Why are Muslims absolutely terrified of dogs?

Why are Muslims absolutely terrified of dogs?

dogs detect bombs

I think Muhammid said saliva is unclean or something. Dogs lick anything.

because they aren't human

Because they know.

Dogs can sniff out danger. They can smell the demons

Muhammed absolutely hated dogs (Purged entire cities of them)

Hence why dunecoons have an aversion to them and by extension of that, scared.

Maybe we need to Muzzle the Muslims!

Because Muhammed said dogs are unclean.
Probably because dogs can recognise bad people and were barking at Muhammed all the time.

Goggie truly is man's best friend.

Dogs protect and defend the white man and can never be corrupted.

Don't know but could help you to if get big dog.
I always seeing Europeans with only small dogs only for love
but if get big dog can have both love and protection from Muslims who come to house daily for requesting to convert to Islam.

if that were true pitbulls wouldn't exist.

Semitic peoples think dogs are dirty. And they are since they eat vomit, their own shit, etc.

They never used them for hunting at the same level like Europeans, so they didn't ever get to appreciate them like we did.

>People still believe this

You cannot pray to Muhammad with dog hair on you. It's disrespectful.

In India, I saw Hindu monks throwing rocks and kicking cats and dogs. They even killed one dog - I figured it was because they don't have enough food for themselves, and animals steal food, but I saw that they got a thrill out of abusing these animals so I am not sure what the heck their motive was.


They are shitskins and behave accordingly.


Mohamed let one fuck aisha, then she left him to live with the flea ridden dog because its dick smelled better

hasidic jews are as well.
My landlord, le jew, came to check on the building and the neighbor took their dog out in the hall and he jumped and ran out of the building and i didnt see him for the rest of the day.
Apparently they think dogs are going to eat them. It's in their jew book.

>dog is man's best friend
>muslims are not people