Have you lost any friends due to accidental or purposeful reveal of your power level, Sup Forums...

Have you lost any friends due to accidental or purposeful reveal of your power level, Sup Forums? I sometimes wish I was a normie.
Woe from wit, eh.

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but isn't everyone in russia supposed to be racist and redpilled ?

what happened user ?

I have no friends and haven't had any in many years. I guess I think of you guys as my friends.

>purposeful reveal of your power level


There are lines you can't cross. As the nation that lost the most people during WWII, nazi stuff doesn't fly well there.

You're my only friend too, Satan.

It was a chick from Netherlands, an online friend. Kinda sad to see her go.
Autism. There are stories of Sup Forumsacks doing this on purpose because some retarded reason.

Naw, man, my cucky friends know me for spewing all kinds of bullshit. They just roll their eyes passive agressively or laugh nervously, but that's all.

Don't fool me rabbi, I know a real German would get a mandatory voluntary straponing for anything remotely not lefty.

i have 8 real friends and they accepted my power level. The rest left me a long time ago.