditional knife with them (used to be a sword). They have normal common sense values like treating women with respect. They integrate perfectly into western society.
not mussies
these are sikhs
also pic related
disgusting beards
>not cryptomuslims
ahahahahahahah yeah goyim, they're totally brotier. Let your daughter marry a sikh
You are a fucking Mudslime. Repeatedly trolling /pol by posting pictures of Sikhs and than some Muslims can't ..... shit. Trying to be sneaky. This person need to be banned by /pol.
Sikh's are so fucking based! The more I see of these guy's the more I like them. I've met a few in real life amd they are so nice and comfy.
>mfw my years on Sup Forums have let me become more aware and respectful of the many differences between distinct cultures
>integrate perfectly into western society
By asking to keep their knives in school and keeping their fucking ugly hats when working in jobs with uniforms. Yeah, perfectly.
>not photoshopping that into 1488
Sikhism has a lot of muslim killing history.
Why do you think they carry that knife around?
You just know this sort of shit is gonna antagonise the Sikh against muslims worldwide.
They'll be in the crusade among us
They are Based Sikhs, not Muslims.
But even Sikhs aren't integrated.
They should remove the Head Towel to fully integrate.
Also preferably trim the beard.
so what? Chinks kill muzzies too, but I don't suck the dick of a chink.
That's right goy, the sikhs are your rulers. They are better than you in every way.
the wrinkle in the first guy's 8, combined with the lighting difference half way between the number would make it very difficult.
You could however do a shitty shop and just noise reduce + filters to cover it up.
Racist doesn't know what a Sikh is. Gives Muslims credit for the stuff they do.
Those are sihks.
>a certain herb in all fields
I don't see any Muslims in that photo
Sure they can, if they live among civilized people and don't form religious enclaves. I don't give a shit if they integrate, I want to preserve my people.
the most based of the brown lot
these are practically whites, except their women actually respect them
sikhs started to put out ads on TV cause you dumb racists can't tell them apart. jesus christ
I'm alright with the Sikh's outfit, mostly because they have centuries in Her Majesties armies service.
i have such a soft spot for these brownies. they might not be white, but they try harder than most. bought some pretty good weeds from one yesterday
I have met a lot of them working in kitchens when I was younger
Both the men and women think most white girls are garbage
I know that your a troll. I'm going to answer as though you are not. They are sikh's, they have fought Muslims for hundreds of years. There religion tells them to value the country they are in above themselves and there religion. That's why many are patriotic and serve in the military.
Why do Muslim men hang around Pee Wee football fields?
They like playing with little Tight Ends.
chinks didnt get gencided by the religion of peace before and during partition
chinks didnt get a big chunk of their country given to islam just to stop their rabid chimpening
not my team man, not my team
What's this meme of posting Sikhs and saying they're muzzies?
Sikhs are the immigrants that we need.