PAY DEBNTS, Germancucks.
PAY DEBNTS, Germancucks.
Why not attack China instead of Germany? What a retard
His jewish overlords are still mad about Germany
Disband the velvet mafia
>I have no problem with gay ppl
>gay person hits on me
>flattered but no
>get fired because gay guy was a manager and wanted me to fuck his buns
Is has nothing to do with German leader bad-mouthing him after the meetings?
Jesus, did Melania kick him out of bed again?
Also, I believe it when I see it.
Badmouthing americans is like the one thing that is assured to get you more votes.
Schröder having his second term is based purely on telling Bush to fuck off with Iraq
The defense of the European continent is not FREE
Germany must pay FULL PRICE
When have you ever defended Europe? Last I checked you were allied with the Soviets, the enemy of a free Europe and took arms against this very same free Europe.
Just fuck off, American, we do not want you here.
Drumpf is more and more retarded, I wonder when it will stop, or if it will stop one day
But Drumpf is very amusing, like a clown, an old fat obnoxious clown
>twitter comments isn't a long list of some faggot legate kid
can someone give me a quick rundown what happened to that guy, he got banned from twatter or what
>attacking china
>not a retarded move
China's production is the only reason why the us is still the best country.
So if we leave NATO we no longer have to join you burgers and bongs to die for Israel in a sandnigger desert?
Can't wait desu
>Trump actually calling Merkel out on her shit
>"w-we can't rely on America or Britain anymore"
You shouldn't be relying on anyone in the first place you cow.
Merkel is a bitch that loves immigrants and dont wanna pay for Nato.
But I dont get what he means by trade deficit. You buy and sell, supply and demand and so forth yes?
US cars are not that great compared to german sadly...
At least we didn't elect Macron
Expectation : Trump will forge alliance with west and stand up to Middle East.
Reality : Rants about Germany, France, Canada, Mexico on twitter. Gives weapons to Saudis
Has he dared asked Oz to pay debnts?
We export more than cars.
>constantly go on about the virtues of a free market
>your shitty products get out-competed
>cry for the nanny state to intervene in the economy
he slammed down the phone in dusgust at you cuck leader
>Drumpf thinks he can do anything with his 56% whites and civil unrest in USA with 20 trillion dollars debt
>Germany pays debts
>less gibs for poor EU countries
Wtf I hate Trump now.
Make us, Donald.
Yeah, like that first time when you entered at the end of the first world war when a fair treaty was to be reached. So when Germany finally recovers after the treaty by telling your greatest ally kikes to fuck off, you ally up with them again to fuck over Germany.
No, fuck you, bix reparations.
lol he wont have to make you. All he will have to do is let the muslims have at you and not defend you when they reach a state of open revolt.
Mommy merkie save me
Daily reminder will be kicked out of NATO if you are below that line
there's a fair enough possibility the man is trash though. remember the check for denbts? not a day goes by without him looking worse than the day before
we cut your balls off after the death of Der Fuherer. go ahead. try something
lol this is your line now. wait wait I'll fill in for your response to me: at least we didn't sell out the white race! AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH
fuck off weeb teacher manchild
> Free Europe
lol I imagine he did that with trudeau and ivanka was standing at a phone in the other room, listening in, a single tear running down her cheek
Couldn't handle the Jewish-Australian bants.
Imagine Australian savagery crossed with Israeli weasliness
A poor American couldn't possibly compete
You're a swede. That's really all that needs to be said.
that post sums up Trump's best achievments since he got into office
Hahahahahahahahaha. Merkel's brown fuckboy isn't a taxpayer. Good luck white Germans.
The funny thing is that thanks to Drumpf most people in this world will rather support Germany.
Angela Merkel is the leader of the free world.
WE, europeans, dont want you here either, Germany. You are Soros puppet, Kraut.
If a country has trade deficit then it got to have capital surplus.
Trade account + capital account = 0
So if USA has trade deficit with Germany then it means it has capital surplus with Germany.
The net result will ALWAYS be zero.
It was 6:40am his time when he tweeted this. America has a few different timezones.
A Europe with no US bases is a Europe ripe for conquest.
what a cuck, you elected this guy to deal with the chinks and the kebab. Pathetic.
Go Trump Go!
yeah trumpleton, keep crying you orange jewmuppet.
We do plenty of trade with China through
But they're not debts.
>"White" Nationalism is an american meme
Shut up and finish building your new migrant center.
I thought he was a Saudi shill?
I don't get what he says. He is right on the NATO part, Germany should pay debnts.
But, are the trade deals unfair, one-sided or what? Is Germany ripping off the US? I don't think so, but if so, why doesn't he show us how?
Most American cars aren't exactly shit, Ford makes some decent models that sell ok in Europe. But otherwise, US carmakers make US cars that are unmarketable in Germany. I have seen steering wheels of GMC and Chevrolet cars that would not pass quality standards here, hell, they wouldn't have been made in the first place.
Trump had a nice piece of cake with the leader of China, and now they're bros.
It's frighteningly simple to deal with him...
until we get our shit together, the time for which we'll get with frances nukes. but yea some land will be lost to proxywars in the easternmost parts of the union while we transition. but then we won't need you. imagine how that will feel.
>wasting your time with this comment
Trump thinks he's the smartest person in the room when in reality he's the retarded babbling child that starts looking at a fly during a scolding from mama Bannon.
Yea like food and resources. Then you import manufactured goods and wonder why you have a yuge trade deficit.
Why Germany?USA has a massive trade deficit with everyone because they dont export.He can change it if he brings manufacturing back to the US but this tweet is fucking pointless
But kikes love Merkel
>b-but it gets you more votes
Too bad. It's time for Europe to realize who thier daddies are.
It will be a great relief to both of us, friend.
Drumpf and Merkek just belong to two different groups with Jewlords. The highly RACIST/Isamophobic Zionist jews and "Progressive" to full Globalism "Liberal" jews. Put your bets on who will win this ultimate JEW game and have the Solomon's ring?
>6:40am is insanely too early
and this is why you will die in your mom's boyfriend's basement, Karl.
this is why
Please archive activist blogs.
Macron Tells Putin on face RT and Sputnik are propaganda news on 14th lets
Trump dances with Arab.
Trump is cuck
*annexes Austria*
*splits up Czeckoslovakia*
*invades Poland*
*invades France*
*invades the Soviet Union*
*lose the war and get raped by communism for 50 years*
The main point is that Germany isn't paying what it ought to for NATO. The issue of trade deficits is something more aimed at Americans disgusted by how lopsided our trade has been.
>steering wheels
trump is a whiny cuck
leaders negotiate behind closed doors
they don't air their dirty laundry to the world
Economic illiteracy, the post.
Ironically, the deficit is around as much as Germany should be spending on it's military to meet that 2% mark.
you economy will collapse. ours has room to grow because right now it's filled up with your trash.
Would be a blessing desu. Could buy cheaper Russian hardware and wouldn't have to send our troops to Latvia, Afghanistan and so on.
thanks, based odinniger, I'll archive from now on
Appreciate it
That flag...
Take a look at the comments. The people hate him.
Drumpf is a disgrace. How does it feel that the whole world thinks that your ''president'' is a fucking joke?
I really didn't like Merkel over the last months and weeks but now I really have to defend her and most Germans think this way. Drumpf helps Merkel as more and more Germans will support her once again.
Thank you Drumpf.
>Perhaps even more worrisome, refugee advocates said they had seen a slowdown in security screenings by the Department of Homeland Security, whose checks are required for refugees to enter the United States.
>the total number of refugees admitted by Sept. 30, the end of the fiscal year, could exceed 70,000. That is well below the 84,994 refugees admitted in fiscal year 2016, but not by nearly as much as many advocates had feared.
Read your own article next time, Mutti.
>look at the comments on the totally neutral platform at Twitter, people hate him
taking the us serious yeah sure..... you know what's sad that literally everybode laughs at you even more than usual feelsbadman..... nobody besides some third world countries takes you serious anymore
>Angela Merkel is the leader of the free world.
yeah, everybody loves her and her refugees...
Yes a few thousand vetted refugees that were promised a spot in America by Obongo. It will be the last. Btw- they have to already have family here. We actually vet them before letting them in. Unlike you guys who will take in any Nigerian or Somalian who calls himself a Syrian and guve him luxurious living standards. You're fucking pathetic, Junky.
the funny thing is that Merkel might have overplayed her hand.
I would for a multinational company, and have regular meeting with germans and other europoors, and they are all scared as fuck.
The common feeling among all of them is that they do not want to distance themselves from the US, and are scared that the German government actively trying to do so.
I told the non german ones that its sad that next time there is a major war, they might be fighting against the US instead of alongside them, and they freaked out and said that could never happen! HAHAHAHA
>even fox has more negative news
this is how you know you fucked up
what a dumbass
this retard has the nuclear codes
Can EU survive without US protection? Can the EU surpass the Anglo-American world order?
Nationalism/Anti American sentiment is rising in Mexico, Canada, Germany.
Where are those Trump supporters who were saying world will start respecting USA if Trump becomes president?
The average across the board is 60% for all prior presidents. Negative news draws in viewers.
Fox has normally been in favor of maintaining some level of balance in its coverage.
How new are you?
He probably don't understand what's going on poor idiot, according to Trump Italy should pay much more than usual.
Guarda 'sto coglione felice di pagare il pizzo agli americani.
Trade deficit mean they export more to you than you export to them. Germany has always had a great export industry but right now its in hyper drive because the euro is worth way less than the deutsche Mark would have ever been.
We're still fucked because in 20 years our baby boomer generation will have gone into retirement and the dwindling number of young Germans will have to pay for the old Germans, the rest of the EU and all of the newly arrived migrants, of whom 90%´+ will go on welfare.
>Where are those Trump supporters who were saying world will start respecting USA if Trump becomes president?
kek this
The entire world hates Trump, he quite *literally* doesn't have a single ally except for Israel, while he has the lowest domestic approval of any president. You cannot fuck up this hard if you're simply retarded, you must actually be trying to fuck up to reach this low
Trump should make a deal with Russia and let them to invade shitskinschland. We'll see if shitskins are gonna fight for "their".