Pagan skype group

Pagan skype group

If you sick of Europeans larping as Ancient Israelites and pretending that they are jews join this group


>Muh form of Judaism is better than yours
>Not all kikes
>Jesus was a blonde, blue eye aryan
>Crypto-judaism is aryan
>Europe was worse than Africa before christianity
>Not all christians
>Jews used to be good

Other urls found in this thread:!fIchVA7Y!owKwAgGKq9pgXrbVOnkeag!7dEXGAAI

stop appropriating our religions pls

>I'm a Italian-irish-french-anglo-german-native american mixed race being in the colonies
>Let me lecture to you Europeans about ditching Christianity to become NEET larpers like the based Varg.

Not appropriating anything, I'm a slavic pagan like my ancestors

>glo-german-native american mixed race being in the colonies
First generation immigrant and last lol don't want my children to become mongrels

>people still use skype
>people don't care about skype resolvers
dude just make a discord group

Good for you, and I have nothing against white people reconnecting with paganism, but going after white christians is such a dick move. Never punch to the right.

>skype resolvers
It's because a talking group is better than a meme spam page

Do I have to be a pure nordic?
My ancestry's a combination of french, german, dutch, british and scandinavian

so how many % of your genes are from that region?