Suppose ethnic Europeans wake up to reality and decide that Muslims, black Africans, ... have no place in Europe.
What would be a reasonable next step?
Mass deportations?
Suppose ethnic Europeans wake up to reality and decide that Muslims, black Africans, ... have no place in Europe.
What would be a reasonable next step?
Mass deportations?
Einsatzgruppen mate
First remove the current government
Second deportations or cleansing
Third put laws to prevent mass migration and exit human rights
2 words
I said "reasonable".
>Mass deportations?
yes, forcible if they resist. you can just drop them off in some non-country like libya or somalia.
The ideal solution would be labor camps, where women, children, and elders are killed and males are sterilized. It would allow the European countries to have access to cheap manpower while the native population birthrates slowly go back to sustainable levels. Within a generation the captives would die and enough natives newborn would be adults by then, so things could go back to normal.
Realistically though, implying traitors (those who would continue preaching diversity) and foreign influence wouldn't be relevant factors, in those areas where shitskins are a very tiny minority they'd get lynched and physically removed; in those areas where they're a large minority or even a relative majority the government would sort of "trap" them in there and leave them to rot kinda like the Palestinians, while simultaneously promoting settlement of natives in protected walled-in areas within said shitskins majority areas.
That is, of course, unless an actual genocide (or labor camps system) were to take place. Which, when one reads about history is not such an unlikely ending, given the fact that ethnic cleansing of undesirable people has always been the norm everywhere all throughout history.
>how do you do, fellow right wingers?
removal of welfare for non-citizens and refugees residing in the country
This would simply increase unrest as long as they're still in Europe, and lead to desperate measures.
What about those who have already been living here for Generations, dare I say, are employed and productive members of society?
Increased stigma against non Europeans -> introduced laws against non Europeans (particularly no marriage / sexual relations) -> Remove benefits for non Europeans such as excluding them from the safety net idea -> internment camps or creating ghettos of where they number already largely -> forced deportations
I don't think murder would ever be on the menu, nor would I want it to be.
Found the shitskin.
You have made so many choices in favor of keeping anyone but whites that you will probably have to submit to their demands and die out forever.
Oh, you say you want a different result? Well reasonable solutions do not exist.
Cut off all forms of free food and money. (This is likely to trigger mass riots.)
Slay them all. (Does the average European white even have the will power necessary to do this?)
Force deportations. (Also likely to trigger mass riots.)
So either you mix out of existance or you rediscover a warrior spirit. There are no "reasonable" solutions left.
>le based black man here ;)
You go back with your parents shitskin.
The ideal solution would be to send back the shitty multi-generational ones and keep the good ones.
But that would be impossible to assess.
The next best thing is to just send them all back.
A lot of them (especially Moroccans and Turks) have double nationalities anyway.
You could easily put a positive spin on this: they're going back to increase the collective education level and national IQ of their countries of origin.
The halfbreeds and their actual parents can stay (if they're not divorced), but no state funding for their mosques.
Then those desperate measures will be well received by the population at large, because these savages are obviously too dangerous to be let free in the country
The good old jewish way of doing things, create a bigger problem so you can have a bigger solution
The premise in my OP was "suppose ethnic Euros came to their senses".
I.e. there is consensus among white Euros that they don't belong.
go be a based shitskin in other places
Mass lawenforced deportations.
As I said the closest thing to a "reasonable" solution is doing what Israel is doing: making life hell in every possible way for the Palestinians while simultaneously promoting and protecting settlement of Israelis in Palestinian lands, until the demographic balance tips in your favor.
>The good old jewish way of doing things, create a bigger problem so you can have a bigger solution
You. I like you.
See OP, this guy gets it.
>The halfbreeds and their actual parents can stay
Oh, you're one of THOSE "right wingers". Perhaps you should be sent to labor camps too (or "deported", whatever floats your boat) so you can go live together with all your half-breeds and all your "good shitskins".
Unfortunately, once they're in you might as well consider them in for life. The flow of immigrants into Europe just needs to be stopped full stop. This in itself would be the battle to consider first before thinking about removing them.
I think mass deportation is the most likely of the extreme solutions. Combine that with a total shut off of benefits and the army to make sure the plan happens.
Then white Europe has a chance to survive. Your Jewish overlords don't want that though. They want forced race mixing so they can rule over the mud people. Hitler was right!
It's a non-question. It would be a crime against humanity and basic human rights to send them away or force them to work.
Not that I agree with this. We have a massive population crisis due to these subhuman animal low IQ recessive gene disorder fucks. But to the powers that be/the governments. These animals are the future to them. Lower wages; easier to control once whites are gone. Governments don't want citizens with higher IQs, it directly and indirectly harms and hinders what they're trying to accomplish.
Ethnic cleansing, mate.
The only reasonable way to fix the problem.
>It would be a crime against humanity and basic human rights to send them away
Living in the Western world is not a human right.
Living outside of the Western world is not "inhumane".
There is zero logic to support any notion to the contrary.
Its kind of funny that post colonial Europe is being re colonised by the dumbest people on the planet and they can't even stop them. How is Nato at all dangerous when they can't even control the existing borders. Nato is bullshit.
>It would be a crime against humanity and basic human rights to send them away
no, this is what usa does all the time
There is terrorism in France but the French army doesn't stop it. They let all the niggers in and the French army doesn't do anything.
My prediction is that the niggers will break France and then the nuclear reactors will explode.
The niggers are going to be the end of Europe and then where the fuck will Nato get soldiers from they will all be mongoloid mongrel inferior fighters who are too stupid create a functioning economy.
None, no country will deport. Too much political turmoil. They're stuck with these 'refugees' , the seeds been planted. Europe is lost. Get out, while you can.
I was thinking about it and I think the best way is to get them to decide to go back themselves, by creating circumstances that mean it's better for them to go back than to stay.
I think the first step would be to make practicing the muslim faith impossible. E.g. by forbidding headscarves.
>My prediction is that the niggers will break France and then the nuclear reactors will explode.
Oh snap. That's actually something that I've never thought about.
Niggers can't even feed themselves, I can't imagine what they'd be capable of (or rather incapable of) when it comes to managing complex infrastructures.
>I don't think murder would ever be on the menu, nor would I want it to be.
We're well past the number of rapefugees that could be dealt with reasonably.
and of course by stopping the gibs, like pasta bro says
Mass deportations and Nuremberg-style trials for all the politicians, bankers, and media personalities who supported the invasion, as they are traitors. A cultural cleansing must then take place where every single pro-globalist, pro-communist, pro-open borders agitprop is systematically destroyed, and education is retooled to cleanse the minds of youth from leftist groupthink.
Few I can think of.
1. Designer babies. Technology progresses to the point where natural conception, with a chance of genetic disease, is considered unethical. Eventually it will be law. Once people have a choice in what their children will be like, there will be a drift towards the aryan ideal over time. Most niggers would rather be white.
2. Incentivized deportations. Why not build colonies in shit tier countries using each region's indigenous race? This will remove the racial genocide argument against colonisation. People could romanticize a return to their ancestral homeland if they are paid enough are pumped up with bullshit about a duty to spread prosperity, and live like elites.
Muslims are going to start civil wars inside Europe this century, dude. Either we pull the trigger first or they will (they kind of already are).
Actually i think the best way is spreading translations of the koran. 90% of muzzies havent read it, and the 10% thats okay with holding non muslim women as sex slaves, execute them. If feminists knew that women only get half the inheritance men get they'll go livid. We need to make it mainstream.
Stop migration, mosque construction. End wars in refugee's countries and send them home.
Deny citizenship to migrants. Taxes, education, health system restrictions etc on non-citizens/blacks and repatriation programs to encourage them to leave. Make christianity/paganism the state religion with benefits for adherents.
Deport them into israel. Force them to take all the niggers, arabs, asians, mixed and displaced Europeans. That or Brazil cus they are mongrels anyways
This depicts the basic fact, you can't help these people. It's like when they went in there and tried to bring power to a bunch of forgotten places, they break into the transformers, total them, and steal the hydraulic fluid to deep fry food.
Literally can't make this shit up.
1) Immediately shut down non-white immigration
2) Abolish affirmative action, employment equity etc...
3) Bring in incentives for white people to start families and have children (interest free loans, bonds, tax cuts etc...)
That would be a good start
Division of countries. The India/Pakistan Scenario every single country in the middle east went through, just to end up in a pool of hostile neighbours on a greater scale than before.
muslims and africans in smaller numbers have been in europe for a long long time, like centuries.
so nothing at all
I don't think that's a good idea. You don't eradicate AIDS by spreading HIV.
Feminists and post-modernists particularly have so much cognitive dissonance and are so invested in their ideologies that they'll never admit the bad sides of Islam, or those that contradict with their ideals. Their responses to all the terrorist attacks here in Europe prove it. They'll more likely convert or start initiatives to get others to convert.
BTW this needs to happen across Europe, Canada, US, Australia, New Zealand and the UK
I knew a guy who went to Africa to work at a mining site and they built the Africans a drinking well so they could have clean water. They ended up pooing in it and then drinking the water out of it. All the stories I hear about them is about how impossible it is to get them to be civilised. Why do they need to immigrate, Africa is fantastically wealthy.
Women aren't going to care. They're not as intelligent as men, on average. That's just the way it is. You can tell them Islam oppresses women, you can show them Islam oppressing women, and they'll just shut it out and pretend you never did.
The average white women in Europe thinks Islam = Brown, therefore 'ethnic' and 'good'.
That's as far as their analysis goes.
Always remember to archive blogs renowned for shilling and clickbait. Thank you.
Merkel has definitely to shut her fucking Mouth !
I have enough of all these fucking Refugees!
I mean I'll move to America in two Month to build a new life with my Husband
But I still care about my Home Country
Like I said - I don't agree. But that's what it's come to. There's nothing you or I can do about it, sadly.
It started with the bigger European cities and its spread quickly to the smaller rural areas now. Countries that aren't taking these niggers in, will (Poland, Hungary). They have no choice. Brexit meant nothing. They are still coming into the England en masse, they're still changing the law to change for the betterment of Muslims and sharia is loudly growing in the U.K.
There's no stopping this. It's a bullet train that can't be stopped or slowed down no matter what the masses do. Governments and the puppeteers behind them don't care. There won't be a riding by citizens or another Hitler/third Reich. This future is inevitable and it's not even something you can embrace. We're being force fed to accept our own demise from those that we're supposed to "trust" and "look out for OUR best interests". We've been sold out for decades upon decades.
The only thing that would actually fuck this entire operation up is if every white person either stopped paying taxes. But then the national guard would be called in and martial law would be declared and they'd start executing random whites on the streets to make examples of us.
africa is a perfect prison for blacks. It is a fucking paradise for them. All they had to do was stay, all the jews had to do was not meddle. The IMF, the EU, the U.N., Red Cross. Funding warlords and military coups.
Feeding them, inflating their birth rates and causing a migration. They are a vicious species and the fucking jews ruined everything.
fuck you jews.
>moving to America to escape "diversity" and thought policing
Wew. You're in for a shock. I hope you're going to the rural Midwest...
Do you think thats the best thing for Deutschland? For all the whites that actually have a spirit in them to fuck off away from their motherland? There may be little hope but its a sure thing if this happens. I am from the north of Ireland and no matter what, I will NEVER live Éire, Through thick and thin. Your country needs you German patriot
Good on ya.
Has there ever been a good Irishman who's left his homeland?
I look at faggots like Conan O'Brien and Bill Burr and see nothing but Jewish puppets. The Irish accent is amazing and these Boston Redheads sound like shit.
>What would be a reasonable next step?
My ex-girlfriend just booked a trip to some Greek islands to welcome and help landing refugees.
She's a beautiful, busty, tall & slender white girl. I honestly worry about her.
>I honestly worry about her.
She's doing exactly what nature wants her to do: reproduce with apparently suitable males.
>my ex-girlfriend
>jetted off to the islands to fuck niggers
>I worry about her
she doesn't worry about you, bro
Start to remove their rights. They will get poor.
Give them the chance to leave or to get deported to camps:
Stard a new crussade
Those who left their motherland in the famine under British rule were simple folk, with children and wives\husbands so i can understand that they left, back then for the irish people to be replaced as a people was unthinkable and they had no power to change anything. Today is a different circumstance, they are not slaves to the British, not starving and our race is being wiped out, all it takes is for us to vote Barrett into power and thats it. Anyone who cares what is happening to their country and leaves today is spineless.
You're right, though it would be easier not to give a fuck if we didn't break up on good terms and our families were not still proper involved, going to each others' birthday parties and whatnot. Consider if, say, a female cousin or half-sister of yours was doing the same thing; would you not be concerned? Or at least mildly bemused by her naivety?
Totally disagree. It would just end up as slavery and a repeat of pre and post Civil War US problems.
From rural Midwest here. I've traveled the country and I am afraid Midwest is the last hide out for the true white Christian way of life. They have already dumped immigrants into the larger cities though. Won't be long until they move out and corrupt the medium sized towns and so on.
I'd be disgusted, that's about it.
Revolutionary nationslist parties knock pn all non whites door to be scheduled for deportation.
>UK uni
>Hearing a sweet angelic "Oh, I'm from the Midwest..." coming from the back of the bus
Feels good
We unleash the slavic beasts to fight it out with the muslims on the streets
if you red-pilled her properly she might still be your GF and not jetted off to fuck niggers, burn a coal baby and get single mom'd or beaten to death.
which state midwest bro
GA bro here and the browns have already started moving into applachia last year and even more this year. You didn't see em' at all before. Government HUD is moving the blacks into the white communities this far into the mountains and the mexishits are literally pouring in for labor work.
It's awful, it was a white bastion. wounds my heart.
They could kill them all or just find them and deport them.
Just put them back where they belong, it's simply a case of tidying up the planet, do your own room first though.
They can be productive in other lands
Beating the shit out of them in public places. After a beating and realizing the local populace isn't a bunch of pussies, they'll flee as fast as they can. Too bad they're all cucks and embrace them, so these 3rd worlders call up friends and tell them europe is one big pussy that wants us to fuck it.
Lmao man I was getting tired of her Stacy bullshit, dated since high school; you don't really have too many options or know what you want at that point. She's not going there for sex, she's going there to fulfil some inner insecurities about being white and feeling the need to "help" "marginalised" "people". DM;HS
In order of less to more serious:
- Remove them from welfare programs
- Create redtape for all the shit they do. Make it very difficulty to rent or buy homes legally, for instance.
- Revoke their citizenship
- Segregate them into areas of the country
- Make them pay higher taxes
- Order them to leave while letting them take their assets with them.
- Order them to leave empty handed
- Kill them
its coming
all illegals, no matter the color of their skin, must be deported. all the ones who migrated many years ago can choose can stay but only if they accept to be sterilized with thier mongrel spawn, or else they'll be all sent back from where they came from.
Right now they are embraced by politicians and a good percent of the population, they welcome them with open arms, so these savages call up friends to encourage them to come and that things are good here. If you make life uncomfortable for them, they won't do this.
>She's not going there for sex
Yes, she really really is.
She may not realize it consciously, but she is willingly placing herself within rape distance of people who are known to dominate, abuse, rape, ... women.
She wants that caramel baby, and if she comes across a brown gentleman who isn't shy of some gentle persuasion, that's exactly what she's gonna get.
>Order them to leave empty handed
We did this to the Germans in 1946. My great-grandfather was among those armed with Soviet AKs marauding the hills looking for Sudeten squatters to BTFO. Look at the cucks now.
I say, this is top priority
Kai Murros. Search his name in youtube
>reasonable next step
>what's two plus two
>come on though seriously be reasonable
Simple, give them a month to leave Europe. If they found a way to come here, they surely know how to return the same way. And since they came here to "work", they surely saved up some money to buy another boat trip. After a month of invulnerability, purging becomes legal.
once europe takes back it's colonies there will be a need for regional leaders. duh
oh wait that will never happen since western europe lost its backbone 20-30 years ago
They're all the same. It doesn't really matter which Midwestern state you look at.
Plus outlaw Islam and bulldoze all mosques. basically repeat what Spain did for the Reconquista.
Problem solved
France will have more whites in the foreseeable future than South Africa, and they have enough to operate their nuclear plants. They destroyed their nukes before handing power over to the blacks though. France might not be smart enough to do so because of muh égalité and firm belief in the moral superiority of their cuckery.
Well Illegal move to America because of my Husband, he is American and won't live in Europe.Can feel him .
For the other anons interested in this, look up Limpieza de Sangre/Limpeza de Sangue.
I think the best solution for German would be Adolf Hitler , but well
But yes , I'll fight for my Country
Wanna shoot all this black haired Motherfucker
>What would be a reasonable next step?
>implying Muslims would beat the fuck out of europoors
It's not like they have guns retard
>muh fouf reich
Keep dreaming cheetolord