Homosexuality is a serious mental illness. The only proper response is intensive conversion therapy, and if that causes fags to kill themselves, nothing of value was lost.
/end reminder
Homosexuality is a serious mental illness. The only proper response is intensive conversion therapy, and if that causes fags to kill themselves, nothing of value was lost.
/end reminder
is it gay if a man sucks your dick, but you don't kiss them or touch them back?
>This is what some people unironically believe
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Serious question: I've always heard the "muh gay animals" argument in defense of homosexuality, but was always quite skeptical of this. I've even done your basic google search to call this bullshit. I remember seeing scholarly articles saying gay animals were legit. I was and still am skeptical, so does any user happen to have the goods on this gay animal bullshit?
>Believing in the bible in 2017
Seriously though you're more brainwashed than SJWs if you believe this shit.
Bible is bullshit. Homosexuality doesn't destroy civilization. You couldn't last 30 seconds in a formal debate, using that argument, so you come here instead.
Bumping for truth.
Homosexuality and all its variations correlates strongly with all manners of mental illnesses and disorders, to a point where it can be easily considered to be a condition which is dangerous to society and the individual. The two only reason that this condition is not treated is homosexuals taking over a large portion of the media the media, and their lobby.
>Dat post
>Dat flag
Whatcha doin rabbi?
>conversion therapy
believing this shit in 2017?
gas the kikes
>2 kikes jerking themselves off
>Israeli says something leftwing
Lmao kike shill
>Israeli says something rightwing
Whatcha doin rabbi?
Because all kikes are bad, silly kike.
Yes goy homosexuality is fine
So are all faggots.
Look, a hole is a hole, and you can get upset about which one gets plugged all you want, but that will not stop all the bombing, raping, and corruption that you have gone out to reap, yet refuse to sow.
That's nice but an actual argument would be better
Except some guy sucking a cock isn't draining the world of its wealth and freedom
Kill yourself, Shlomo
Heres an argument against homosexuality.
here's the counter argument: freedom, motherfucker
You'd be surprised :^)
And I'm just a dude, just like you. You are an American, your nation has done more damage to nationalism, race realism, and all the good things that held the world together more than we. By your own logic you are just as responsible for this destruction(and you really are) if you have ever payed tax, while I was just born randomly in some shithole desert.
>Still waiting for the "gay gene" to be discovered
>people itt implying it isn't environmentally caused degeneracy
>mfw still waiting for proof you are born that way
Newsflash: Fags are absolute degenerates headed straight for hell
That's not an argument you stupid nigger
Go use that as evidence in a debate. Put it up on the projector and read from it. Say "this is an argument against homosexuality" and see how normal people respond.
Shitty beliefs like this can only exist in incubation, otherwise they're torn apart. You know you're wrong.
>You'd be surprised :^)
Yeah you're right, I remember when elton john got fucked up the ass and sparked WW2.
America is controlled by the Jewish elites.
So what if animals do gay shit? Some animals eat their youngs, should that also be applied and legalised for humans too?
This isn't a debate, dumbass faggot. And bug chasing, rampant STDs. thousands of partners a year, and hugely disproportionate drug use as well as child abuse are all arguments against homosexuality.
It is a mental illness. It was even classified as such until recently, and that was a change done only because of political pressure.
Go be as degenerate as you want, but don't try to pretend you are normal.
>w-we are controlled by you you can hold us responsible
ok sure whatever helps you sleep at night. You are the one who killed those people. You are not a sword, you are people, and yet you let yourself be our sword. But you are not a weapon, you may have made a mistake but you are responsible for the state of this world.
>Homosexuality doesn't destroy civilization
it destroyed sweden
and canada
and germany
and france
and whatever faggoty ass state you're from
you alone probably give off enough faggorty to do the trick
I don't have a strong opinion about homosexuality, but "and see how normal people respond" is not an argument AT ALL. Even in the course of my short life I've seen the "normal people" around me changing opinions and switching sides many times after being persuaded and conditioned again and again.
Public opinion is a very poor measure of goodness.
Firstly I'm not homosexual.
Secondly I know this isn't a debate, it's the only place you can state your shitty uneducated beliefs without them being defused by regular people.
It's not a mental illness and your shitty "evidence" is either just homophobia or dishonest.
I think it's a retarded argument whatever the case is. Even if a mammal is seen to exclusively have sex with the same gender it tells us nothing of value regarding human relationships.
The meaningful arguments for or against acceptance of homosexuality in society should be about human dignity, the rights/ responsibilities of individuals, utilitarian consequences and generally all the stuff that Joe System doesn't want to bother thinking about, and so people just recite slogans instead. I'm an inveterate cocksucker but I'd rather be hated sincerely than accepted falsely. Anyway, at least I'm not a dessert slithering shekel nigger like OP.
Do you disagree? Do you think the Jews DON'T control the united states?
I haven't done anything to hurt the world you stupid kike. I sleep just fine. It's your cancerous breed that has hurt the world.
one two three.. and off ya go
I didn't as well and I sleep as well as you, what "my" people or govt do or did is none of my concern and is absolutely out of my control. You hurt the world just like I did - via the guilt by association that you are using on me.
The only people who defend homos are either faggots themselves or libtards. So which is it?
Libtard, then. Education is worth less than dog shit now, by the way. Most college grads can't even string a fucking sentence together. It is a mental illness
The overwhelming majority of gays are sex crazed degenerates, and drug users as well. Now go take some poz loads from your shitty gay friends.
Yeah they're basically burning piles of ash.
try find the sources of these posts, go ahead
I thought kikes were supposed to have high linguistic intelligence or something
Yuri Bezmenov claimed the KGB would promote homosexuality (among other "sex cults") in order to erode a country's culture and ultimately subvert it.
Wise words. We should make jews honorary Aryans. So stop jewing us already
My point is you have to ignore other arguments and isolate yourself to maintain uneducated beliefs.
If 'normal people' are wrong, then go convince them so.
Since you know you can't, you come here.
I'm real drunk, that's my excuse. Wanna tell me where my mistake was?
At least ISIS agrees with you
I don't know where you live but hating fags is pretty much the norm on the downlow everywhere outside of the cities
You are our greatest ally
>incompetent leaders and mass immigration didn't destroy sweden, homosexuality did
no mistake per say, it just reads like alphabet soup
They are all symptoms of the same disease
i remember the site man
i think it was pozloads.org
it was nothing but posts like this
its gone now
Ok, whatever you say about faggots, imho they can fuck each other in the ass as much they want but it's about time to forbid that shitty gay propaganda and accepting faggots as normal?
Being gay is illness, same way as down syndrome or muscle distropy. Promoting ill people is wrong, it's like instead of saying "Look, gays are good, be like them" say "Look, AIDS is awesome, everyone should get it"
>Education is worth less
Well that explains why you believe the things you do.
And your argument against homosexuality is literally just being homophobic.
>"Look how bad homosexuality is! They have gay sex! And they party all the time!"
>Homosexuality is a serious mental illness.
I know there are serious behavioral issues sex addiction, excessive drug use, high risk sexual activities. They are walking talking biohazards.
Sodomy laws should and will be reinstated.
Oh yeah that's what I thought. It's probably the alcohol, I'm kind of disoriented and this is how my thoughts look like at the moment.
what lead to the mass immigration attitude and ultimate cucking of sweden
your entire country takes it up the ass don't try to hide it
It's the norm to you because you live in a bubble
Make an effort to challenge the things you believe
homosexuality was legalized decades before any form of mass immigration was instated, go shart in mart loser
also have thicc man
That's a nice tinfoil hat you've got there
Have fun dying of AIDS while insisting to everyone that you are perfectly normal and there is nothing wrong with your degenerate lifestyle whatsoever.
I live in the heart of commiefornia man
I don't live in a bubble and I only know it's the norm because of stats
hating gays isn't only for close minded bigots, some people do a 360 and end up back at it by reading history
Ah, and the truth comes out.
You are, in fact, jealous of all those college grads that managed to get a job while you wallow in unemployment, forced to survive off of the wellfare that you so decry.
And of course it couldn't possibly be your fault. No, it's got to be all those gays walking around like they're normal people.
that's a lot of assumptions all taken out of a very rational statement
>college is worthless
It's....actually more plausible than you'd think. During WW2 there was a project to bomb Japan with estrogen in order to make all their men gay.
'course, it never got anywhere but this kind of pseudoscience shows how little people actually knew about homosexuality.
We need more based Jewish allies like this. Together we can end degeneracy. All ethno-nationalists just want a better future for their people, why shouldn't we be aligned in that cause?
Keep up the work. Some of us here understand that the Jews have to deal with same insufferable liberal cucks that Whites do, it doesn't mean that in either case, all of us are alike.
Anyway, on topic, normalising mental illness is incredibly dangerous. The Lord did not make us to defile our bodies in this way. It is a sin against Him, a sin against ourself and a sin against nature. It is unhealthy to defy intended purpose and misuse leads to destruction.
True, it's all made up but it's more rational than"Gays Are Bad And Anyone Who Disagrees Is Bad" with buzzwords.
The truth is that if you've got ten friends then statistically one of them is gay. We tend not to notice because most homosexuals don't throw it in your face.
Daily reminder that "Degeneracy" is slang for "Shit I Don't Like"
Eternal reminder that "Degeneracy" is slang for "Shit the creator of the universe doesn't like". Everything which is contrary to his work is degeneracy. It has nothing to do with what I like or do not like.
>We tend not to notice because most homosexuals don't throw it in your face.
if that's true then great, but they're not the one's i'm complaining about
I don't think we should do anything at a state level, but these people should know flaunting that kind of stuff in public is bad
and "Gays are bad" is usually how that's done
>serious mental illness
no it's not.
actually homosexuals are the most intelligent group out there.
and not all homosexuals are degenerated faggits. at all.
problem is, when u notice homosexuals, u only notice them, when it's the subsection that is famboyant, faggots, totally leftist degeneetates, borderliners etc ....
so u think, they all like that, thou thats just the minority.
most homosexuals u have no idea that they are, they harm nobody and often are hyperintelligent, extraordinality productive ppl.
if they are leftist , they need to be gassed, tho.
I like eating unhealthy food which destroys my health, I like being lazy instead of helping my family, I like the convenience of ejaculation by myself.
The fact that I like or enjoy those things does make them not degenerate.
Gays, bi-scum and other deviants have been around forever, trying to get rid of us is pointless.
What's bad is the disgusting LGBT crap that goes on these days. Anything sexual is fine as long as it's consentual but there is absolutely no reason to be so public about it.
why is a jew for the holocaust
>Thinking that blindly following some random book isn't a mental illness.
Also Jesus was probably bi.
Muslims deserve your country more than you
I'm not even sorry
Why do gays hate bisexuals so much? It's arguably more natural and definitely more traditional than exclusive homosex.
>Thinking that blindly following
>implying that I blindly follow and don't do immense amounts of research to determine the meaning and intent
>some random book
>implying that I don't reject canon and make my own assessments on which scriptures are valid
>isn't a mental illness.
Every culture in history had faith. It is part of being human. Atheists who deny that very real part of themselves are mentally ill.
There is no evidence to support this. It is normal for men to feel brotherly love and even engage in physical contact. That does not mean there are erotic feelings involved, that's an alteration of history by looking at it through a very sexually depraved lens of modernity.
You've got a valid complaint but your stance means you're fighting more people than you have to.
Every time you raise this issue, civil rights and more conservative gays rally against you and the really obnoxious gays suddenly get reinforcements.
It's like picking a fight with somebody when they're with their friends and picking a fight with someone when they're all alone.
What you really want to do is divide your enemies and set them upon each other. Turn the gay community against the most obnoxious elements and have them do your work for you.
Just be smart about things. A good approach can save you time and effort in the end.
Actually, the bibilical support for anti-gay is kinda flimsy. Yes, there's "Man Shall Not Lie With Man" but the same book also says you can be put to death for being a rebellious child or wearing two different kinds of fabrics or working on sundays.
All this was swept away by the Council of Nicea so claiming it as religious law is damned near heretical.
well it says nothing about not baking cakes for gay people
>Actually, the bibilical support for anti-gay is kinda flimsy
Completely irrelevant. It's against nature and therefore against God.
>All this was swept away by the Council of Nicea
>the ((( Council of Nicea )))
>implying I'm so much of a cuck that I need to defer to ((( authorities ))) on matters of the eternal judgment of my own soul
lol please
what specifically did the council say?
i thought i read somewhere that in the womb of the mother, depending on her state of her lymphatic system - the womb will or will not receive appropriate nutrients to generate (correctly) dna (epigenetically) that provides the pre optic hypothalamus with the information and nutrients with (straight) or NOT (faggots).
something like that anyway. i'm pretty sure being a faggot is because the mother's bad nutritional choices. she should eat more raw food with higher nutrient densities to provide the genome of the child with sufficient info and micronutrients to provide correctly formed hypothalamuses.
B-but it feels good in my bum
You're gonna find fringe fetishists on all sides of the spectrum. This is nothing noteworthy.
Feels good =/= Is good
I was just joking. I know being a homo is degenerate, but what the fuck am I supposed to do about it? When I look at a vagina it just grosses me out. I can't help it.
And there's your new meme,
THIS and being able to convey this point in it's totality is what should be circulating right now.
"if your friends jumped off a cliff would you do it too" classic.
homosex is a self-imposed death sentence
*fucking ITS' not "it's" baka fml.
I agree they simply won't hear anything else like how porn effects the brain. I've never heard of a homo who wasn't into porn to an astounding degree. Fetishes tend to evolve over time and you need "harder and harder hits" to get that dopamine fix. Even my personal lord and savior, Ted Bundy said said this! I mean really gay people? What's next? wearing a dress? Oh wait........
>all these fag apologists ITT
God damn the nu-Sup Forums problem is so much worse than I ever imagined. Lemme guess, there are BASED BLACK MEN as well?
Because they are all actually bi or at least would give pussy a go if they had the chance but the only women they know are disgusting femminists.
Also bi people don't fit their narrative.
Sorry abdul, we're full. No boy bum sex for you.
>/Hourly Reminder/
>Homosexuality is a serious mental illness. The only proper response is intensive conversion therapy, and if that causes fags to kill themselves, nothing of value was lost.
>/end reminder
It is a mental illness, the problem is your people glorified it, schlomo.
Otherwise, there's really nothing to be done.
>against nature and therefore against God
kek - how long did it take you to grow that computer you are posting from?
What are you up to Israel?