Core of human morality and how it relates to the rise and fall of civilizations


the core of the duality of good and evil is the difference between the sacrifice of the future for the present versus the sacrifice of today for the future.

pedophilia = evil because you steal the ability to function properly from a person
theft = evil you take someone elses money/property, therefore you steal their time, therefore you steal part of their future for your present.
murder = evil because you literally take the future from someone.
deceit = evil because you trust, which is essential for future relationships to function.

the more these are present in a group, the less of a future/ the quicker the collapse of such a group.

hard work = good because its the act of contribution to a persons future.
individualism = good because it takes the future into the individuals hands, makes them personally accountable for their future
education good


things like taxation, which is theft, can be good if used for things like infrastructure (needed environment for future endeavors) or evil if used to provide a future for those who do not or can not provide one for themselves.
what do you think Sup Forums?

by the way, pretty sure this is represented somewhat by the cross and by the star of david. The cross is uneven, with the junction on the upper half, up = progress = future.

The star of david on the other hand is two opposing deltas. with a combined angle of 180 +180 = 360 which represents a circle, which represents a cycle, which might seem to represent a cancellation of change or lack of a future different from a previous starting point. from cavemen to cavemen, plus the relation to saturn cults and saturn eating his own sons (destruction of futures).

Other urls found in this thread:

transgenderism = evil not only because it destroys the body but also prevents the individual from living a future with children

hard drugs = evil because addiction causes the body to be reliant on a drug in the future.
this concept I believe relates to Nikola Teslas concept of human energy.


PT 1


by Nikola Tesla
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Century Illustrated Magazine, June 1900


Of all the endless variety of phenomena which nature presents to our senses, there is none that fills our minds with greater wonder than that inconceivably complex movement which, in its entirety, we designate as human life; Its mysterious origin is veiled in the forever impenetrable mist of the past, its character is rendered incomprehensible by its infinite intricacy, and its destination is hidden in the unfathomable depths of the future. Whence does it come? What is it? Whither does it tend? are the great questions which the sages of all times have endeavored to answer.

Looks like you've just discovered the idea of the social contract. Basically an unspoken and unwritten set of rules and obligations that make society a better place. Laws my also intersect with the social contract to better enforce it, and to punish assholes that violate it.

Leftist cucks will try to tell you that objective morality doesn't exist, but it does, just in the form of the social contract.


Modern science says: The sun is the past, the earth is the present, the moon is the future. From an incandescent mass we have originated, and into a frozen mass we shall turn. Merciless is the law of nature, and rapidly and irresistibly we are drawn to our doom. Lord Kelvin, in his profound meditations, allows us only a short span of life, something like six million years, after which time the suns bright light will have ceased to shine, and its life giving heat will have ebbed away, and our own earth will be a lump of ice, hurrying on through the eternal night. But do not let us despair. There will still be left upon it a glimmering spark of life, and there will be a chance to kindle a new fire on some distant star. This wonderful possibility seems, indeed, to exist, judging from Professor Dewar's beautiful experiments with liquid air, which show that germs of organic life are not destroyed by cold, no matter how intense; consequently they may be transmitted through the interstellar space. Meanwhile the cheering lights of science and art, ever increasing in intensity, illuminate our path, and marvels they disclose, and the enjoyments they offer, make us measurably forgetful of the gloomy future.

PT 3

Though we may never be able to comprehend human life, we know certainly that it is a movement, of whatever nature it be. The existence of movement unavoidably implies a body which is being moved and a force which is moving it. Hence, wherever there is life, there is a mass moved by a force. All mass possesses inertia, all force tends to persist. Owing to this universal property and condition, a body, be it at rest or in motion, tends to remain in the same state, and a force, manifesting itself anywhere and through whatever cause, produces an equivalent opposing force, and as an absolute necessity of this it follows that every movement in nature must be rhythmical. Long ago this simple truth was clearly pointed out by Herbert Spencer, who arrived at it through a somewhat different process of reasoning. It is borne out in everything we perceive�in the movement of a planet, in the surging and ebbing of the tide, in the reverberations of the air, the swinging of a pendulum, the oscillations of an electric current, and in the infinitely varied phenomena of organic life. Does not the whole of human life attest to it? Birth, growth, old age, and death of an individual, family, race, or nation, what is it all but a rhythm? All life-manifestation, then, even in its most intricate form, as exemplified in man, however involved and inscrutable, is only a movement, to which the same general laws of movement which govern throughout the physical universe must be applicable.

I disagree, although it is related

individual morality = individual future
collective morality = collective future.

collective future = social contract.

do you agree with my definition of the core of individual morality however?



i think i understand what you are getting at, time is after all the most precious resource of all. If you can prove that an act takes away the time you have spent on earth to fulfill your biological role, that act is amoral.

human sacrifice = holocaust = evil.

>things like taxation, which is theft
You libertardians never stop with this retardation.

If you don't like paying taxes - Stop using public roads, stop using public pavements, stop using public services like police, fire department, emergency care et cetera.

It's called "The Greater Good" you Mongoloid

>If you don't like paying taxes - Stop using public roads, stop using public pavements, stop using public services like police, fire department, emergency care et cetera.

read the rest of the sentence please.
>can be good if used for things like infrastructure (needed environment for future endeavors) or evil if used to provide a future for those who do not or can not provide one for themselves.

this is an example of a synthesis of morality of an institution based on the axioms stated in OP for good/evil

can you point me to where it defines the axioms for good and evil or does it assume they are self-apparent?


Painting is called Saturn Devouring his Son

glad someone else knew

There's inevitably holes in this ideaology. Goodness is not separate from the enjoyment of life. If you live solely for the future, you will never enjoy the present.

Indeed, rather than believing that goodness is only sacrifice for the future, one should see goodness as striking a perfect harmony between living in the present and tending to what will come.

Life is meant to be lived. Goodness is living optimally where as evil is living to end life.

of course, I believe this is handled by the axiom in that a person who does not enjoy the present and focuses only on the future is actually sacrificing his own future (stress causes illness etc)

Japanese businessman takes own life despite being well off financially because he never made time for wife and children for example.

>Saturn and Jupiter
You mean Kronus and Zeus

The idea I'm striking down is the notion that the future is more important than the present. Society could live forever if robots controlled every aspect of our lives, but it wouldn't be a life worth living even if it was objectively the most future thinking.

Thus it is clear that goodness is not thinking only of the future for future's sake.

user, stop relying solely on logic and intellect to solve these tough problems. You must learn to trust wisdom and spirit.

>Society could live forever if robots controlled every aspect of our lives,
thats not a society ora future for humans, thats a future for the robots. By future I guess its necessary to define what that is. Growth imo.

Growth of what?

Minski the cannibal!

understanding of self, the universe etc. improvements to the current system. Increased Justice freedom etc while limiting tyranny.

War in Heaven

Would you mind explaining this idea?

That's not why those things are evil or morally bad. That is the consequence of those being morally bad.

>understanding of self, the universe etc. improvements to the current system. Increased Justice freedom etc while limiting tyranny.
>it wouldn't be a life worth living even if it was objectively the most future thinking.
> By future I guess its necessary to define what that is. Growth imo.
Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.

Read Oswald Spengler's The Decline of the West.

Do not ever talk about this again until you have.

Now this I can get behind.

What is this picture and why does it freak me the fuck out

Nah 'morality' is just game theory honed by biological imperatives. The demiurgic mincer cushes out any other alternative. Any other aberration to that axiom will be smothered out soon enough. The universe is just code, a mincer, a grinder: it obliterates all and will spit every atom that currently makes up you across the infinity of space.

"Saturn Devouring his Son"

Suicide bombers sacrifice today (killing themselves) for tomorrow (getting to fuck children in heaven), so your theory isn't foolproof.

But they aim at killing others which isn't sacrifice it's stealing of others time by killing them. Therefore wrong.

Is it good to kill a serial killer?

Yes, it is a bit like the wheel of fortuna. If you sacrifice too much of the present you are at the lowest point and there may be no return. And such sacrifice is always at the expense of some group: future evil opposed to present good simply leads to a grey morality.

What OP describes is an important aspect of good and evil, but is more of an effect, or one of the effects of the paradox of good and evil. And evil in pursuit of the good is essentially impossible in his construct.

A more classical approach to this would be something like 'good is the ideal organisation of virtue' whereas 'evil is the perfect corruption of the good.'

Evil is not something in itself, only in its falsification of the good. Whereas good is an absolute collectivity of virtue - both in regards to the present and the future.

Creating a duality of good by splitting time essentially defeats the idea of good itself. And I'd say it's a huge part of the world's problems.

Your metaphysical knowledge is poor.
Educate yourself.

This is completely incoherent bullshit. Reductionistic, autistic bullshit.

>Educate yourself.

>Sup Forums

>Educate yourself.

>Sup Forums

>Educate yourself.

>Sup Forums

Good for u user,

I can see the way you think.
Except for the last paragraphs...

This, of course, begs the question: how does one live best in accordance with goodness?

It's not quite as simple as that, but you are onto a key component of evil, which is the immediate need for satiation of the baser nature over the higher mind.

Ah, but user, is intellect not a key component to evil?

You wouldn't call a spider evil if it bites you, but you would call a man evil if he conspired to hurt you.

The demiurge is a metaphor for the invisible hand of society. It's actually cultural creationism. Our cultural information (memes) and social organizations evolved with the selection criterion of what benefits rulers. With capitalism this got detached and became a thing onto itself, it evolved a system with the selection criterion of whatever gives the biggest return on investment. This is pure and absolute nihilism, the only way to have a sane society that doesn't implode is to have social organization around what benefits human beings the most, all of our systems should be subservient to human beings, but the system of the world has enslaved us. Even the most rich and powerful are enslaved, their system is "too big to fail" and they (not us) are in a state of mutually assured destruction. The system is eating the rich. This is the reason for all this social chaos right now, the absolute whole of politics is crazy, in terms of cultural change it is because the speed of cultural evolution has outpaced the ability of this zombie capitalism to process. Because it is the source of this change (the internet is a memetic super-accelerator) is the system itself, and it needs exponential change for exponential growth, it is tearing itself apart.

TL;DR the mathematical/strategic essence of nihilism (winning for the sake of winning) has corrupted all of society.


Binary logic, repeated throughout the control system. Chess brainwashes people to think that way also. Makes you wonder what is really in charge.

pedophilia = doesn't prevent civilization success
theft = evil. doesn't prevent civilization success
murder = evil. but doesn't prevent civilization success.
taxation= Remove it and civilization falls.
homosexuality = doesn't prevent civilization success
transgenderism = doesn't prevent civilization success
drugs = doesn't prevent civilization success
video games = doesn't prevent civilization success
music = doesn't prevent civilization success
fuck you = exactly.

Poignant, and by all accounts reasonable, but how do we fix it?

How do we free ourselves?

They take orders from a computer, just like in War Games. Probably a remnant from our last technological peak. We have been playing against a computer for centuries.

This is what we have built. Goods and services don't move themselves, the commodity behind all others is conscious attention, which is clear on the internet where so much involved trying to direct you to click, watch, like and subscribe. Global capitalism is a machine that converts the flow of human consciousness into dead matter in ever more efficient ways to squeeze every ounce of profit out of each minute of attention. This is the true redpill, The Matrix is heavily inspired by and explicitly references postmodern philosophy:

There is no politics here, this is a matter of whether or not one wants human life to continue on this planet.

You will learn more soon, the true resistance is alive.

As the system controls awareness, the answer is awareness. By staying hidden it isn't even recognized as a problem. The solution is to spread awareness of this to the top level of maintream culture so that more and more attention is drawn to it. There is no amount of fear-mongering that is uncalled for on this issue, we are in imminent threat of apocalypse. The process is to try to out-compete all the other fear-mongering out there by providing a bigger boogie monster, but this actually exists.

The march of technology is inevitable.

How do you expect to halt the most powerful materialistic force with awareness when we can hardly get the public to be aware that a man was murdered for leaking political files.

Yes I would, fuck that little 8 legged nigger.

i get all that but how about this.

you were made to die by a creator. you were made to be controlled with food and sex tasting and feeling good. you were made to be controlled by being given emotions that give you weaknesses, like jealousy and hate.

you were made physically weak compared to the creators.

you were made with weaknesses on purpose so you could be controlled as slaves until you died from old age or murder.

everything is a weakness, even pleasure?

Technology isn't the problem, it is our relationship to it. That force is threatened by the machine as is everything else by apocalypse. The product isn't the problem, it's a matter of figuring out how to sell it. The Kek meme and the alt-right's meme obsession is incredibly fortuitous as this can be described as a literal conspiracy of memes, and Kek hijacked to use an example of its mechanics. This is why I am here.


or you can die by disease. if you were made like the creator you would not have pain or death, you would be immortal and probably really happy with no pain in your life.

This shit is no joke.

People don't understand we were made weak on purpose, and even if you experience pleasure it was a way to be controlled when you weren't feeling pain.


the memetic entities one is from June 2015.

You are being controlled, you will die.

You were made to feel pain and weakness on purpose so you could be controlled and eventually die.

Wrong link, here's the main channel:

Its funny to see how conservatives try to reason their lack of morality.

I have an intuition this ties into entropy production and reversal. Expending energy and increasing entropy temporarily so as to later create a (localized) reversal of entropy. To create order from the chaos.

But the entire Universe is marching towards heat death and maximal entropy. Does that mean we're in hell? Is our Universe ruled by fiends the likes of Moloch? Are we all slaves to the demiurge, shackled within his prison?

>fuck off you filthy kike.

It is simple what the definition of evil is. Evil is to be destructive to the life energy of those who are opposing you. But it is only in their definition as that is moral compass. The only ones of follow True Moral Definition are the Tibetian Monks who experience moral balance the likes in which I have never seen before. It is almost scary - not because it's a bad thing but that so many other fail to demonstrate this concept. A common symbol the Chinese have shown is the Yin Yang. It demonstrates balance of good and evil but it's an inaccurate depictiation of an individual. Same as any average statistics, there are outliers in everywhere. While the true average have balance there are very wicked people who by definition as given by the good as wicked. To them they aren't bad, or maybe it just never crosses their mind. I don't know. But I do know that the truth to sacred moral compass guidances is to open your mind and become the embodiment of an average person. The true average is the true balance of good and evil, seeing both evil and good in the good and evil things. There are good to everything and bad to everything, you see. It's just perspective.

How can we mend our relationship to technology, how do you believe you can save humanity where so many others have failed?

Man has eternally listed for power; this is an age old problem.

You believe you can reverse it now?

It's Minski the cannibal! From marquis De sade


It isn't me lol, I'm just some guy, it's a whole lot of people in different ways. The problem is that the system has taken power from human beings due to the carelessness of rulers, it is a matter of self-interest. We must focus as much resources as we can into figuring out how to solve this problem, and to do that we need awareness of it.