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yeah I notice their "millions" of results usually stop in under 20 pages.


If you are still using (((google))), stop now.

They are not your friend.

That's more than I did , to be fair

You're not a mega all-powerful tech company

That probably happenes because of the term "African American" is tagged so often. When it's just white people the ethnicity isn't mentioned. I'd blame this more on the websites themselves than Google.

Just look at what they did for literally every other holiday possible.

>American Criminals returns white guys
>well that's because they were more successful and more famous
>American inventors, musicians, mathematicians all turn up black guys despite there being considerably more successful whites in every field
I highly doubt it.

makes me think

Decided to try it out, too lazy to merge so just going to post three images

Should probably post the image herf

>Einstein was America
Thought he was a German kike.




A symbol for a military holiday should be subtle desu. It would be disrespectful to change all their letters around like they usually do.

I've noticed this, too. It's real annoying. It's like, where's the rest of it, Google? Sometimes I get in deep and the feed hasn't even stopped being relevant.


Probably because you keep posting about people getting cucked or blacked that Goobotnet does it for you.

Try remaking this image with searches made in private browsing mode so that you can get the almost pure search result with minimum amount of botnet.

Also search the exact same phrases in DuckDuckGo and put that up as comparison, you don't need private browsing for that either.

google did nothing for easter but does for muslim shit

Friendly reminder that they made an entire subdomain for ramadan

Joogle can't even acknowledge the cannon fodder that keeps (((their))) little global banking scam going.

wtf why don't they observe world digestive health day? fucking bigots

this is correct. to verify simply search for "US inventors" or "US football players." You'll get the right results.

That being said, Google can still suck a dick. Fuck em.

Listen to the man

I stopped using their shit 10 years ago, never to go back. All things Alphabet and Kikebook are ip-range banned (except the shyte 4kike uses for their clickbait shekelpost system)

Fuck yourself with a rake you stupid nigger.

If you were to take 2 seconds you'd see that no matter what, a bunch of fucking KANGS comes up whether or not you're in private, signed in, or off of an account.

He's a kike that fled to america to escape the nazis

Skin color is inconsequential to the Law. It is the predisposition of negros to hate. Hate that is buried within their own hearts. Hate born of fear and ignorance.