What do women talk about when men aren't around?
What do women talk about when men aren't around?
This are a few subjects,
Philosophy, politics, latest hydraulic drill, gym gains, Brazilian disguised as white men, whiskey collections, MMA, religion,
Periods, sex, dicks, cramps, men, etc.
How bad movies have gotten and how they can't get a man to go on a date with them because everyone knows their vagifax
>you can't ride the cock carousel without missing out on other rides
Fuck right off
Their "problems".
I'm ugly so they ignore me and I've learned to ignore them.
About other women. That's literally all they talk about.
Interdimensional space pedophiles
Relationships, other women, work, clothing, partying and men.
This refers to 80% of the womyn, not including the 20% upper and higher middle class womyn who talk about travel, riches, yachts, golfing and their kids.
How to destroy men
relationship problems
whether they be their problems or someone else's, whether they be romantic relationships or friendships or family relationships
if theyre Brazilian they are probably farting or shitting on each other
The most inane bullshit you can imagine, usually whoever did something to offend them.
How big their boyfriends dicks are
Nails, hair, periods and sometimes men.
Everything that's not complicated.
Baking and cleaning products
They be thinking about the BBC, white boi
and backstabbing.
>Brazilian disguised as white men
D-Do you think they know?
The Jews.
The superior virility of black men
>"Hey Katie did you see that Sikh the other day? He was so handsome and not to mention Bro-tier!"
>I did my nails at that place and I wasn't pleased she didn't this and that and she smirked ...
>Yea I know, I used to go there, that bitch had an attitude but she did a decent job but now I go to this place it's amazing
>Once I went for a Brazilian at the other place and I was soooooo hairy and that girl was like: "this bitch crazy?!' but I was like" you gona do your job you dirty Vietnamese?!", idk where she was from. Anyway she ripped the wax pretty fast and iced my pussy, do they ice your pussy where you guys go?
They're usually complaining/bitching about the friends of theirs who aren't present
When one leaves to go bathroom, they all start bitching about her
Women do this non-stop man, its beta as fuck to think otherwise
Women are fucking obsessed with bullying other women and competing
I'm white
My son will not be or marry a muslim, I think you're just jealous
90% completely pointless bullshit
>latest cloth trend, nails, best what ever frappocino, guy passing by is sooooooo hawt omg I can't even,like would totally take home omg omg omg....
10% girl problems
>muh period is unfair
Not politics. Take your shitty threads to Sup Forums
A better question is who the fuck cares?
They talk about men.
World of Warcraft
Nothing of substance.
Kim kardashian, someone's new cars and watches, faggotry and dick sizes, some cuck conversation about saving refugees because CNN says it's the right thing to do
how tiny your cock is and how niggerish and retarded huemonkeys are.
They bitch about men in their lives, or women in their lives, or about negative interactions in their past week, or special memorable moments they tell to everybody "the time they got drunk" "the time they got ripped off at the mechanic shop" "the time their kid said some dumb shit in the middle of class and came home crying"
The recurring theme is nothing has a point, resolution, and they do not expect to recieve (nor want advice) in exchange.
Women use speech as self therapy.
They gossip a lot
why do women do nothing but bitch about other people? i went on a date with a girl a few months ago who seemed nice as shit and was real motherly, and sure enough, by the time our drinks had arrived she was off on a tangent bitching about what some other girl does at her job.
They brag about their wonderful hubbies/boyfriends. Women are envy bitches, Joao.
Been in a relationship for the same girl for almost four years. Starting to realise that she love to just complain about our everything- from her work to her friends to our relationship. Girls love to create drama where it doesn't need to happen, so they probably bitch about other girls, complain and lecture others about their problems who equally want to do the same and say how much they enjoyed the cock they took last night
Pussy odor and tampons according too massengil commercials
what do men talk about
>b-b-but muh census!
Listen joao, we all know "white" in Latin America has a whole different meaning, where it's more of a term of social status and how light your skin might be, rather than ACTUALLY meaning european ancestry. The term is self-identified, and every mestizo with 25% nigger or indian blood calls himself "white". Bullshit. Get the fuck out of here.
There are not 92 million white people in BRland. Nowhere close.
Why do you keep posting this thread user?
Cute animal videos.
stupid shit
t. virgin
... and shoes.
and you missed out so now you're bitter
status competition
men do it too but mostly through action, women do it by subverting and manipulating or whatever they can to make themselves appear better
in your case, she probably felt the need to demonstrate her worth and women do that by chopping down other women
women are seriously so nasty to other women which is why feminism is ludicrous and always ends up with feminists turning on eachother.
Hey Tyrone, relax, alright?
Only fucking and other people fucking.
Also gossip.
Thats it.
Only Alexa Jones friends?
Are you saying women don't like cute animal videos? Or cute kid videos?
>Hey Staci check out this adorable cat video oh my god!!!
black cocks
>muh vagina
They don't. They pull out their phones and mess around waiting for a man to happen by.
Depends on the age. under 16 its periods and boys. 17-25 guys and makeup. 26-35 babies kids and tips on being a mother and good housewife. 36-45 new kitchen. 46 and up no longer having periods
They talk about Facebook posts that annoyed them.
They recount or fantasize about petty dramas and how they would or should have handled them.
Women in relationships complain of their partner.
Women not in relationships complain of not having a partner.
They share gossip concerning girl "friends" who are not present.
Yeah good point. They all are refreshing their instagram feeds and laughing about the losers on tinder
stop posting these roasties.
>25% of non-white blood
Your average *white* burger
t. SMT operstor
Women will talk about whatever men have said to or done to them recently.
So don't tell a woman anything you don't want everyone else to know, because she will tell everyone.
Canadian diaspora here for the summer.
All these Croatian girls just shittalk their home country and their men. Wtf is wrong with these bitches.
I ask them if they have anything positive to say and they giggle and say no. They think because I'm Canadian-Croatian that by shittalking they seem more """"international"""".
Fucking disgrace.
Pic related is what I do to them, a strong male hand is what is needed to fuck the hysteria out of them.
They talk about how many times they intend to post this exact thread every single day.
who they think is hot/cute, clothes their boobs make up how they hate other women
Nothing relevant
Bonus: they all have make-work jobs for the EU, Croatian government, red cross, etc. All tax money. And they LARP as career women but have never gotten a paycheque that wasn't taken at the barrel of a gun.
You could ask and they couldn't tell you.
They don't remember things.
Sounds about right.
They talk about how many dicks they had crammed in their holes last weekend.
I find that girls/women love to talk about themselves. It's like they do it for self-worth, or do it because otherwise they would be depressed. I know this one girl who when she spoke to you, the only time you wouldn't be talking about her- it would be when you say hello and how are you.
So in short, bitches love to talk about "me me me me me me me me me!" to maintain their massive feelings of self-worth and fragile but big egos.
P.S- I'm not saying this because i'm a boring person and have little to say about myself, this is the just the experience I, myself and my Girlfriend have
>So don't tell a woman anything you don't want everyone else to know, because she will tell everyone.
"Don't tell anyone I told you."
dicks they sucked, purses, shoes, makeup, more dicks they sucked, plans to establish IngSoc, vegan/diet food, hedonism, more dicks they sucked.
Personal experience as a beta going out with sluts as a teenager.
Spot on.
based estland is correct
They gossip about other people. That's it. They collect and share data about social status and what people do.
>>MFW checked the Vagifax and she's had a few niggers ride her
Those are Stacies, they talk about Stacy's stuff - sex, chads, gym, diets, their "problems" ...
Black men (BBC)
Vagifax, if only it existed
I want to sniff and lick those feet
men and women who are not currently present.
sometimes television/movies by proxy of who's acting in them.
If a tree falls in a forest and nobody is there to hear it does it make a sound? No. Just like a conversation without any humans (White men) around makes no sound.
How would I know? I'm a man.
This is a. Slide thread
Fuck off cunt
yeah man this is sliding bbc and is x white threads
I just tagged myself, traitor (((Trump))) will be impeached.
Bill Burr ?
>doesn't hide tape recorder at sister's sleepover or at girlfriend's apt before she "hangs out with the girls."
I've done this since I was 16, for over a decade. First off, girls are mean and competitive af, in a passive, flippant way. They correct each other and affirm each other, their conversations are guided like traffic up a mountain. Everything they say is a way of commenting on status, approval, future planning: social pruning.
I promise all youngfags unsure of the GirlQ: tape their get togethers,. It's all the insight you'll ever need and want. Girls are petty, but they know it, they can't help it, they are more the opposite of guys than you can fathom.
It's also bizarre how you will hear yourself brought up in conversation, but incredibly valuable. You'll instantly know if you're GF needs to be tossed to the curb by her tone. Either way, it's a redpill to hear a girl discuss you, as an abstract, as an alpha or beta, and not a person.
Unfortunately, more and more guys conversate in private like women.
The words themselves are meaningless. No to be a fly on the wall in the social domain of women is to listen to a flock of hens clucking amongst themselves. Devoid of any insightful meaning into the the world and the meaning of life whatsoever, the keen observer will notice the vapid clucking of social pecking order being established and asserted, reactionary responses to the world around them, and the pining clucks for a big rooster to come along and fertilise their barren eggs.
This gentlemen, is why we have post modernism and feminism. Meaningless tripe from vapid minds.
roastie detected, fuck off