Do you have any left/liberal political beliefs?

I think:
> Drugs, abortion, and prostitution should be legal and regulated
> Universal healthcare is overall a good idea that's economically beneficial
> environmental protection regulations are good
> Private unions are a good thing
However at the same time I'm racially aware, favor whites as a demographic, am pro-nuclear and pro-extended family, and believe in free markets overall.

Other urls found in this thread:

All of those things sound like common sense to me. People who adhere to every belief of "their" party are fucking retarded and should be purged.

raise the minimum wage and benefits for people who can't work due to mental or physical disabilities

I think communists should be permitted to live, and even tolerated (to a degree) as long as they stay out of positions of leadership and influence.

Read Mein Kampf and you'll quickly see why private unions are a bad idea.

As for drugs and prostitution, they should be banned. A country with moral men doesn't need prostitutes, and a country with happy men doesn't need drugs.

While I personally don't use any drugs, I think marijuana should be legalized and taxed.

I think there should be an optional funding program for college, where if you choose to utilize it, you essentially go to college for free, but then after you graduate, if you are above a set poverty line, you must pay a set percentage of your income for the rest of your life. These funds should go to fund the program. This would give people who were born into shithole poor families a chance to succeed while still only owing back money they actually have and can pay. It also leaves the burden solely on those who choose to use the program.


you are a dirty commie

We should send every non-european back to their ethnic country instead of killing them.

Certain industries should be atleast partially nationalized to increase competition or fully to give the consumer more control over the service. Namely cellular and utilities.

I posit to you that higher education is an essential tool for the uplifting of the people, and it should be totally free, but the professors need to be purged and replaced with fascist government approved ideologues.

Drugs should be legalized but
Disorderly conduct and addiction should be met with harsh punishments or a trip to a mental institution.

Your self-description describes me pretty well, too.

I like urban areas and think suburbs like pic related are disgusting. We should encourage gentrification so dindus move out of cities and whites move back in, as well as stop subsidizing suburbs with low gas taxes.

>environmental protection regulations are good

Is an acceptable position but you've got to be pragmatic about it.

To be honest, I would vote Democrat if it were not for the SJW & anti-white bullshit.

Raising minimum wage is economically retarded. In the long run you are only changing the digits people receive not the wealth, as prices will just go up.

Also you are killing jobs (albeit shitty teenager teir jobs) and small businesses and empowering out of touch corporations

Except in America's much more prosperous days the minimum wage had a lot more buying power.

Prostitution should be legal but discouraged and whores should be tattooed for life.

Private unions are fine public unions should be forbidden.

>Drugs, abortion, and prostitution should be legal and regulated
I should be able to slit your throat so long as it's regulated (if a fetus is human than these two arguments are the same(Retarded))

>Universal healthcare is overall a good idea that's economically beneficial
The USA invents something like over 90% of all drugs yeah the euro's have free healthcare but yanks have envelope pushing healthcare (which they can get so long as they buy health insurance)

>environmental protection regulations are good
okay, I too like me some clean air

>Private unions are a good thing
Agreed on the provision that there are strict regulations preventing those organisations from engaging in political activity

>I think communists should be permitted to live, and even tolerated (to a degree) as long as they stay out of positions of leadership and influence.
Nope i do however believe that gas chambers for commies would be more efficient that helicopter rides

I believe we should continue to work towards climate change targets (not because climate change but because atmospheric science of that kind will be important for any future terraforming effort and so we should get the ground work in now)

MFW you could completely fill a pantry in the 50's with $10

I literally said I was pro-free market.

>In america's much more prosperous days

Just before outsourcing our economy and forcing a minimum wage. I wonder why

And what does this have to do with minimum wage?

Your problem is with outsourcing and centralized banking my friend

>pro regulations and universal healthcare
>pro free market
choose one and only one

Did you actually read what I said? I was talking about when the minimum wage came into effect. It caused outsourcing because there were no laws in place to stop it.

Corporations are trash.
Unchecked capitalism is trash.
Environmental regulations are good.

You're a Libertarian. Part of the problem with politics is the confusion of terms for beliefs and categories.

My bad misinterpretated what you were trying to say

Do you mean off-shoring?

> Regulations are somehow opposed to free markets
Every market needs regulation and all functioning markets are effectively regulated, regulation is actually a good thing in many instances and can make markets more transparent, can help them to function better/more efficiently, and can prevent things like information asymmetry, market failures, etc.
> Universal healthcare
The Netherlands and Switzerland have universal healthcare and it's privately provided mostly. What if there were just a publicly funded option as an alternative to private providers? Even then economists like Kenneth Arrow have provided arguments as to why universal healthcare is actually the most economically efficient model of healthcare.
I'm not a libertarian though, I believe in progressive taxation, am a Keynesian economically, believe that large-scale government spending can be a very good thing in certain instances, especially on things like infrastructure, healthcare, etc., believe that universal healthcare is for the most part a good idea, believe in some level of authoritarian restriction of personal freedoms in certain domains to protect and push forth family structures, all among other things that aren't libertarian.

A'ight, OP. Your a complex man, I guess. I was wrong.

> Universal Basic Income isn't as crazy as people think it is, and in any case would be better than a cumbersome welfare state
> The Wall is a cartoon-logic solution that won't fucking work and will cost Americans billions unnecessarily
> Deportation is generally an ineffective strategy with respect to illegal immigration, especially when it separates American-born aliens from their parents
> Waterboarding is a (pansy ass) form of torture and torture is immoral
> It's okay to be gay, or bisexual, or whatever
> Gay marriage is fine
> Trannies should be left alone, provided they don't try to corrupt the youth with queer "theory"
> The burden of proof should be on the government to prove that marijuana, ecstasy and similar drugs ARE harmful and SHOULD be illegal, rather than NGOs and researchers
> Corporations have far too much power

That said...

> UBI needs to be paired with 1) a complete elimination of the welfare state in its current form and 2) a complete shutdown of immigration
> The real wall is America's border patrol and military, and people attempting to cross illegally have no Constitutional rights
> E-verify, border controls and elimination of minimum wage laws and sanctuary cities will make it so that illegal immigration is costly and impossible to sustain
> Torture is sometimes necessary, although there's a reckoning that needs to happen after it's done
> Homosexuality and bisexuality are not the norm, and we should stop acting like everything would be fine if straight people disappeared
> Obergefell was wrongly decided, and gay marriage only makes sense in a system where marriage is meaningless
> Transgenderism is an actual physiological illness, and we should prioritize finding a cure rather than teaching the rest of society that thinking you're the opposite sex is normal
> Potheads are the most annoying pieces of shit on the planet
> When government is the means by which large corporations enact their will, the solution is less government, not more

>> It's okay to be gay, or bisexual, or whatever
>> Gay marriage is fine
>> Trannies should be left alone, provided they don't try to corrupt the youth with queer "theory"

Like you later state in your post, gay marriage is only 'reasonable' when marriage is already a contact devoid of any significant religious or emotional significance. We should try to rehabilitate that rather than accept the current state of marriage and proceed to tolerate gay marriage and LGBTQ behaviour.

I'm ok with fags and trannies, provided they're free of the leftism often associated

That battle was fought and lost before I was born. In the 1960s and 1970s, we as a society decided that marriage was a matter of companionship and romance rather than a union of families designed to produce children.

The better solution is to create a new construct designed explicitly for that, and let the legal benefits flow from producing children, rather than being married. Want to get married and visit each other in the hospital when you're sick? Great. Have a kid and we'll talk about you getting tax breaks and extra privileges.

I'm also fine with gay couples making children with mad science and getting extra privileges that way, since statistically speaking they're usually better parents than straight couples (including selection bias, of course). I don't think they need to be discriminated against; I just think that we need to encourage people to build functioning units of society, rather than rewarding them for finding someone they want to fuck for the rest of their lives.

i'm actually pretty progressive--I want all non-whites dead

>Marijuana should be legalized (not harder drugs or psychedelics though)
>Gun purchases should require safety training or militia service as a prerequisite
>Universal healthcare is desirable
>economic intervention is a good thing, and redistribution of income to education, training, and targeted industries will help us compete and win in trade
>abortion should be pushed heavily in the third world

Why shouldn't psychedelics be legalized? They're the safest notably psychoactive drugs there are generally speaking.

Maybe physiologically, but extremely damaging to a healthy and traditional society.

When it comes to healthcare we would need something similar to that of Japan's system since overall it is one of the few nationalized systems that isn't trash. But the reality is the sole reason why their health does so well is due to social norms and views on professionalism which is not going to exist in the west. Not to mention they don't have freeloader issues that exist in the US.
