The Band Ministry Has Released a Pro-Antifa Song

The industrial metal band Ministry has released a new song called "Antifa". The crackhead frontman has previously been open about his support for leftist political movements.

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>lefty musicians play lefty song at lefty music festival

This means something...

>that singer
If a goblin ever took meth, that's what it would look like.

>it's an idiots have stupid political opinions episode


Literally who?

Glenn Danzig, the one who put on the festival, is pretty right wing desu. The Swedish band Marduk, who are also performing there, have been accused of being NatSoc in the past.

Jesus. "I am not an Effigy" was so long ago....


Why would the singer smear shit on his forehead before the show?

>industrial metal band

this guy looks like hes in his 60s and has several facial piercings. disregarded and forgotten

If it was 1989 I might give a fuck


>industrial metal

Not sure how to listen to this? What do you put in it?? Bang with a hammer on it?

I only like the first two ministry albums

>dreadlocked grandma jabbers incoherent nonsense into the mic
>biker sam harris just stands behind the keyboard

Ministry's old and influential as fuck, they're not a bunch of literally whos.

>Guy who once sang about NWO and lizard people being in control is now antifa
I thought he was redpilled, but come to think of it, he only ever existed when there was a Republican in office.
I guess he's been a shill this whole time.

Nwo = jew world order
Uncle al smoked too much meth

Good thing Sup Forums already has a "based as FUCK" metal band to call their own..

Nice lol

nobody who listens to or plays metal is influential as fuck

Ironic that they have a track titled NWO while they shill for the NWO



Ministry's extremely important to industrial music in general.

is there anything more cringy than metal as a musical genre. Literally just for edgy suburban kids

>tear down the system!
>fuck governments!
these retarded faggots wouldnt know what to do after those who handle water purification, sewage treatment, fucking power plant workers leave to other states/countries. they would have nothing. and you know what? the stupid faggots would blame someone else still

Industrial Metal is a meme genre.
I can't believe people still use it to describe their bands nowdays.

based dickel sack

they're old tryhard faggots like most nu-male-metal-core-post-punk-rap-raggae bands.

Chicago north side pussy. Moved to Texas to try and fuck up Texas too. Hope he OD's

we need to infiltrate the chill-wave genre. Best modern genre by far.


A junkie supports antifa. I'm shocked.

All the good musicians are leftists anyway. I enjoy their work

I used to love ministry.
Into the ovens they go.

this sounds like fucking elevator music

Right? I don't get what world these antifa/leftists are living in

seemed like they are rapidly anti capitalist and corporatist, but somehow don't seem to realize they are useful idiots for both of those ideas

like they act like they're edgy counter-culture people, but they shill for people like macron and hillary

its mindboggling

I mean perhaps they are as disillusioned with democracy as us and simply take what options they are given by it, but I really don't think they've put even that much thought into it

You forgot to add neoebm-aggrotech-industrialmetal-postdubstep

>having this much shit taste
Old school Ministry is up there with Swans as one of the best industrial groups of the 80s


dont make fun of my big brother

I prefer to listen to something more soulful than a bunch of out of tuned electric guitars with some upper middle class anorexic kid screaming about cutting himself.

Al needed the money for drugs,and mr.goldstein said al make a song for antifa or no money for crack cocaine


Used to be pretty big band when industrial metal was popular.

Al Jourgensen is a fucking degenerate sellout. I remember watching his interview on the Alex Jones show years ago. And he made some good comments.
He obeys whoever fills his crack pipe. rofl

I agree

>Old school Ministry is up there with Swans
Go listen to Halloween and report back.

The only Halloween I'm aware of from the 80s is an American heavy metal band, not an industrial group.



Oh shit. He was kinda handsome. Meth is a helluva drug.

If I remember well he mentioned once that he used to watch porn with his teen daughter.

It really is. Try some Odesza and Tycho. Great shit.

It was heroin.

I remember first time I heard Al do an interview on AJ and I immediately lost almost any respect I had for him. He couldnt articulate a single position of his and was just a fucking burn out. That whole scene is trash now. Its nothing but techno line dancing. Any resemblance to old "industrial" music is long gone. It was always trash with a few nuggets but it drew people of a fashy orient in even though it professed to be counter to fascism. Its really jewish as fuck it lures people in with fashy aesthetics but then jews it up with occult shit and Weimar degeneracy.

I used to hang with his daughter in Seattle back like 3 years ago. I first met her at this goth bar that's underneath and old German car shop. It's members only so you can smoke in there, pretty badass but anyhow.

She's kinda pale with dark hair, has a huge ass (Al Jorgensen is actually Puerto Rican or some shit) and was kind of cute. She told me about growing up in Chicago and Al had a recording studio there where she'd hang out as a little girl and see all these jackasses and dipshits rolling through to record like rappers and other industrial acts.

That seemed kind of ok but it wasnt until i started seeing the kind of shit she'd post on social media, publicly. I'm serious and not making this up..

She'd post shit about her period,how bloody it was and all this nasty detail, and do like a few more posts of the duration, updating you on detailed progress.

Then she started posting those pictures chicks take when they're naked but position a hand here or there and crop shit. And it'd be here taking a selfie with a dude behind her banging her.

Weirdest girl I met yet. Too gross for me.

>listening Nu Metal faggots

Sabaton is the patrician tier.

Ministry has been shit for a long time, this isnt news

>Facial piercings.

Surprise, surprise.



If you're going to bring up power metal at least bring up Liege Lord

You might be thinking of Helloween.

Do you got any full body pics of her?
Adrianne has a cute face and charming eyes.

No, I'm thinking of Halloween lad, completely different band

>Liege Lord
blaze on leaf

fuck that, give me some rigor mortis instead. r.i.p. scaccia

Hmmm, never heard of 'em. Not that it matters, Helloween is better anyway.

Wow Cuckistry is so dark and edgy. I want to go downstairs and tell my mommy I'm going to be antifa now.

Amphetamine was the goth drug of choice.

I thought they broke up in 2008?

Yes but he did heroin.

>industrial metal band
>emo music
the only surprising thing is why they didn't do it sooner

This is the best Ministry song:

Guy is a huge faggot, though. I heard he wouldn't let a guy sign him to his record label until he did heroin with him.

35 year drug habit + 3 bottles of wine a day =

He looks like something out of a Jim Henson movie though, or maybe Star Wars.

that shit is fucking gay nigger shit

post her facebook pls

holy shit these people are garbage

God fucking damn it - Ministry was one of favorite bands as a teenager.

Good thing Ministry has always absolutely fucking sucked

who cares? Basically the entire punk genre is pro-anarchy and has been since it's inception. Why should I give a shit about this one particular band?

You know when you get those moments where an musical artist or band you really like the music of end up being complete fuckwits and it kinda ruins it?

Sigh. Thanks a fucking lot OP.

You should see pantera frontman's phil anselmo's white pride rants on stage.

Is Al Jourgensen that guy who's daughter got raped by Onision? If it is, then his daughter like disowned him or something. I can't remember the details

Johnny Ramone was a hardcore Reagan supporter.

They're washed up band now. Fuck 'em.

nah here it is

>implying thats a bad thing
you probably like harsh and violent metal music.

You fucken newfag

Western music is nothing but a god awful psyop aimed at molding nilistic vapid whites into good goy liberals.

>not just listening to Japanese music and retro wave

Fuck music, really.

WTF am i looking at


wtf i hate music now

Glad I didn't shell out the $70 to see them in Houston on their oldies tour. Fuck this sellout band. They were relevant in the 1990s, and honestly "Filth Pig" and "Twitch" used to be a few of my favorite records. Their 2000s and later stuff is complete shit. This is awful news, and rather stupid really. Wonder if he likes cheese pizza.