>White women marrying black men has tripled since the 1980s.
>More and more white women are submitting to BBC.
White women marrying black men has tripled since the 1980s
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Who cares?
Emma Watson is over rated and clearly out of touch with reality.
This just reaffirms that everything is bullshit trying to trigger you
The nigger meme is dying. White women are realizing niggers are terrible people to have a family with. Niggers will die out when no one wants to fuck them, not even each other.
makes sense. obesity epidemic and all
Good riddance
White women are the least likely group to race mix, and even if they do, they still prefer white men. Only the lowest of low quality women like blacks. Most white intermarriage where the white is the woman are with hispanics (who are varying degrees of white), with blacks only making up 20% of white female interracial marriages.
>1/100k would burn coal
>4/100k are burning coal
Wow it's nothing. Besides that nigs have terrible taste in white women. The like them fat and musty with nappy hair just like their ideal black woman.
>White women marrying black men has tripled since the 1980s.
Divorce stats?
Is there similarly correlated data for fatherless families?
>Tripled since the 1980's
10 out of 1000 vs 30 out of 1000
>searching for this recent TyT video
>this video gets promoted on the youtube homepage
I fucking LOVE how the fucking Allies fucked themselves by being good goyim.
:-) we told you
subversion in work thanks kgb
It's in people's nature to be more attracted to their own race.
Kill yourself nigger.
Every racemixing whore I know is a huge, hideous hambeast.
Hurr white boi hurr btfo btfo hurr hurrr hurrrr
Have all the fat bitches you want, nigger.
White women only are interested in black men for the novelty
Single white women with black babies won't be raising that child well, she will be slowly emotionally abusing that child for ruining her life and taking away her freedom. THat kid will probably grow up to be a failure
I just found out my ex married a nig she only has been dating for like 8 months.. Legit found out two days ago and now I feel disgusted.
>all that Asian race mixing
They truly are submissive cucks in every way.
>Single white women with black babies won't be raising that child well, she will be slowly emotionally abusing that child for ruining her life and taking away her freedom. THat kid will probably grow up to be a failure
This . i know one fat pig white girl through a friend who had 3 niglet kids to 3 different migrant African men , and now she is having a breakdown because she can't find a man
Every black NBA and NFL athlete fucks thousands of white women a year.
Upper class Niggers will die out, but they have major breading areas in the south. All it takes is a welfare seeking jiggabitch to find a lonely nigga wanting to fuck one time and bam you got another jiglet in this world.
That's what I say. The fatties and slut liberal women can bleach them, though they'll be lucky enough to make it to the child's fifth birthday before daddy disappears, leaving a broken, miserable, shattered family behind, the child of which being more prone to drugs, dropping out of school, and criminality.
Every race on earth has paternal instincts, Asians, whites, South Asians, mestizos, everyone except blacks. They're simply descended from matriarchical tribal societies in which the children were raised communally, and there was nothing resembling a family unit.
Sadly the low quality deal isn't the case anymore as the nig dogs prey on stupid high school bitches before they know the niggers true nature.
Yeah, she will emotionally destroy those children. Especially if you say she's desperate for a partner. When they get older, she'll probably start to manipulate them into being her personal therapist. So many single mothers do this but I've noticed that white single mothers with black babies are angrier than most.
this is actually true
black populations in the US and most of south america are declining while those in australia and Europe are increasing because of the (((refugees welcome))) and (((multiculturalism))) mentality our leaders currently have so the keep inporting nogs
Pretty much. math is hard in Bongtopia I guess?
Once they get what they deserve 'll just laugh, no mercy or empathy for these slags.
Shoulder to cry on after the chimp broke your face or left you with kid and no money, NO I don't need your broken, prolapsed bucket pussy, fuck off!
Just keep riding the nigger carousel until the stress fucks up your health and you die in your 50s-60s.
>muh big dicks make muh feels goods in cunt
You could've bought some dildos you confused, daddy showed no affection, whore.
abortions, homicides,a rising suicide rate, and prisons are working wonders in freeing us from niggatry.
White liberal women have a strong maternal instinct which is repressed by society so it manifests in "caring" for minorities.
She tells him all about how much you suck too.
>Yeah, she will emotionally destroy those children
Yes i feel those kids will be fucked , feel sorry for them desu .now she is seeing that most men don't want to raise other mens kids. I bet if we said that to one of these hoes they would be surprised by that fact
oh good god no, she was a crazy whore who cheated and I left.
She even adopted the African method of child rearing, multiple breeding partners, and multiple children to be raised communally, now the welfare/gibs me dat programs.
She regressed completely into the most feral state of humanity, and is now paying the toll.
Single motherhood, I should point out, would not exist anywhere near the level it is today without gibs me dat programs. The family used to be an economic unit as well.
Liberal mommy is out there sucking cock at happy hour while the kid is under medication or cheap immigrant.
can i come over to the US or Argentinia?
im only half slav i swear, i will even let you ride shotgun with me while eating burgers and shoot up illegals with you.
>She even adopted the African method of child rearing, multiple breeding partners, and multiple children to be raised communally, now the welfare/gibs me dat programs.
KEK so true
she probably thinks shes a "nice" mum lol
Makes me feel better that nothing you guys can say or do will every stop or change how the vast majority of white women are choosing to be with black men during their prime years.
Where did you get the impression Americans aren't cool with Slavs? The younger generations don't even remember the Cold War. Come on over.
We need all the help we can get keeping the Basketball Americans in line,
along with taming, basing and assimilating the Hispanics, by any means necessary.
You can't stop evolution. The black evolutionary strategy of pollinating white genepool with Afro seed 24/7 is the most successful one known to biologists.
"Prime", you need to come here to see the type of bitches that africans are hitting.
Sometimes I even feel bad.
The source you cited indicated nothing of the sort. White women on the whole are mixing with blacks more, and like I said, you can have all the fatties, feminist roasties, and slampigs you want.
Whites breed out of their race less than any other by far, so if the rate of interracial coupling or breeding has been tripled, then it's a infinitesimally small number tripled to another infinitesimally small number.
1/1,000 vs. 3/1,000, like the other user pointed out. But the Jew media is going to throw their hands in the air and make an article, cheering it, any opportunity for propaganda.
Cuckold delusion
for those on the downward spiral, novelty is ever increasing
in a few years, if you don't have yourself one of these as a 'partner', you will be burned at the stake for bigotry and failure to evolve
high novelty = high chaos = high degradation
I just tagged myself.
Traitor (((Trump))) will be impeached.
It's just the fat chicks that the white dudes don't want. Black men find ugly white chicks irresistible
Where does it say that in the article?
It says this
"Despite lagging behind Asian and Hispanic newlyweds, black and white newlyweds experienced the most dramatic growth in the rate of interracial and interethnic marriages. The rate for black newlyweds has more than tripled since 1980 — from 5 percent to 18 percent. For white newlyweds, the rate has almost tripped from 4 percent to 11 percent over the same period."
This is simply saying that overall interracial marriage rates for whites have tripled, nothing to do with black men marrying white women specifically.
Fake thread.