Brit/pol/ Keeping up Appearances Edition

>MI5 probes bomber 'warnings' to see if they messed it up

>Man shot dead in NI supermarket car park

>Sturgeon would seek "progressive alliance"

>16th Manchester suspect arrested in Shoreham

>Lib dems still moaning about the EU despite their abysmal campaign so far

>Fatboy Watson angry over tory attacks on Corbyn

>Powers for banning jihadis from the country finally used

>BA computer mess enters third day

Other urls found in this thread:

Vote for brexiteers doesn't matter which party

>required to be offered
Top fucking lel.

It also won't change a thing whether they're in trade unions or not (other than the fact that we'll have foreigners involved in our domestic politics, which is absolutely out of the question). Just look at the turnout for the recent election. Something like 12%. Not even the paying members give a flying fuck about unions.

>who are you voting for and why

what did she mean by this

Mummy smashing it.

My experience of uni at the moment, the STEM subjects have more right-wing students in

Nobody bothering to update the links then?

Jews have very high IQs

>knowing anything about costing of policies

choose one and only one.


Are we the jews now?

Nth for Comrade Cuckbyn

Presumably you're a guy commenting on another guy's appearance. Makes you no better than a woman and therefore a faggot. On Sup Forums of all places. Disgraceful.

loved listening to the students whine on 5live this morning about how they simply can't follow the election because muh exams

Imagine if the SNP Manifesto cover was used by Lab/Cons or UKIP there would be an outcry at the lack of diversity.


Mugged* by reality

*actually raped, tortured and killed

good meltdown going on right now

>people there to actually get an education and a well-paying job are more conservatives than those spending £30,000 of other people's money on a piece of paper and 3 more years of getting drunk before landing a shelf-stacking job at Aldi
stop the fucking presses


Next Rhodesia

There are definitely more right-wing people in STEM than social sciences/humanities - but most are still lefties.

From my experience the only subject that is over 50% right-wingers is economics.



REMINDER that brit/pol/ is a BASED Mercantilist thread

>also welcome
Fashy goys
High Tories
Lolbertarians as long as they're willing to be laughed at

>not welcome
Anyone who thinks wind farms are a good idea
Anyone who thinks corporation tax is a good idea

Yet they've somehow got time to call into a radio station and talk bollocks. Fucking hate manufactured 'anxiety' and busyness, and how 'stress' has become a fashion accessory.

Theyre fucking cultish in their support of him

I think corporation tax is a good idea but we should keep it very very low.

TREESA on Sky right now laughing like a autist.

remember to let poor old jez have a break every now and then yeah guys?

corporation tax has to be pro-growth not ideological

It's at 17% atm, Corbyn wants to make it higher than France and Greece ffs.

saw Kate, Nige and Davis all at gateshead on the campaign trail, was a great period of time

How can he be tired when there was no campaigning last week?

I actually saw an article yesterday that stated that students get more conservative the more economics classes they took. Like, economics students were more likely to be against a minimum wage.
Kinda interesting but not unexpected.

>Daily reminder that mass immigration is not due to left wing idealism, but due to economic interests of the elite to get ununionized and easily exploitable labour
>Daily reminder that Corbyn has said his policy will bring immigration down

>vicious interview

Lmao she literally just asked him how much it would cost

Stole the words right out of my mouth, it's a bare-bones fucking cult at this point.

Professor voting intention 2015. Source is The Times Education Supplement.

This is why the Overton window is rigged against us. In Thatcher's day it was 38% blue.

Hold on Juncker, can't negotiate a deal just now, our PM is too cranky and needs a nap


Have a gander at this lads.

ht DOT ly/yEU330c9dVA

Hang on a second lad.
There are (or were) some decent lefties here. Designated Leftist was a good poster. YKTD seemed to support old-school socialism.

The problem isn't necessarily lefties, it's the shills. As long as you can defend your argument properly (and assimilate to our board culture instead of constantly spamming, disrupting, and shitposting), then you should be welcome to post regardless of your political orientation.

Fucking stupid Labour voters.

The problem is that we will never see sensible policy in the West because we are now far to diverse. The more opinionated and adverse we are, the more we pull towards the center and the current trajectory solidifies.

Read like the roman and see Enoch Powells futile attempts to introduce common sense into policy, constantly undermined by career politicans for whom catchment areas for voters is far more important than actual principled policy designed to benfit the nation.

>tfw YKTD returned but you missed it

It's a shame these fuckers aren't taken more to task for enabling the tragedy in Venezuela.


>Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has said he stands by his view that immigration to the UK from the EU is not too high.

>He told the BBC's Laura Kuenssberg migrants played a valuable role and he was not proposing new restrictions on the rights of people to come to the UK.

anything less than fawning sycophancy towards corbyn is evidence of vile right wing bias



Holy shit, look at those vicious Labour scum voters.


>tories level with greens in business



Have YOU taken the Empirepill yet lads?

>When whitey makes you poo in loo

What did you just say about our generation's Shakespeare you bigoted ignoramuses?!


wasnt that what HITLER wanted you fucking nazi

Holy shit, didn't realize the Carol Kirkwood pics are out... damn!

>tfw only anonymong noticed him

hey bongs what would happen if this was its own country?

economics > sociology

>unironic commie Finn
Extremely disrespectful of your own history desu

I found out my 3 year old wasn't mine about a year ago- when she was two. I wound up leaving the mother of the child and, for a time, the child.

After a few weeks of being on my ass and in a horrible place I kind of realized it didn't matter what the biology said. I stayed broken up with the mother but I took her to court for visitation. Now I have my daughter half the time and I've never once regretted it. The most challenging thing has been my families reaction. Several members of my family strongly disagree with my decision which has created friction. But at the end of the day I respected their choices to be involved or not be involved.

It's hard to explain it to some people and I don't know how I'll explain it to my daughter when the time comes- but I know I've had a positive influence on her and that I'm a good dad- and more importantly that I want to be a dad. It's just about the only thing I can truly say I'm good at.

The whole ordeal has made it clear that biology, to me, is overrated. When I look at her it's true that I don't see a child that looks like me staring back- but I see myself in her mannerisms and her speech patterns and her budding sense of right and wrong. The parts of me that are in her are so much deeper then her skin... And that's what matters to me. Watching her step over an ant pile, look up at me and say "We don't step on ants. They're friends" or listening to her exclaim "Balls!" when she drops something is a lot more satisfying and important then the color of her eyes could ever be.

And I have faith that when she gets older and I've had that conversation with her she'll see that I'm her dad not because of a function of law or a biological link- but because of the single best choice I've ever made.

>How would that affect today’s polling? The 12-point Tory lead in our poll for the Sunday Mirror / Independent extends to 15 points using this modest methodological change.
>This is potentially significant: in an election fought along presidential lines, leader perceptions matter more. We also know that one in three current Labour voters intends to support that party despite misgivings over Jeremy Corbyn – so when undecideds consider their decision on polling day, it is quite possible that the party with which a voter most identifies will be less important than how they rate different leaders.
>What does all this mean for the current campaign? Very simply, if voters behave in the way they broadly did in 2015, then the Conservatives remain on track for a 100-plus majority. This seems, on present assumptions, the most likely outcome. Older people appear more motivated than younger people to vote, most of UKIP’s 2015 vote is going to the Conservatives (and that Party is not even standing in around half of all constituencies), May beats Corbyn on most ‘best for’ measures, and Labour’s core vote lacks motivation.

Low energy Jez(!)

pretty good ideas
was just listening to mosley talking about matching productivity and consumption

it would be a shit country

Cider and morris dancing

Sounds delightful

>in an election fought along presidential lines, leader perceptions matter more.
wow what a crazy coincidence that this happened who could possibly have predicted it. brb watching a televised leaders debate

We don't enough colonies for autarky anymore.

We should be more like Japan in trade strategy.

>only one port
it would have to pay tariffs on the border or become third world shithole



Literally zero UKIP

And Birmingham


>people unironically think Russel is doing anything important

>Being irish

Inheritance tax is literally theft
>muh unearned wealth
fuck off, someone earned it and ALREADY PAID TAX on it

Business and Law.
Fuck off. we're full.



I think some must be in the closet. 1% in business and law.

wheres the spoiled vote option

it is always good to have your views reinforced by a famous person, if only the left in america had used this tactic more maybe we wouldnt have president ronald zlumpf

It's perfectly (and abhorrently) normal to be taxed multiple times on the same earnings.

L-Lad, what did Barbara mean by this?

You're quite right, I'm blind


Inheritance tax is the biggest load of shit

>that person has money they didn't earn
>therefore we should take it away from them and spend it on someone else who also didn't earn it
Utterly moronic


To be fair, language is no longer an indicator of national identity anymore, in the eyes of many - see how vigorously pakis and other ethnics lap up Americanisms

Basically not voting


>another world is possible

yeah and that got wrecked in 1945