>want to start a beautiful family >scared of heartbreak
I want a family and shit, but I'm terrified at the thought of her leaving me in the future. I want a forever-after relationship like my parents have... (pic related)
My last gf was a conservative Christian chick. We had amazing chemistry together and loved each other, and she STILL dumped me.
Love just seems like such a seismic gamble these days
>My last gf was a conservative Christian chick. We had amazing chemistry together and loved each other, and she STILL dumped me.
Jacob Butler
You will never have what you want. Rise up and kill the Jews and maybe you'll stand a chance.
Owen Foster
>My last gf was a conservative Christian chick. We had amazing chemistry together and loved each other, and she STILL dumped me. and is probably riding up and down on Tyrones cock while you jerk off into a sock.
Lincoln Hernandez
don't be a pussy
pain is a part of life
if you live in fear of pain, you will never really live
pain and suffering give joy and happiness meaning and depth
Jack Myers
Saw this pic years ago herr
Oliver Richardson
wtf has this to do with Sup Forums ???
Jaxon Kelly
Then just get her pregnant without signing a contract promising her half your stuff.
Caleb Parker
Except I've had plenty of capital F-U-N style fun since she left :)