Other urls found in this thread:
The gay mafia needs to be snuffed out
>these sodomites are only holding society back
Fags desperately try to justify their faggotry, how unusual
>Breaking news: Everyone was just pretending
> tfw homosexual society oppresses homosexuals
this is actually true. why else would I fap to traps
wtf I love dick now
I love you Ramon
how can I be real if leftard reasoning isnt real amirite
I love myself as well, Mi-Chi Ying.
>Vice Canada
Fucking leafs
>tfw you don't actually exist
Holy fuck that means I don't exist
Am I a ghost or what?
How am I managing to post on a north korean UFO hunting forum if I'm not real?
Because traps resemble women and you are attracted to female body, not pussy, seeing penis actually usually even increases your boner for some evolutionary competitive reason.
(((VICE))) (((Canada)))
>traps resemble women
>has a penis
really made me think
Why would you even want to be straight when qt traps exist?
This is one of the most cringe inducing use of green text I've ever seen on Sup Forums
Do you know what does exist though?
These numbers.
wtf I love dicks now
Cogito ergo sum.
Not just vice but vice leaf edition, isn't that like cuck squared or something?
Join the OFFICIAL /polgb/ Discord,
discord dot gg/tr7Cn
>95% of the world doesn't exist
I actualy believe that most humans can be bi. I was straight all my life but I tried to find atraction for men just to look if its possible. Well im bi now. Just look at the Romans everyone was fucking everyone. A lot of great people through history fucked twinks by the side because they knew that women cant love. Im not saying that its ok in our culture or not degenerate, just saying that its possible.
kill yourself
More like 89% lad.
WTF, i love penis now
T. Upset sodomite
Romans fucked other males for dominance, if you were a roman and another male fucked you in the ass you were considered weak, pathetic, almost trash.
So congratulations, you are trash, and to top that you dont know history.
Contract aids and die faggot
Yes, whole point of traps is that you can't tell until you see penis, vagina is not an important part of male visual sexual triggers, penis arouses average male more than vagina, biggest triggers of boners are tits, ass and feet.
Most women are bi, because of recent evolutionary trends during the stone age/bronze age. Women who were content with being in a harem had better chances at survival, hence why women are ok being in soft harems and ok with bi-sexuality.
Bi-sexuality in men is rare.
>vagina is not an important part of male visual sexual triggers
No, but it's pretty damn important when you take their clothes off.
>6.675 billion people don't exist
But thats gay
lol new research
scientist said humans are bisexual 15 years ago
Fuck, fuck, FUCK! How do i go back! HOW DO I GO BACK!!!??
Just avoid making threads like these.
>n-no, WE'RE the normal ones
The slope below is steeper, boys
Hope you're ready for a fall
How Can My Virginity Be Real If Straightness Isn't Real
>Just look at the Romans everyone was fucking everyone.
No they were not. There have always been bi-sexuality in every civilization. Gather enough people and degeneracy is bound too happen. It also rises when the civilization goes into decline. Most romans were not fucking everyone through out Romes 1200 year period.
Didn't he kill himself?
He did, RIP.
You don't have to tell me twice
It's this faggot again
If sexuallity is not a genetically immutable trait, conversion camps would actually work.
Someone call Pence and tell him to fire up the conversion chair.
What a bunch of morons...BroJobs at vice must be a job requirement.
>hehehe no homo bro, It's just a dominance thing
I haven't posted here in quite a while.
Important in what way? I'm talking about pure sexuality, no morality or some other shit.
Damn, devote years of your life to look like that, just to kys...
>i no longer exist
>how is the vagina important
For all normal (not mentally ill) men there's a primal urge to stick your penis in it. I'm not sure why I have to explain this to you.
By the time he killed himself he was already beginning to look more masculine, traps have a very short shelf life.
Nigger fucking do a simple search on it
keep telling yourself this
i always know which are traps. it's not anything necessarily obvious, but there's this combination of bone structure (shoulders, neck, arms, hands, feet) and something about eyes and hair that puts them in the uncanny valley for me.
some girls might end up in that valley, but it's usually only traps. some combo of the features feels off to me and i feel suspicious
i'd still be nice to them or whatever but i'd never fuck one. and i'd be extremely pissed and charge them with sexual assault if they tried to fuck me while i was drunk
Makes sense desu
After all he did devote years of his life to look like that.
He could have just become normal again
Yeah ugly as shit good thing he killed him self
Perhaps, but someone who dresses up as a girl and puts pictures online usually isn't in the healthiest state of mind.
He was pretty qt, be honest.
Because you were banned and should be band again
Like I said, I'm talking about pure sexuality and what arouses males most faggot. all holes look the same, vagina is not up there in arousal levels.
I doubt you know about all of them, if you don't start looking for details, you won't know.
I would not fuck a trap either, that's not the point.
Which is why only 2D traps are straight
wtf I'm a faggot now
No I wasn't, you might be thinking of some other Dutch poster.
jokes on them. the pussy is built for penis, the anus is built for poop.
> (((research)))
Then how come I can't pop a boner when looking at someone's cock or a black woman.
Seems legit
95% of the population doesn't exist. Brilliant!
>all holes look the same
They don't look the same or feel the same at all. You're just baiting at this point.
Because you're normal.
Lead scientist is bill nye the spectrum guy?
Vice Canada has gone full retarded and unless they list themselves as entertainment they will be shut down in short order.
Just this week alone they have broken about 14 CRTC rules.
>New research
Suggested by literal fag scientist.
Human reproductive capabilities btfo!
Wtf I like penor nao
homosexuality is also normal
don't let the jews divide the white race
I don't know how they feel, I have never seen one irl
I'm just telling you psychogical part of it. masturbating to traps doesn't make you gay, gays don't like traps.
Nothing exists, it's all social constructs.
Get with the times, goyim.
>words can't describe things
Good job postmodernists.
I can't wait for a meteor to just slam into this rock and fucking wipe the slate clean.
homophobia/transphobia and racism, obviously
can confirm
Wait a minute.
Assuming gender is a spectrum, it means that it has two "cemented" values say, (1) and (2).
(1) is complete macho male
(2) is the most feminine female
that still means that there are two genders, but almost nobody is a "perfect" representation of them
>masturbating to a hard dick is not gay bro
This, liking traps is the epitome of heterosexuality
This. Vagina is actually not that pretty. Dicks are more esthetically pleasing, thus female body + cocks = ubermensch
The definition of macho changes over time
>Sodom and Gomorrah were burned to the ground for a cheeky bit of anal
>Modern society actively promotes the very same degenerate behavior plus more
>No fire raining from the sky
God has forgotten about us, he doesn't even care anymore.