Pay 2% of you GDP.
Pay 2% of you GDP
We already pay 100% of our GDP
Stop sending arms to Islamic facist states that supply your enemies.
God Americans are thick...
he wasn't talking to you, limey bastard
Say "thank you" for the new building.
Build wall
For what?
I'd happily pay 5% of GDP to build that wall
Nope, we will build an European Army instead
NATO is outdated and the US President is a clueless old fart with dementia
Saudi's paid cash. Only UK and Pooland are paying their fair share. Maybe if EU pays it's fair share Trump won't sell Saudi Arabia more arms. If you don't pay up he'll sell them arms. Eat it bitch.
Fuck off macron
>Meet your contractual obligations.
I here for da money, da boss money
Americas won't believe anything that makes them feel slightly uncomfortable. Thick is an understatement its more like actively hiding from the truth at this point.
Europe couldn't field a cohesive army if it tried. Unless muzzie conscription...
You guys just can't get enough German cock, can you?
Moй лyчшый дpyг)))
You guys couldn't do enough to keep the only powerful military in the EU.
We will, next year
>European Army
Will never work. You aren't like us. You aren't a collection of states. Some Croatian soldier won't want to die for France and vice versa.
Yesterday, NPR had some experts on to explain how actually paying what they signed a treaty to pay would be so unrealistically expensive and they wouldn't know what to spend it on.
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