Is it happening?

Why are all the Verizon cell phone towers going down all of the sudden? this map was white an hour ago.

Other urls found in this thread:

lol verizon is trash t.tmobile user

Sprint and T-Mobile are the master race

Cyber war. Someone is trying to get something out and (((they))) are shutting it down.

Maintenance. They do it in sync so the internal clocks, sattelites etc are in sync.


t mobile is even worse

No, master race is Ting Mobile

no problems for me m8 j have all bars but thats pretty bad

Att is really bad

You have Fi, have a (you).

Sprint is trash-tier.

Couldn't get service in my office or house, only worked on the road. Sorry, but I need to use the phone more often than en-route & it's worse with laws being passed against using phones while driving.

Yes, Trump has instituted code zulu. All pizza places will henceforce be known as Trumptariums. Thursday will be renamed to Trumpday. Kusher is now the secretary of bigly important stuff.

If you mean by insecure bullshit than yeah. Google fi bitches



Texas near the rural here. No probs with T-mobile whatsoever got 4/5 bars at all times most places. on tmobile one plus was only 70 bucks unlimited evrything (slow down after 32 gigs when a tower is full) so I dont advise it if youre in a neighborhood full of niggers, if you are pls kys, plus 10 gigs of lte hotspot, and tmobile today is cash

sprint needs to fucking die already

Not just Verizon. All comms are being slowed and have been the past few months. Methinks the gubmint is using it for military observation with the whole NK issue.

Digits checked...
Everything looks worse if you zoom out

I still get 100mbps down on my phone. Maybe I'm immune?

I live in rural area. Verizon is 5 bar here and only service here I have.

Verizon is the best if you live in rural.
T-Mobile and sprint are only for cities.

They just built 2 tower one on south top of ridge and north on top of mountain.

It seems normal to me

guys check out these crazy winds on the south pole. is it HAPPENING? SECRET NAZI BASE?



I thought Sprint was the based cell phone carrier over there, and Verizon & AT&T were the shitty ones.


I'm sure everyone will survive without cell service overnight when most people are sleeping.

They're all about the same unless you live in some really rural area where only one tower reaches you.

Guys I already read through the documents OP linked and it turns out it's just another big juicy nothingburger, it had no substance but it sure made me sleepy... I'm so very tired... why don't we all grab a snack and take a nap? this story isn't going anywhere. we have time to sleep...