Nonwhites always see white nationalism as an hateful ideology. How can we change that misconception?
Nonwhites always see white nationalism as an hateful ideology. How can we change that misconception?
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You won't as long as you have a nicer country than them.
They will use this to guilt you to letting them reside with you. Thats the only goal of white guilt really.
>Nonwhites always see white nationalism as an hateful ideology
It is hateful and Sup Forums is the proof of that.
ITT: All "white" desus hated on a "Indian" looking man and talked about his baby like one would about a subhuman.
Sup Forums keep in mind proxyfagging epidemic when replying to any Indian posts. This guy may not be an Indian
Gas the jews who are sowing division. Problem solved.
Genuinely Indian, mate.
Read the thread I linked in to know more about the story.
Exterminate Jews, Open Vatican Hidden Archive for public study
White people be like
"White countries for white people"
Non Whites be like
"wtf das raycis mayne i hate whit peopll now"
By gassing the kikes and starting a race war. Preferably now.
The answer to every question is to burn the media down.
>Nonwhites always see white nationalism as an hateful ideology
>black lives matter
Is literal nationalism
That stuff really is going too far. Why can't people hold racial preferences and support creating and maintaining ethnically homogenous communities? Fucking autism.
Here's a thought, rather than having an allegiance to a tribe, nation, or race - dedicate yourself to a common principle: like tolerance, liberty, and equality.
You'll find that the community of people who share your ideals extend far beyond your immediate race.
Nonwhites only exist bc of the empathy and kindness of white people. The only way nonwhites can compete with us is by guilt tripping white countries into doing whatever they want. This is the easy way out. Nonwhites are lazy and crooked
Another post in which a patriotard from /r/t_d claims that they're going to lock arms with minorities and go take on the now. Globalism is GOOD for them you breathlessly retarded boomer-poster
The only way we can prove we're not a hateful ideology to the savage shitskins is by killing all of them.
Not not right, you know. We were breeding alright even when whites haven even discovered India.
*nwo not now
Non-whites living in white countries see it that way... in which case it doesn't even matter. They are just trying to cover their own ass so they can continue taking white resources.
It's hateful because you want to limit their access to wealthy places where they can increase their quality of life. Seeing as most people outside of the west view life through the lense of tribal politics (what is good for me, my family, my ethnicity), you are never going to convince those people that you have a right to the stuff you've got and the lands you have (because they want that stuff, it's good).
And they vote in your country, too, so they'll make damn sure they and theirs get to continue to enjoy your shit as long as humanly possible.
The answer is to become just poor enough that nobody wants to live in your country. Then nobody will care about your immigration politics, because nobody wants to move there anyway.
Poor and happy, or rich and stressed. I reckon those are the only real options on the table.
Muh tolerance, muh principles and muh constitution are worth shit when the truck of peace hits you.
Nobody sane does. Unfortunately not many people are sane enough to put themselves in others position.
By dropping napalm on them
That's very, VERY rude.
>Poor and happy
Australian culture in 3 words
white nationalism is retarded.
What we need to do is unite and create super-men by way of selective breeding and Eutelegenisis.
These super men won't be of any particular race, they could theoretically look like any race. But they will possess intelligence and abilities far above anyone alive today.
Here's a thought, rather than polluting this board with your "opinion", aka Baboon Brain, aka Lemur Lifestyle - just take a rope and hang yourself.
Kill them all so they can't see shit.
>be non white
>get exterminated
Hmm I wonder why non whites wouldn't want rope day? Really gets me my axons reaching action potential.
Nonwhites respect strength and hate weakness. We need to convince whites, nonwhites will simply respect the positive selfrespect when they see it.
>Fuck u whitey, u a nazi
>Shut up nigger.
We can start by getting them down to sustainable population levels. Particularly densely populated non-white places like South Asia. A few nukes would do the trick.
i wanna go on a "trip"!!
The day of the rope is the day of the boat for non-whites. They don't have to die to not be a nuisance around us.
>Nonwhites always see white nationalism as an hateful ideology.
honestly in my experience I've met far more whites who believe that being proud of their heritage is racist, and far more non-whites who think the former fact is very sad and unfair.
And by "trip" this guy means having hot sweaty sex with children
You re-brand the name to something that sounds inherently supportable.
Turn off the TV
>Look like hideous niggers, Pakis, Pajeets and other shitskins
Shitskin detected.
Anyone who rags on White Nationalism is most likely a parasitic non-white looking out for their own interests at the expense of the White race.
I want to impregnate her
the jews created it, and the clueless goyim followed
By not giving a fuck to non-whites.
We should have just exterminated you all and repopulated India with White people. The sheer potential it could have had.
With less than 200 million whites America is the world's superpower, while with 1.3 billion shitskins India and its surrounding countries are the shitpits of the world.
>Tolerance, liberty, equality
These 3 can't exist together you moron. Go sell your propaganda to reddit
>How can we change that misconception?
by killing all non-whites
I doubt people in places with racial homogeneity like China think it is all that racist. For minorities in America though we just need to focus on peaceful separation, and racial confederation rather than race war and gasing. It obvious that someone is going to hate your ideology when they think it will cause them to be killed.
Everytime white people get all nationalist brown people suffer. You guys can't have a party without victimizing brown people.
>Had Black Friend
Bummed off my hospitality for to long. Never got my $50 he said he give me.
Freedom stands in direct opposition to equality
slaves are equal, the dead are equal
Free men are not equal
Not poor enough mate:
I'd venture to guess that Poland has fewer jews than we do, not quite the right securities and finance market to make it a good destination.
A selectively bred super man would naturally look appealing, no matter the race. My aim is to de-racialize the mission, to make it more paletable to non-whites.
Why do you want to make it appealing to subhuman shitskin non-whites who have no right to be here in the first place?
If you look at the history in the past 500 years from a relative perspective, what is good for whitey is essentially good for non whites
They see it as a threat to their gibs and will always oppose it.
>*Anyone who isn't white is most likely a parasite looking out for their own interests
charitable organisations helping the non-white 3rd world. No inherent hypocrisy to it.
Like this?
Non whites usually like their own cultures/people even if they don't like their own countries. Whites like their own too.
That only benefits non-whites
Damn she's hot.
Reminds me of a sweet little piece of ass I bar fined in Pattaya
No we dont think Nationalism is a hateful ideology, just some SJWs & Naziphobes from Western countries thinks that
>Be a pedophile animu fan from murrika
>Develop an imageboard fetish
>Move to japan
>Create a loli harem
>Shitpost under japanese flag about how hebephilia is the final redpill
Go figure
>Nonwhites always see white nationalism as an hateful ideology.
Asian here. I find most American white people a non-threat, and non-hateful at all. Every white person in America are just fucking mutts mixed with all kinds of racial mixtures which makes them not even white at all.
You know how Mexicans are the niggers of the Latin world? American white people are just that. They're loud, vocal, and don't make any thoughtful decisions, they just spout the word, "NIGGER" multiple times as if somehow a light bulb turned on in their heads.
Your time will come, chink.
It already has, I've fucked so many white women it's not even funny.
"M-MUH WHITE PRIDE!" yet you're all mixed, wishing you were a pure-blood Aryan. You're just as much of an African Nigger as any African niggers are. Enjoy our leftovers you beta white boy. We own the IT industry and make more money than you.
See that crocodile? Fuck that over there, or maybe your cousin you fucking loser.
please dont lie. you are embarrassing the entire chink race.
there's no such thing as white nationalism. kikes made it up and you swallowed it like the little bitches you are. having the same skin color is not a uniting factor but having the same culture, ideals, traditions and history is
there is no white culture
no white ideals
no white traditions
I can understand amerifats pushing this shit because they have no culture or history but europeans? how the fuck are you supporting this obvious retardation?
>I can understand amerifats pushing this shit because they have no culture or history but europeans? how the fuck are you supporting this obvious retardation?
This guy gets it.
Can't get enough of these LBFMs!
Always eager to extract the "precious resource" from my burgeoning cum nuggets.
genocide them
ethnic nationalism is an exclusive ideology.
why would you want to hide that fact?
Why? I don't see tibetan nationalism or Japanese nationalism as hateful
Yes, history of Europe is a great testament to unity of "white race".
Don't reply to obvious reddit faggots
>How can we change that misconception?
too bad
this thread prove it's not misconception......
that's another thing, being "european" is another made up non existent concept. they're all roman rape babies or tribes from asia. Sup Forums is just parroting kike lies like "clash of civilizations" and shit. seriously this board needs to shut down or merged with /bant/. the average Sup Forumsack is no better than a normie
Most nonwhites in Asia aren't even aware of its existence
Non-whites are incredibly nationalistic, the just don't want us to be that way, because GIBS. It's a grab-all-the-gibs-you-can-situtation in the West.
The real problem is divided between the traitor 'world citizen' cucks, and the Jews in control of our culture, media, and banking.
You can lie to non-whites about nationalism and our intentions, sure, but what do they have to gain from getting thrown out of our countries?
Listen at over 1 billion in your nation alone, you more than double the entire White race.
So maybe pipe down a bit.
I don't think Asians see white nationalism as hateful. Their societies are largely the same. I mean real Asians... in Asia. Not California Asians.
How's your country doing?
Lots of white people see it that way too.
Nationalism is literally the biggest cancer in our modern society.
Don't bother. "White" is not an ethnicity like Japanese or Amerindian. Greek is too. So is Welsh and Scots. English however is not an ethnicity.
I think it has to do with whites going to war on behalf of the jew constantly, all the other races see whites as oppressors because the white man wears the jewish jackboot and does the jews dirty work.
If you write Caucasian then that's an ethnicity.
foreign aid and investment and talking about combating brain drain destroying their nations. If their nations get to an acceptable standard they wont even try to immigrate.
I know a Chinese doctor and his family who moved back to Hong Kong 3 years ago after coming here in the 90s.
sure it's annoying we have to do it for them, but they are inferior, they obviously cant do it themselves.
Jesus fucken Christ. White isnt sn ethnicity.
so these super men will have the best traits...all of which are white pre dominantly white ones.
No kill urself. That would only leads to race wars.
So is urging the desrhbifbnon whites
You never will. This anti white rhetoric is coming from Jewish controlled media and schools. They either have high enough IQ and break the conditioning through circumstances where the narative is chalanged or they steer far enough and long enough from kike influence to think about logically and not just take things for face value.
Oh please most whites are part west Asian.
Its not anti white, it's commie.