Hilldawg thread

Remind Sup Forums that she had the better memes during the election

What does Hillary smell like?

Hildawg County looks like it's full of rural rednecks and suburban retards.



It was a mistake for the Democratic Party to let in all the racist, sexist, misogynistic, Islamophobic, homophobic BernieBros. He should be banned when Hillary runs again in 2020.


That meme is all the better once you put in context with the whole pizzagate/pedophile thing. Lost kid obviously refers to abducted children, and Hillary's go-to response is violence to keep others quiet.




Anyone ever notice the eyes are pointing in slightly different directions? Every time I saw one of these crappy CTR memes it reminded me of Hillary being chucked in the van unconscious lol



Cram a bit more text in that one m8, it just doesn't have enough words

I've always thought these hilldawg memes were just ironic shitposting. Did shills actually create these? I mean fuck, there so BAD.


Her boss' boss still won, we still lost.

The world civil war can was kicked down the road a few years, the destination hasn't changed.


It's over Drumpfkins!

trump won the meme electoral collage unfortunately


kek yeah that's how I knew it was really Trump supporters being ironic

>Drumpf University


Get out newfag.

an all time favorite desu

And illegal Mexicans too



that's impossible to agree with even in pretend mode.

holy fuck kill yourself OP

loll why is the left so godawful at memes?

The Hillary Pepe is actually wrong here, it's 9.

Have a (you) for such good bait.

this one is best

I always liked how the eyes were googly like she was wearing a costume as opposed to being the real thing. So poignant, but just subtly obvious enough that no one would eat the bullshit.

>Pokemon GO to the polls



oh man i had almost forgot about this.

did anything ever come from this incident?

The denominator is clearly 2(1+2) as there is no distinction between the 2, and the 1+2 sum.
So it goes like;


BODMAS for the non-enlightened folks, but i guess that's why the jews do better than the rest of us...


my favourite piece of sHilling