>tfw he fucked the feminism out of her
Lacy green needs to be publicallt executed
Nothing is women's fault
It's mens fault for sucking at fucking them and not keeping them in line
>sh-she's based now, I swear!
No, you dumb faggot. (((Laci Green))) is just an opportunist and sees which way the wind is blowing. It's nothing but fucking REBRANDING HERSELF because she sees that SJWism is becoming more and more unpopular and she's losing huge swathes of support.
And then she looks across the aisle and sees that any vagina that says even the slightest right-wing/traditionalist things gets 6 million subscribers instantly. If you think she has actually changed instead of just trying to get more viewers, you need to get your head examined
Oh look, feminism suddenly isn't trendy anymore.
I said it before and I will say it again, don't trust turnocats of any kind
Why is this so fucking hot?
This so much.
Because you're an inbred degenerate britbong and your faulty genes crave further pollution
Stop posting this filthy whore on this board you leddit scum
Stop advertising
>it's a girl tries to reinvent herself to appeal to whatever is more fashionable episode
I find it hot when Americans ruin their lives, it's like watching a moth fly towards a flame.
Also stop being a mardy cunt you absolutely salty cunt. This thread is clearly not le reddit, so stop being a cut and relax while we watch her snort horribly cut up and lumpy coke and we have a few laughs
Everyone who supports Laci Green needs to be executed. It's unbelievable how many people are willing to give her the pussy pass.
But yeah I mean fuck OP, I wanna talk more about the drug video. Forgot to clarify, OPs post is some wank podcast but I'm here for her shooting up.
She's not. You're just extremely desperate.
Puertorricans porking some sense on white murrican bitches.
Nothing new.
What utter non-sense. Women are social chameleons. FULL STOP.
Because you like chicks who look like mentally disabled 12 year olds
wew lad
>capping your own post
>waste of trips
>"christianity is the problem guise!"
Fuck off, shlomo
I'll agree if a few other people can prove it.
so lets clarify, OPs post is pathetic.
I like watching her do drugs, it's fun to watch some american feminist shoot up and snort shit coke, it's fun watching her become a degenerate and for some reason.
It makes me want to fuck her, never wanted to before until then.
>Only now do I realize I'm trying to defend watching laci green ruin her life because it turns me on. While not being 100% sure why I find it attractive.
>That little o face when the heroin hits
Pretty much this.
This is 100% true.
>ywn have a qt degenerate liberal feminist gf to have post-argument sex with
Why even live
chris actually looks really fucking hot god damn
Because you have no self-esteem, so thanks to your low standards you find walking trainwrecks to be accessible enough to relate to in a sexual way.
Does anyone reply to her on twitter with this webm when she says dumb shit ? And why not ? Think I'll start...
I just tagged myself.
Why do you morons post fake shit. It take 5 seconds to debunk this shit. Oh wow, checked her twitter and nothing.
lol wtf. i understand the argument that it's men's fault for losing the firm grip on women in all aspects (social, political, sexual, etc.) but how the hell can you say it's not their fault? they deserve the responsibility of being shitty people regardless of how mindless and vapid they are. the second you take that away from them is the second you shift everything over to men, and from the way youre speaking that would do a hell of a lot of harm, since you claim men got us into this mess in the first place, how can you expect them to instantly get us out?
Anyone who says writes out "Full Stop" instead of just typing a fucking period needs to be gassed.
It's on Chris TL, you twat.
You dont expect anything from a toddler.
League is a cellphone game from 2009
Yeah, this is just women in general. They're so easy to 'red pill' because they just accept whatever the dominant male around them believes. The problem is, it's all an illusion because they're only a reflection of the beliefs of whoever they were last with and it won't 'take'.
Now for the real question, did Chris fuck the social justice out of Laci?
If so Chris you get one free video where you can gloat about your dick for 5 minutes straight
i dislike the current state of western womena s much as the next goy, but infantilizing them doesnt really do any good other than make it harder for men to make any change (and like i said, since you all claim men are so weak now, how the fuck can you expect them to instantly fix it now?)
Then sauce it, faggot
His patriarchy destroyed her butthole.
>(((sex teacher)))
>corrupts minds of children
>"feminism is out of her now guises!, xD!
>shes' based, just like based trannypede and based black guy.
Gas yourself you stupid bong and go back to the donald. We don't want you, we don't want this Chris guy with a (((big hooked nose))), and we certianly don't want fucking Laci on our side. She was caustic to the left, not an ally of them. Whoever side she is on, she'll hurt in the long run. Someone needs to fire up the gas chambers for her and everyone supporting her.
Women truly have no spine or loyalty. But good for Chris he got to cum on her fat cow tidies
She will blame misogyny for not being popular and go back to SJWs like it never happened.
not fake
check tweets and replies, retard
Yeah no. If men decided to do whatever they want to do is the right thing, it would be done by next week. how are the women going to stop them? complain? nah in fact they would also love it.
women literally cant do anything, cant even change tires or oil.
She has changed none of her views.
The only thing she has said is that she wants to host feminist vs anti-feminist debates.
She is not redpilled. At best she is just skeptical of some feminists.
You fucking roasites, get the fuck out back to your le plebbit, nobody is going to give you a pussy pass, cretins
If it triggers you, go back to your safe space at Stormfront.
These SJW are mentally unstable and are projecting their own insecurities into "politics" like the yippies did
Nothing new, these people are damaged to the very core
why is this so funny coming from Nepal? I think it's because Nepal is this tiny remote, pious mountaintop to us and I assume anal if not on your sherpa minds
>If men decided to do whatever they want to do is the right thing, it would be done by next week
hard to believe when we have all this anti-white shit going on in the campuses in america right now. maybe youre right, but unless we get some kind of push we're just gonna continue to stagnate and accomplish nothing. im not a defeatist or anything but if you take step back and look at the world it looks as if us men are losing. so many policies and regulations being put in place by women and j-ws attacking men and whites, we're in an incredibly confusing spot, historically
Ahahha you dumbfuck. We basically said women are stupid cunts who cant be held resonsible for anything because their brains dont work properly and you think itsa compliment for them.
well i didnt say its going to happen are realistic. what i meant was that if men magically decide to put women in their place again THE WOMEN COULD NOT STOP THEM.
fags like you usually lurk for another year.
Nah. The Social Justice Warrior movement is deeply linked with secularism as well as atheism. Religion teaches long standing traditions and morality whereas secularism and atheism teach the opposite.
Most atheists are simply such to rebel against authority. They were probably raised in religious households which gave them such a hard on against religion but they were never part of it.
SJW-ESQUE stuff came in this day and age where liberal nonsense is taught in education and promoted heavily in media. In religious places and communities, it is next to non existence so it has nothing to do with a religious mindset but rather a rebellious one.
Fucking mormons. They are pretty much all this vapid, as a genetic trait. Their ancestors fell for the Joseph Smith meme.
I am not a racist and do not even browse Stormfront. Only a moron would equate my statement with stormfront.
>what i meant was that if men magically decide to put women in their place again THE WOMEN COULD NOT STOP THEM.
speaking in hypotheticals does nothing, hans, sure if EVERY single man decided to put women in their place again they probably could just by brute force alone. however that would never happen because there will always be men who would oppose it and try and "help" the women
>fags like you usually lurk for another year.
dunno what you meant by that but i think it was an insult
Billy Beta please go home and prep the bull.
Who said stormfront is for racists?
chris raygun is pretty funny
She needs to be memed into being bluepilled again just for the fun of it.
It´s not.
Sort your self out
When the Jewish homo from Sweden gets the crush on the Jewish fuck buddy of Laci Green
That's precisely the problem, you kraut imbecile. The current paradigm forces us to act, as if we were equal and by all means women must be held accountable for their actions, regardless of how dishonorable, retarded and infantile they are. Giving them pussy pass just because they're incapable morons is what enables them to be mindless kike puppets and thus ruining the civilization even further.
Unless we have Kongo tier patriarchy, where women are the property of men by all definitions and really incapable of influencing anything - stop being a muh dick fuckwit and blaming men for something cucks and kikes at the government do.
>drug addict
>the video starts by talking about the red pill
>lel it's mostly about first world problems get over it
In the documentary it shows very clearly how men dies on average 7 years younger, commit 3 times more suicides, account for all work related deaths and then go through personal hell in (((divorce))) court as well as having 0 reproductive rights.
>lel get over it I was only affected by the Nigerian boys part
Sorry, I tuned out at that. Where's the part about Lacy "JigglyTits" Green?
Fuck off, he isn't Jewish, he's pretty red pilled and his content is genuinely funny
Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!
One wise user said that girls have no firm opinion at anything and they just change the ideologies and politic views when they get a new man in her life... She can be a nazi tommorow if she gets fucked by skinhead... Laci is a strong example of what im trying to say...
She will get popular if she starts bashing sjw. Because y'all pathetic losers who'd watch any average, illiterate girl saying platitudes as long as she fights leftists. Lauren is just an example
Do you actually want to discuss his post or just continue being a fag?
this, and i don't think people should blame her for what nearly all women do
Thoughts on Evo?
(loved your country btw)
Chris ray gun inspite of being a liberal he has some pretty cheeki music videos desu
Stop giving this rotted whore drug addict attention.
Sage these shit threads.
This user is right and you all should listen carefully to him.
it was for the other guy, sry :3