Women killing themselves after 30 unable to find a husband.

Does Sup Forums feel guilty?

Nope, they would rather die than marry a Beta
its /pol that should hang themself.

What did he mean by this?

this is sad, but when you raise a princess in a small flat this is what she gets.

people keep deluding their children how special they are, instead teaching them how fucked this world is.

Why should I? Why don't you try marrying them and see how far you get, OP?

>marrying a neurotic roastie that thinks too highly of herself

Dude c'mon

but what about this?

natural selection

I think everyone male or female who gets suicidal because they're so "lonely" and lost their "one true shot at happiness" should actually kill themselves for they are worthless one dimensional beings

Clearly men's fault!

>Age 23
I'm too pretty for you! Get lost!

>Age 32
Why did no one ever love me?

>Age 40
At least i have me 4 cats and my ice cream.

They usually have gaping holes by age 30 from sleeping around constantly.


kek, I know a guy with a onenitis who realized he was projecting his perfect girl onto some random rastie... he became free and happy after he realized it


>Why should I feel guilty for something they chose, they chose to leave Family live and seek out shitty Careers, it's their own fault.

Not in the slightest.
Women depreciating after 30 isn't a new concept. If these women wanted to waste their good years fucking chads and pursuing careers instead of families, that was their choice. This is the consequence for such behavior and I don't feel bad for them at all.

>user I am ready to settle down

This is why some cultures practice arranged marriages. It looks barbaric, until you see the consequences after 30 years of women making bad decisions.

>where did all the nice guys go?




Top kek.




Why would I feel guilty?Is their own fault for falling in the "strong independent wymyn" and riding the dick caroussel

that's some scary shit

plain disgusting

Naked ape just did a video on this Feminism has been fucking with the sex pool

They chose to not settle down when they were young and ride the cock carousel, they deserve all they get



*breathes in*



Not even the slightest bit of guilt



Death is the only worthy punishment

I had no influence on them being alone after 30, so no.

No, they are cock-carousel, coal burning whores


Serves them right.



women are fucking crazy


You guys are not fully redpilled. If a women keeps herself together she can still have a lot of power after 30. Look at ivanka she is 35 and has 3 kids yet she is stunning. They do lose some of their looks, but the power of pussy is so high in the US that they are still going to be good anywhere.




I agree to a certain extent, but Ivanka is a bad example. She has had a shitload of plastic surgery.


love this



>literally eugenics
>Sup Forums pretends to be outraged

Some consistence here guys...

After all the things they did to men before reaching 30, I don't feel shit


Because their validate their self-worth through the ability to give birth and to be romantically desired.

These are basically the type of women that reeks of desperation to commit to a point where they scare away all potential prospects; the equivalent of a desperate male trying to validate self-worth through getting laid.

I honestly hoped that stupid whore killed herself; she tossed the entire relationship out of the window because she wanted more dick.

Not enough.





Sad. Many such cases!

Things like these, show how pointless the existance of some people is. They litteraly live just to breed. Like, holy shit, how shallow can you be, bitch? Get a hobby or passion and seek fulfillment in that.

>muh kids
We all know that these whores only wanted a brat, out of group pressure.

I bet these whores declined many opportunities to settle, just to ride the cock carousel for an other year.
Good riddance, vile cunts like these shouldnt procreate.

That didn't stop them from fucking, did it now? What is this marriage? Doesn't lasts. I think their problem is that they were whores and men left and now they feel sorry.

Not really.

All the girls used me for drinks, car rides etc. when I was a teen. There was always someone more exciting and better looking than me - ice hockey players, soccer captains, drug dealers, drug addicts, musicians, full blown criminals... I was raised to be nice/beta and didn't know any better.

I especially remember one girl I liked rejecting me and saying "you are the kind of guy a girl wants to settle down with but I want to have fun first. If we are still both single when we are 35, we'll get married". And boy, did she have fun - barely 18yo and sucking cock at night club bathrooms, bragging about it to others including me. She's right on track to become a lonely, bitter, childless cat lady. On top of that she's stuck as a cashier with no prospects and she'll get replaced by automation in the next few years. I'd bet my left nut that she'll come knocking once we both are in our 30's.

Since getting red pilled, I only see women as meat to fuck. And after seeing what married women to with me, there's no fucking way I will ever get married. Just pump & dump. And when I'm too old for that, it's time for hookers or some Latin American shithole.

Not at all. They did this to themselves.

>It's always men's fault!

Feminism and the death of the west in a nutshell.


I really hope this is fake but it probably is not.


bitches just need a baby in their tummy. women live for children.

Sadly, I have one female friend that's doing the same kind of shit. I don't understand it, how can they possibly think that a men would marry a women knowing that after 30 years, it becomes difficult for her to have children? And if she's still single after 30, she's either not worth it (no other men wanted her) or she was a total slut, or both.

It's their own fault. All this can be traced back to giving women more responsibility.

Ja, i second this M88

White women are complete trash.

They will always come back and say they always had a thing for you since childhood but never forgetti what they put us through and we are not betas raising kids of another we deserve the best and nothing else



This cunt needs fucking tortured to death.




No guilt here.

My gf broke up with me and has been a total slut for 3 months. I keep trying to get her back. I'm pretty fucking pathetic for it, I know.

She was a virgin when we met. Were together 4 years.

>not throwing anything away but "cutting losses while he can"
Smart fucking guy. Glad to see there's still some men with heads on their shoulders

>Strong independent womyn don't need no man.
What they need is an escapist hobby to distract from their empty lives. Men are taught to work for things. Women expect things handed to them.

Hearing those stories makes me happy. Its going to happen a lot more too.

good riddance

>Women killing themselves after 30 unable to find a husband

Do I feel guilty for their shitty life decisions? No, am I supposed to?

What I'm saying is, the thought of her hanging or killing herself doesn't bug me as much as it should.

Have a little of her, while we're at it.

"How come when I was broke, you wasn't brown nosin'?"

Fuck these roasties.


that's pretty pathetic, don't be one of those dumbasses

Uh, 3 of 4 of those articles are of the same chick.

They don't just want "a husband", they want a 120k/year earning chad.


Women are heartless, so this must be true at least 1,000,000 times the world over. At least that many times this has happened, and will continue to happen.

2 of the 4, don't be illiterate

>Does Sup Forums feel guilty?
haha no.

>>Does Sup Forums feel guilty?- 92 posts and 42 image replies shown.

No, and I'm sure the photos they used in the news articles were about 4-5 years older than they really were when those women hung themselves.

Then blonde retards want to act superior.

They should set their standards so high. I have no sympathy at all.