How do we fix Africa and make it great again Sup Forums?

How do we fix Africa and make it great again Sup Forums?

>Inb4 not our problem.

We caused this with colonization therefore it's our responsibility to fix it.

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Also hardmode: no genocide

white people caused the population explosion happening there right now with out us they would all be living in the jungle and 1 in 2 of their kids would die like 200 years ago .

How did we cause that?

fuck off, literally not our problem at all.

remove all funding and aid to Africa and the population will go back to sub 1 billion, then everything will be fine.

western medicine africa is beyond its carrying capacity . thats why they are leaving africa by the 10s of millions to go live in their former colonial masters countries

Recolonize and put Belgians in charge

Restore it to how it was before colonization.

And by that of course I mean exactly like now but with a tiny fraction of the amount of black people.



send ALL Niggers back
watch Africans kill them and being reminded if they don't want to be Niggers, they need to get their shit done.

Kill them off and install whites.

Senegal is the future of africa, it is unironically a progressive society of peace and tolerance

as much as sweden and france are the fututre of europe

remove niggers
I got nothing

"We caused this." No we didnt.

Brit's colonized the world, you oppressed so many people including us, you even force us to put your queen on our money. Tell me why we former colonies don't deserve reperations?

Fuck off chink

The former colony's are doing far better than the non colonised ones

We continue to feed and subsidize their Inherently unsustainable existence.

Just like any population of animals if you keep feeding them, they will just have more babies. Then you need to feed those babies.

Unless we cut the cord now, the inevitable die off with be millions more than anything they would have experienced naturally.


Not our problem, nigger lover. Although, slaughtering all the niggers in Africa would easily solve all of Africa's problems.

Redpill me on Senegal

Quality tits

There is not a single colony in Africa, thus not colonized, USA was colonized with whites, Aus was colonized, Canada was colonized, NZ was colonized, and thats it, the rest simply took resources, and built all the development.


No genocide is allowed, we need realistic solutions before Africans start flooding into Europe by the millions.

Either kill, have a border, or becaome Afrixan.

Still no realistic solutions you guys are useless

Those are your options kill them, have a border or nothing

Step one: stop loving niggers

Step two: understand that nigger problems are inherent to niggers and are no else's fault but the niggers themselves

Step three: understand that nothing short of altering the genome of all niggers or slaughtering them in mass will ever sort Africa

Step four: understand that if white guilt, nigger lovers like yourself simply stopped helping niggers, their problems would never be imported here; as their population would very quickly fall to the same levels they were at 10,000 years ago

No, there have been no solutions you agree with.

Africa was always shit, worse before colonization.

Would build a big fat wall around all those niggers. Biggest export of Africa is Aids, Civil War, Ebola and Child Soliders. Fuck them all, i dont want them here.

>We caused this with colonization therefore it's our responsibility to fix it

Colonization is the only thing that can fix Africa. But you wouldnt understand that because youre a braindead fucking leaf.



How do you explain the African empires that existed then?

You cant help them.
If you give aid, they just multiply and need more aid.
If you want to put them to work and open business they steal, rob and burn it until there's nothing left.
Cut all ties and don't touch it with a 10 foot pole.

fantastic idea, im all for this.

>fix Africa
Attempting this is what fucked you over in the first place. The Chinese are making the very same mistake right now, too.
A hundred years from now, the niggers will go on about the evil chink, who came to their once prosperous and developed continent and stole everything.

African empires....

*takes breath*


How do people work without hands?

> solutions "before" Africans start flooding into Europe by the millions.

that train is long gone.
i can see them here already!

Go back to your mum Trudeau,

1. We didnt mess Africa up, it already was a shithole, as we arrived, so fuck your "make it great again".
2. Africa owns us everything, we discovered most natural resources, built infrastructure and abolished slavery. If colonization didnt take place, they would live on an overpopulated continent, in 25 km radius "kingdoms", eat shit, starve even more, enslave each other even more and have no protection against the diseases that erupt on their continent.
3. Fuck your "moral responsibility", its not our problem that they are too incompetent to rule their countries.

Yeah the only thing that works. Keep them out, those nignogs create only trouble and they are unfixable

The solution is stop giving them aid and teach them useful skills to help build their countries,

By colonizing it again.

pop that bubble

>white people caused the population explosion happening there right now with out us they would all be living in the jungle and 1 in 2 of their kids would die like 200 years ago .
I agree. Stop the foreign aid and UN funding, that will fix it.

And my idea for Africa: Build a wall, retreat and wait till AIDS and Ebola finish the continent.

Didn't Belgium make them slaves and cut off their hands if they didn't produce enough rubber?

That doesn't sound very humane of you ask me.

lol the die off will be BILLIONS

>We caused this with colonization therefore it's our responsibility to fix it.
No mother nature caused it by cursing the nig nogs with low IQ and poor impulse control. Now back to your cuck shed fucking Leaf, fuck being australian earns me some shit but at least my shitposting is quality you cock heads just suck at it.

Theres two options wall or lead.

We created this mess therefore we need to fix it.

>And my idea for Africa: Build a wall, retreat and wait till AIDS and Ebola finish the continent.
My idea, tell the Chinese that we will not interfere with thier dealings in no matter what they do in Africa ... nig nogs will be extinct in a generation or two

>teach them
No. Fucking stop. That spawns more of the fuckers. STOP FUCKING HELPING THEM PERIOD.

Chinese colonization

You are right, but who cares, nobody needs humanity when you have waffles.

But the Chinese will abuse them and possible re-enslave them once whites are no longer in power.

>make it great again
Africa has been always a shithole.

>We caused this with colonization therefore it's our responsibility to fix it.
If we had genocided them the continent would be better indeed. It is partly Europe's fault for not killing the local people.

>We created this mess therefore we need to fix it.
Africa was a shithole long before whitey showed up, read the bell curve faggot Africa is shit because Africans are shit. the only 3 countries on the entire shit heap of a continent that were worth anything 2 were white apartheid's and one was an ancient civilization that literally has a monument to a battle with the nubians (niggers) that served as a ancient billboard saying "no niggers north of this point" (egypt)

>We caused this with colonization therefore it's our responsibility to fix it.
i didn't colonize anything

Have spent a fair amount of time traveling around Africa. For the most part, with a few exceptions (notably South Africa), it's basically doomed due to a population explosion (KIDS. FUCKING. EVERYWHERE.). South Africa (and Namibia) are probably also doomed, no matter what they do, since they'll be swamped by illegal immigrants from points north.

If they can be considered people at all, this would require some research.

This. We need to invest in education for Africa.

"Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, Teach a man to fish and you'll feed him for a lifetime"

>But the Chinese will abuse them and possible re-enslave them once whites are no longer in power.

These, in order, will save Africa:
>stable government

Good luck teaching niggers anything

Fuck Africa and fuck you

they were literally fucking monkey people when we got their..........

...btw, if advise to see it while you can, because sub-Saharan Africa will before long join the Middle East and North Africa as travel no-go zones due to massive instability.

The US public school system is world class, but the niggers still under perform even other races in the same fucking school with the same socio-economic background.

The problem with niggers is genetic (thier social doesn't fucking help either)

>That doesn't sound very humane of you ask me.
You're right you know...they should cut off their hands and feet...balance that shit out...
However, at the end of the day, Africa is a shithole that should be abandoned, pull all financial aid, emergency food aid...and like above user said, wall it the fuck in...

We don't. We let nature take its course and fix itself. Why do we have to continue to pretend that we can fix anything?

Get all the educated and successful black skins back in Africa. They are capable of handling that mess.
Unless they're inferior or something.


>How do we fix Africa and make it great again?
>Africa Great

Africa was great once?


What is Brazil
What is Angola
What is Mozambique

let china fix them. if you know what i mean.

Are you baiting or serious lad?

Let it burn: except for white South Africa.

How did you afford the 3k USD flight what is your job? Also what countries do you recommend traveling to?

He is probably making a dindu nuffin to make fun of the niggers, leaf.

I dont know i was fullKhan for the longest while (left when moot turned traitor in 14) only recently returned but when did Canadians get so fucking cancerous?

Colonize it and slowly give leadership positions to the people. In 20 years itll be self governing

Except today you don't even have to fish to get fish. Just bitch about how someone has more fish than you and your people, and how they're deliberately keeping the fish from you, and you'll get the fish.

Ok, I will say it again so even some brainwashed Canadianm Trudeau-fanboy without colonial history can understand it: We didnt create any mess, we built those countries.
An example: German South-West Africa was basically a desert, ok its still a desert but a civilised one. As our men arrived, we built an infrastructure still operating today and we discovered diamonds which are still No.1 export good. Do you get it now?

Cultivate an "African Bread Basket" as the base for a growing economy, and with that money, install better infrastructures.

With food to eat and decent homes to live in, the people will seek out education for better jobs. With education and better pay, relieves the need to make huge families.

Prosperity in Africa, will guarantee a resurgence of immigrants back to their home country.

Instead of teaching them how to farm we give them food.

How is a local farmer supposed to compete growing corn when Americans come in with free corn to flood the market? Do you understand economics?

>that webm



Rhodesia / Zimbabwe was the bread basket of Africa then niggers took over and now in the once fertile and productive farm lands the white owners of which were murdered, the nogs now hunt rats with clubs to eat.

The problem with Africa isn't whites, it isn't disease, it isn't education the problem with Africa is that it's filled with niggers

>How is a local farmer supposed to compete growing corn when Americans come in with free corn to flood the market?
By dying? Do you understand biology?

Except they have monkey brains and shit subhuman cultures.

Burning leaves destroys the environment he needs to be fined.

This has been tried, over and over and over...while under direct supervision, things work well enough...then the NGO splits for 6 months, returns to find nothing done, farm equipment stripped for parts, everything abandoned...
Waste of time to try again, something that's been attempted many times...insane actually...
Abandon the continent to use in helping those that refuse to help themselves...

Africans only respect strength. Being "humane" is out of the question with them.

1) Get rid of elite jews and financial CEOs.
2) Throw back niggers who aren't assimilated.
3 ) Beforehand, sterilize 95% of black men.
4) Enforce natural park in order to repopulate wild life.
5) Shoot everyone trying to escape from Africa.
6) Profit ?

Stop supporting them

Ok, you got me. 8/10