Did the filthy Jews make AIDS?

Did jew's create AIDS? Any info or relevant links. Kikes seem to make the most trouble in the world so it wouldn't surprise me. Pic relevant.

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Why would they want to kill the sodomites?

Is this from the X-files? I think I remember that episode. This is just a one-second shot of when Mulder finds some guy's "nazi propaganda"

Nah, Jews are the ones trying to stop AIDS from enacting natural selection on niggers and fags.

HIV is the virus. The result of the virus is AIDS. AIDS is a state, not a virus.

HIV was likely first transmitted to humans by a dutch explorer in Africa who consumed tainted monkey meat. It was brought to the US by a homosexual flight attendant that likely had sex with over 2000 individuals.

That image was made by the super-jewy X-files.

The original pamphlet was "How Zionists in your government funnel billions of tax dollars into Israel"

By that I mean, the makers of the Xfiles took a real natsoc info pamphlet, and changed the title to make it something goofy, and put it on TV to go "lol, look at the goofy thing nazis believe" (even though nobody ever claimed that IRL).

No, but AIDS was brought into white nations after the advent of Jewish multiracial globalism. AIDS is a disease born in Africa, which used to only occur in negroids. After Jews had brainwashed white goyim into believing that all races were equal, whites began consorting and copulating with the negro beasts, infecting themselves and the entire world with AIDS. Therefore, the AIDS epidemic is a consequence of Jewish-American egalitarian racial ideology.

> that likely had sex with over 2000 individuals.

AIDS was documented in Europeans before it was in Africans. That may be in part due to lack of documentation methods on Africans, but the white peoples brought it to themselves through colonialism.

Yup, "Patient 0"


HOHOHOHOHOH. Someone doesn't realize how ridiculously promiscuous gays are.

>28% of homosexual men had more than 1000 partners: "Bell and Weinberg reported evidence of widespread sexual compulsion among homosexual men. 83% of the homosexual men surveyed estimated they had had sex with 50 or more partners in their lifetime, 43% estimated they had sex with 500 or more partners; 28% with 1,000 or more partners. Bell and Weinberg p 308."
>79% of homosexual men say over half of sex partners are strangers: "The survey showed 79% of the respondents saying that over half of their sexual partners were strangers. Seventy percent said that over half of their sexual partners were people with whom they had sex only once. Bell and Weinberg pp.308-309."

Just to note, there's still a lot of debate on the topic. I've had one professor in my medical school assert it as truth, one say it's bs, and one who said it doesn't matter.

Thats a bit of a coincidence in my opinion.

Worse. It was belgians.

Well,i didnt know that by the numbers.Degeneracy pure

Fucking hell... this is enough to scare anyone away from fooling around with gay men. I'd rather be celibate for life than dance that close with death. This data should be public knowledge. Maybe an ad campaign?

AIDS was mutated by South African intelligence in a biological warfare lab back when the regime was still apartheid. They were trying to invent the cure for the common nigger. They planned to spread it thru bushmeat and sexual activity. they didn't account for cross traffic between Africa and haiti via the gay sex trade.
This is a widely known secret by most in the medical and intelligence communities.

Can't wait till the bugchasing leaf comes here to tell us that getting pozzed is okay because Truvada.

We have to memorize for the pathology course a list of conditions prevalent in homosexuals due to their sexual intercourse methods being more likely to transmit disease. One example is Entamoeba Histolytica, an amoeba that causes some nasty issues.

i'm pretty sure your face made aids...after your aunt millie sat on it with a hole full of cheese...

Its a mystery
CDC is your friend.

Ya, but we also had this thread 2 yrs ago

no i'm still sure I saw a news article where OP's aunt millie had not bathed for like...3 months...and her filthy hole created AIDS

>cure for the common nigger
Its a rather ineffective cure isnt it.Who is designing a virus that doesnt really kills ?

The stupid comment aside, a big part of a "good" virus is that it doesn't kill the host before being spread. That's why ebola is actually a really shitty pandemic choice. It kills too quickly and easily and its contagious stage starts too late into symptoms.

Probably not, and if they did then it was a big mistake, they want fags and niggers.

Nah.By saying HIV is not really deadly i mean its not engineered for sure,because that would incubate without symptoms and be really deadly after the incubation period that can be months to allow spreading.