Thoughts on Bill Maher?
Ryder Walker
Christopher Thomas
He supports western depopulation. He said he supports "anything that gets the freeway moving".
John Wood
Wyatt Martinez
Cock sucking jew
Bentley Fisher
He's a jude
Julian Young
Best of late night show hosts
Ryan Thomas
No, he's a kike liberal who supports white depopulation.
He complains about the freeway, but has nothing to say about our extreme immigration policies and open borders.
Josiah Morales
One of the biggest cunts on television.
I don't care if he slags Islam. Partisan hack, sell-out comedian with a truly repulsive sneering disdain for anything outside his bubble, not to mention the blatant hypocrisy on policy for Israel.
Hunter Johnson
The world would be a better place if he had a fatal heart attack