How do you define Fascism?


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>How do you define Fascism?
Anything you don't like.

Natural defense of endangered country.

A collectivist ideology based around submission of the needs and rights of the individual to the needs of the state and/or ethnic group. Usually strongly authoritarian with a single non-elected leader with unlimited power. State power trumps individual rights, and there is significant state control of the economy.

trump and swedish democrats


Sounds like communism

Only during the reins of certain leaders like Mao and Stalin. Otherwise I would disagree because most leaders of soviet/maoist states had nowhere near the cult of personality and leader-worship.

Its important to note that North Korea had for a long time now renounced communism and socialism, and is the closest thing today to a NAZI state more than anything, nowhere close to say, Italian fascism. But that leads to a discussion on if Nazis and other forms of fascism can even be considered apart of the same thing.

The dictionary.

Yeah, fucking fascist dictionaries telling us what words mean.


So like... a non shitty form of communism?

Fascism is where the State bleeds you.
Communism is where the State bleeds.

any group or entity that use violence, intimidation, murder, beating and have little regards to fact, reality and truth. There you have it.




We have no examples of fascism (unless you count North Korea) continuing past a single leader like the authoritarian communists did. Nazi Germany could have turned out the exact same way as the soviet union did post-Stalin for all we know. As a single-party state with a leader nowhere close to as powerful, gradually turning into an iron-clad bureaucracy ruling the state rather than the fuhrer leading things. Maybe a North Korean style 'Hitler still rules while he is dead' kind of deal.

Turning your country into an absolutely sick cunt nation with strong borders and military structure based on meritocracy and commie bashing.



>if I post strawmen propaganda, maybe I can turn these kids into Commies like me.

Monarchism, Fascism and Communism are one in the same.
If you wish to end the cycle, only Liberty has been proven to prevail.

It's how i would define fascism. And lucky for you i'm not a fascist, i'm natsoc.

Also, importing shitskins is prevailing?

Nationalist Socialism with the aim of a united, strong and homogeneous country.

Not at all.
Main focus of Communism = "equality"
Main focus of Fascism = "the nation/state"
Main focus of National Socialism = "the race"
The fact that all of them are authoritarian and against pure lassiez-faire capitalism doesn't change the reality that their foundations,methods and goals are completely different.

Communism demands class struggle for the sake of equality. Fascism (Nat Soc) demands class cohesion for the sake of the nation (the Volk).

Go read the doctrine of Fascism by Benito Mussolini if you want to know what Fascism really is, it's a short read. Everyone ITT is just talking out their ass.

The Government controls everything, but Businesses are allowed to exist to provide services and appropriate materials.

> The Government controls Business but tends to exert soft control, only comes down like a hammer when businesses arent working for the public good.

Additionally, unlike a dictatorship/despotism, Facism is nationalist and the focus is on the entire government and the country itself. Not necessarily its leader.

You are right about this (and I'm a Fascist for the record). Check out the great book "The Cleanest Race" to see that even inside of North Korea they view themselves in more National Socialist terms than in "National Bolshevist" or "Communist" terms.

National Socialism and Fascism are different things you dumbo

t. Indoctrinated Faggot Libertarian

Google the 25 point plan

>the government controls everything

Not really, Norks are almost perfect examples of National Bolshevism. Collective farms, and commie-blocks are a dead giveaway for Bolshevism, the fact that North Koreans are Ultra-nationalists does not change this.
>less depersonalizing methods (i.e. welfare) are used in National Socialism.

This somewhat mirrors the preservation of Chinese nationalism which was one of the core reasons for the Sino-Soviet Split.

whoppsy doosey

It's inspired by Japanese Showa nationalism but anti-imperialist and with commie aesthetics so that they could jew china and the soviets in giving them money and supplies

Authoritarian Nationalism with corporatist (not to be confused with corporatocracy) economy

Economics says yes.

Also, you don't get to define Fascism.

an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
synonyms: authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy; More
(in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.

hinduism, a caste type system where you are born into a caste of society, you stay their as king or slave for ever.

Frank Miller pre and post 9/11

Nationalise central bank + other key industries
State supervision of corporations
Crackdown on dissent
No voting
Leader has final say but is responsible to party

Basically perfection

That's the Google def, fucking leaf.


the state enslaving you like in Communism.