South African coalburner raped and stabbed to death.
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South African coalburner raped and stabbed to death.
Press F to pay respects.
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Deserved it.
inb4 her parents come out with a statement forgiving the people who murdered and raped their daughter.
>choosing to live in a nigger infested hellhole
She deserved it for not moving out.
Why would their qt daughter hang out with monkeys
post link faggot. Afrikaaners are redpilled. I refuse to believe she burned the coal.
How do you know she was a coalburner?
there's no evidence that Marsh is black
No respect paid, stupid slut.
It doesnt say that she was a coalburner
This was the BBC she was riding before she got carjacked, raped and stabbed to death.
See this:
Proof she burned the coal?
I can't believe white south-africans aren't redpilled deep down
Proof? If it's true, then she deserved it for wasting her pussy like that.
She was in a car with Colin Marsh, pic related
Source 1 (in afrikaans):
Source 2 (dailymail):
South African negroes have no concept of consequences beyond the most elementary ones, i.e. stick your hand into the fire and it hurts. They live in the moment. The best manifestation of this was when that one bald Anglo interviewed South African negroes who participate in gang rape called jack rolling. They had absolutely no ability to understand why it was a bad thing beyond the fact it might result in a fatherless child. The baldie tried hard to get them to see it from some other angle, but they just couldn't and can't. They don't have the cognitive ability. This is what happens when the average IQ is not even close to 100.
Want proof aswell, but seeing as she was doing a BA degree, it's expected to have coloured faglets like as your peers.
So until then, F
The proof is in the source, you stupid afrikaaner nigger loving cuck.
You threw away your country, I hope you are all raped and murdered.
It's coming, boi.
What a stupid cunt. She was probably raised by cucks that kept telling her it was ok to date blacks.
Ladies, take note. If you burn the coal, you're on your own.
Where does it say she is a coalburner?
>French flag
Stop projecting your BBC fantasies onto people
Very sad. I'm against race-mixing but we should not celebrate anybody's death.
That's what happens when women go to school.
Shouldn't have left the kitchen that's what happens.
And I can actually read the source without translation, did you ever go to university? Parties where you hang out with random people is pretty common, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt Jacque. Stay mad frenchie.
Edgy psycho. It was the jews and wishing other White ppl ill is degenerate.
I already posted the sources above, you typically retarded mcdonalds eating fat fuck american.
A man and a woman in the same car "chatting".
Does that not sound suspicious to you?
She was sucking Colin Marsh's nigger cock. She was getting blacked.
But obviously an afrikaaner cuck like you would be giving her "the benefit of the doubt" lol
Not celebrate but being honest. If you put your own selfish, superficial desires over the interest of your group in the good times, don't expect solidarity in the bad times.
if any one is a newfag on south african history, or simply wants to hear a first hand account from a FULLY redpilled BOER
please check out the amazing JAN LAMPRECHT
he appears for an interview with the war room boys here:
I gave you the benefit of the doubt, read right my dear man.
pol memes on point
That faggot looks like he takes it up the ass more than anything. Wouldn't have minded if both died.
that fucking sux. no different from nigger majority schools in murca desu
What a waste. An aryan Dutch grill being perverted and killed like that. But it's her own fault if she burned the coal.
That's what's making me doubt the coal burning, the coloured community here is renowned for having quite a few gay people. They're charismatic as hell and not uncommon to try and befriend white girls. Especially if you're in school or university.
Will just have to wait from word of her family and friends to confirm.
She wasn't killed by the coal she was burning, she was killed while burning the coal with a nigger in her car that aunty bought her and then 4 really black niggers carjacked her and raped her and butchered her.
How common is coal burning in your country?
Be honest and please don't make the distinction between niggers and "coloureds". One drop of nigger blood is full nigger OK?
Blacks are over represented for being gay here as well.
article only says friend
Have you ever talked to the south african people on here they are stubborn will get themselves killed to prove you wrong.
haha, why are white bois so delusional? She was getting blacked 100%.
Was she a liberal college student?
Also white farmers and their families in SA are raped tortured and murdered and no one in media cover it.
>11 posts by this ID
Considering your obsession-posting about this, it's pretty clear you're mentally ill.
I'm making the distinction because it's a fact that coloureds have a large gay population while blacks don't. I don't distinguish between them though. One is as savage as the other.
Interacial relationships are actually very low here in relation to any other country in the world. More common in liberal areas such as Cape Town and Universities, and (I know fellow anglo south africans are going to be mad at me) it is more common for English families to date outside your race. Especially at universities or colleges.
Afrikaaners not so much since Homosexuality and interacial stuff is pretty taboo to their culture and religion, although you do get the disowned girls who went against their father's word. I personally know of such a story.
Because alot of them farmers dont speak english or own guns.
The white liberals in the u.s. are catching up to white south africans with making excuses for niggers.
Why do the cops bother arresting them? Might as well just execute them.
You can't know, it's how the parents react that will tell you how cucked she was.
Either way, it's a terrible waste. She looked fine and had potential to make a white man happy. Fuck this liberal faggotry.
No value was lost. How can we make it happen that all coal burners are raped and killed? Those who reject white people should all be killed, since they will cause slow death of white civilization, very slow death.
Why do you have such a large nigger population in South Africa? That's obviously an issue that needs to be addressed. In America we have like 15% niggers and even that low of a percentage still manages to commit most of the crime.
Numales, not even once.
>why are there black people in Africa?
American education.
...mate really? Because we're in Africa...
70% immigrated here over the open borders because white people built a functioning society in a disease ridden continent. Plus they breed by the dozen, why do you think Africa is busy experiencing a population boom for 60 years now. Anorexia doesn't even stop them fucking.
You should never have let them vote you out of power. Maybe send them back to Africa Africa
The reason there are so many in South Africa is because there was such an oppressive apartheid state that it was a desirable destination for negroes from other African countries. Funny how that works. Negro countries must be pretty bad when they see an apartheid state run by the white man as heaven they'd sacrifice anyting to get into.
>forgetting about Anglos actively importing Africans to the mining industries before and after the Boer Wars
This still bothers me. It wouldn't have been so bad if greed wouldn't have driven this mass migration.
...mate really? Do you even know anything about the pressures the entire world had against pre-apartheid SA?
I don't till what extent the regime wanted to go considering they built 6 atom bombs, but I doubt they wanted to go to war with the world just to maintain power in a country filled with kaffers.
Power wasn't handed over deliberately, look up our history first, The USA and Europe (specifically France and Sweden) jewed us more than the jewes themselves.
>I don't know*
Over the last few years, I've gone from feeling bad for white girls killed by their nigger lovers to straight up laughing at them every time this happens.
>be white girl
>have a unique european ancestry carefully maintained over the last several thousand years
>see dindu
>immediately ditch logic, craving only the bbc
>get raped
>stabbed numerous times
>either die or barely survive a traumatized victim
>if the latter, then almost every white man from that point on sees your baggage and wants nothing to do with you
>only niggers and hover hand beta males are interested in you
>inevitably choose the former
Ah well. The good thing about homosexuality, abortion, coal burning, etc. is that anyone who engages in that degeneracy inevitably removes themselves from the gene pool.
toll paid
There weren't many native to South Africa
She was carjacked, raped, and murdered by a pack of 4 random niggers she never met before
RIP in pieces
You should have kept your nukes and segregated the country. Maybe made a new country just for the blacks. You had no obligation to throw away your country and celebrate like it was the second coming of christ.
Now, you are slowly being genocided.
She was with a nigger in the car before she got carjacked. Did you even read the story?
she's probably anglo. more anglos than afrikaaners in cape town
Sounds like a victims mentality. I don't see NK or Iran bending over like that. You clearly needed to get on the good side of Russia and China
Literally the dumbest thing I have ever read. Even for a burger.
>>immediately ditch logic, craving only the bbc
hmm i wonder who could be behind this post
no feelings or empathy for mudsharks / coal burning females they deserve it they are too dumb to see the truth and they destroy whole nations for their own "anti white male" agenda
there were hardly any niggers there when the boers arrived. then the anglos showed up and fed the little niggers and they multiplied by the millions
where are the afrikaner women at?
Oh fuck off. Ask your mum and dad what they were doing when Kaffir Jesus was in jail, and they'll spin you a yarn about how evil the 'apartheid regime' was.
In all honesty, its our fault. We should have let the Boers have their own state. If not for us, then there would be two white republics in South Africa, now there is one pitiable meme country just waiting for that fucking pig Malema to play Mugabe over a pile of bleached skulls and bones.
>they destroy whole nations for their own "anti white male" agenda
pot meet kettle
Given how her negro """male friend""" Cheslin happened to be there and presumably driving, it's fair to say she wouldn't have been in that situation if she wasn't hanging around niggers like him.
Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if those four other niggers were friends of Cheslin's, that the latter had a dispute with.
Not a kike.
further north, small rural towns out in the country, pretoria
candice swanepoel grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere
That's saying she deserved it as much as Karelians deserved to be exterminated.
My dad is pretty conservative and doesn't care to meddle in the affairs of other states unless they are a threat to our own. My mom doesn't play politics she raised here kids and cared for her family like she was supposed to.
>Her 18-year-old brother, who has severe autism, has not been able to comprehend his sister's death, Andreis Cornelius said.
>"I assume he will never know. You can tell him what happened but he will never stop asking when she's coming back," he said.
>be aspie
>sisters a coalburner
>gets raped tortured and killed by nignogs
Oh boy, what a life!
You should read more
Traitors die many times before their actual deaths
>hannah cornelius
defintley anglo. unless they've anglicized their name. in which case they are cucks anyway. in other words, TOLL PAID
This is awkward, but it wasn't the blacks that did that. My mate Kev apparently got a bit carried away when we visited Joburg.
He's a good bloke, just gets a bit touchy on the piss, and she said something stupid or whatever.
Funny actually, Russia armed the black forces we fought against in the Angola war, they contributed to the "liberation" of the country. They already chosen their side.
Also, the nukes weren't given up deliberately, the professor that worked on them actually hosted a closed meeting at our university last month in which he explained how they had to do research in secret. And when France's satalites picked up the base in the Karoo, a few days later an undocumented plane scouted the area. The plane wasn't in any flight schedule, only when a letter arived from the US requesting to visit the area they knew that they were found.
The whole research facility was dismantled and destroyed within two days before the inspection as it was globally illegal for them. The only person left there was a guy who had to make sure the sand doesn't blow off and expose the buried heavy equipment.
This is pretty fucking hot.
Oooooooh that's cold
>My dad is pretty conservative and doesn't care to meddle in the affairs of other states
I suppose that compensates for the hundred-odd million Americans who squealed so loudly for SA to fall that the US government was induced to apply pressure against a state which had never opposed it.
It doesn't matter anyway.
Ja, kjenner en afrikaansk cornelius men faren hans er englisk og moren hans vår afrikaansk. Jeg tenkte at hun hadde en liberal engelsk foreldre også.
As a child I was so envious of you guys and yearned to see Johannesburg which was supposed to be the most majestic city on earth. Then you gave it all away
True. We're infested with faggots
>Then you gave it all away
Largely went down because of international pressure aka Jews from New York.