Yfw you realise that social class is a greater determinant of individual behaviour than nationality

>yfw you realise that social class is a greater determinant of individual behaviour than nationality

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Marx was right about a lot of things and his analysis offers a framework for why people behave the way they do.

Unfortunately, his philosophy was hijacked and used to create totalitarian states (which he hated).

>used to create (((totalitarian))) states

Nope look at Swedes they are all cucked it's nationality man, social level means nothing if both liberal/leftist idiots virtue signal regardless of income actually the poor libtards are even stupider cheaper workforce means less jobs for them

Stalin wasn't jewish.

>tfw brain doesnt compute facts

Yeah, mixing if cultures so what generates violence in communities. A black dude that acts "white" doesn't cause any issues, but his gangsta cousin in town for the holidays will.

I guess that's why everybody sided with their nation during WW1 rather than their class.


Yeah and I suppose that's why all those communist revolutions didn't happen when a bunch of countries lost and realized "muh nation" means nothing.

Oh wait, they did happen.

>Marxists were convinced nation was a retarded idea after WWI
Mussolini and Hitler are not a thing, I suppose.

>Mussolini and Hitler
I thought Belgian education was supposed to be good?

Thought the same about yours.

When will you stop worshipping a literal hobo

No but he wasn't the first Communist

The fact that such people exist is proof that capitalism has failed.

No it's not. I still wouldn't want this chihuahua looking nigger as a neighbor no matter how much money the asshole has.


Was about to say the same thing

Wrong, Im poor and habe done 0 crimes, race determines behavior not arbituarially valued trading currency.


>TFW you recognize lower class blacks murder more than lower class whites.


lenin and the party membership where though

Liberal do-nothing class trying to pretend they're saving the starving kids. I mean how do you not see the biggest issue is uncontrollable pop growth in starving nations.

If bums don't want to contribute to society why should society contribute to them? That's how u end up like my ancestors in Cuba fighting over rations and eating any wild animal you see

Lenin was not Jewish. Even by Nuremburg laws he wouldn't be considered Jewish let alone would any rabbi on the planet consider him so.

0 drugs 0 alcohol
There is no excuse except for the individuals actions.

Society should not. As Lenin said (well in paraphrasing Paul the apostle) "Those who won't work, won't eat".

This has been the doctrine of every communist led state ever. And exactly why you didn't have degenerates like that in the USSR.

Maybe because it didnt exist at the time 100 years ago?

>Mfw I rebuttal the argument and my buddies Fred and Carl; write a 300 page book on why im wrong, why are you mad?

Individuals behaviors are not cultural, ""class"" based or otherwise simply race based and on individuals.

The Eastern bloc only fell in the late 80s/early 90s and it definitely existed then.

Even today in communist led states (including ones of dubious "communist" credentials like China or Vietnam) such people are pretty much non-existent compared to the capitalist west.

USSR had the whole GULAG system in place, anyone who doesn't like the system is now out of work and into the GULAG.
Those who work for system, but don't get liked by blessed bois = :railway_car:

Good. The Gulag is where degenerates and other assorted enemies of the people belong.

The fact that Solzhenitsyn lived to tell his fairy tales is a testament to how just it was.

marxism is fucking pseudoscience

genetics and neuroscience has utterly debunked marxism, yet these marxist tools keep spewing their religious beliefs and never shut the fuck up

kill all marxists

And if you ever wondered who created the hellish landscape of modern EU.

>Marx was right about a lot of things and his analysis offers a framework for why people behave the way they do.

he was incredibly fucking WRONG though

that's the thing retards don't seem to understand

his sociological theories were WRONG

>Lenin was not Jewish
lenin was legitimately genetically jewish

Western capitalist powers?

>yfw you realize that Marx was wrong about pretty much everything

Why the fuck do you marxists STILL exist when your ideology has been debunked.

It's hilarious that you will NEVER obtain political power again.

Enjoy your angry violent delusions while the rest of the world laughs at you.


He had a Jewish grandfather. That's like a quarter genetically Ashkenazi.

they certainly don't support free markets you fucking idiot

>He had a Jewish grandfather
Which means he's genetically part jewish.

>That's like a quarter genetically Ashkenazi.

pretty kikey

he was a sociopath and murdered countless people

people that support him today honestly deserve a bullet

> your ideology has been debunked.
It has?


It seems like the Eastern Bloc has been vindicated by history if anything.

Marx's concept of class is flawed. Ones standing in society isn't determined on how one owns the means of production. There are many factors to consider to measure one's standing in society. Power, Prestige, and Property. Marx only covers one factor: property or "class" and disregards the other ones.

All communists deserve to be thrown out of helicopters.

Genetics and biology denialists that are actually dumb enough to believe in surplus value.

They do nothing but cause damage to society.
Why do they still exist? It's like people who believe in scientology. It's just another nonsense religion.

Kill them ALL.

>your ideology has been debunked.

what do these words mean

>It has?
yes it has

what the fuck do polls have to do with anything?

surplus value is literally impossible because the working class already consumes 99% of all consumer goods.
how can you get anything more than virtually 100%?


It's a religion.

>It seems like the Eastern Bloc has been vindicated by history if anything.
Your religion is dead.
How does it feel?

Sort yourself out commies

>Entity built entirely around unrestricted international flow of capital
>don't support free markets

The EU is basically the most capitalist thing ever. Hayek had the exact same idea before the EU even existed.

>Which means he's genetically part jewish.
Exactly, and if we're going to count having Jewish ancestry as being Jewish then a majority of the Russian population are probably Jewish.

>he was a sociopath and murdered countless people
Lenin did nothing wrong.

also the only reason people were butthurt over the ussr's breakup were 2 reasons
Stockholm syndrome
and the fact the post soviet states weren't capitalist or free market at all, they were extremely economically unfree and restricted business.

they're really low on the economic freedom index.

Usually capitalism means you have to put in an invest and have a risk of losing that to gain profit.
Societe General, Deutsche Bank et al made risk investments but they knew they could make 'em because they owned the public money makers. The risk factor was removed from the equation.

But it isn't. Fake thread.

>what do these words mean
LTV is pseudoscience
DM is pseudoscience

why do you people still exist?

>what the fuck do polls have to do with anything?
Well they're suggesting that people preferred communist rule. If communism has been debunked, you would think the opposite would be true.

>surplus value is literally impossible because the working class already consumes 99% of all consumer goods.
u wot?

>Workers aren't having surplus value subtracted because they consume consumer goods
Really made me think.

>Your religion is dead.
Your argument is non-existent.
How does that feel?

Marxism is trash because classes do not exist and materials simply bave the value you give them.

>Their views don't matter, they're just imagining their own lives were better under communist rule.

Not to mention you'd think if a lack of free markets are the problem they'd at least prefer restricted markets to centrally planned economies i.e the farthest possible thing from a free market.

Here's the proof: you don't see billionaires out committing muggings.

All the production in the world could have 0 value if you valued them as such, so identity based on arbituary constructions such as class are inherently false.

>basically the most capitalist ever.

Nice argument and thanks for evidence to prove this claim. Look I can do it too.

The eu is basically the most USSR thing ever.

>>Entity built entirely around unrestricted international flow of capital
Bullshit, it only restricts capital.
How are government monopolized banks that dominate entire continents anything close to capitalism and free markets?
How are heavy restrictions on free trade and markets in general free market?


>The EU is basically the most capitalist thing ever.
Holy fuck you're a brainwashed motherfucker.

was a communist faggot that supported socialist government banking

>Exactly, and if we're going to count having Jewish ancestry as being Jewish then a majority of the Russian population are probably Jewish.
makes sense
communists were jewish

>Lenin did nothing wrong.
Lenin did many things wrong, he killed countless people that did nothing wrong.
Communist teenagers who believe in their religion literally need to be suffocated.

So fucking glad your religion is DEAD and never coming back.

I dont see billiomaires period.


>they're just imagining their own lives were better
their lives were only slightly better now
they're just remembering the nostalgia

>Not to mention you'd think if a lack of free markets are the problem they'd at least prefer restricted markets to centrally planned economies i.e the farthest possible thing from a free market.
who gives a shit
the reason their economies are fucking garbage is because their economies are so restricted and anti free market

if they were pro free market they would be closer to actual free market countries like Switerland


It's not really that straight forward though. If you had any disability (a cripple or blind) which meant you couldn't work then you were executed.
If you're going to give me any kind of edgy response I wouldn't bother wasting the cooldown period.

Really, I thought you worshipped one?

What a fucking retarded troll.

Hur dur remove all gubments and law is good 4 u!
If people followed social laws police and courts wouldnt be full.

Just slit every single marxist's throat and this commie problem is fucking solved.

They actually spend every waking day of their life accomplishing nothing because they believe they are enslaved into capitalism and muh dialectic, it's hilarious and pathetic at the same time.

Marxism is pure ideology and pure pseudoscience.

Just put a bullet in their heads.

>Lenin was not Jewish

I didn't realise you were retarded. Ignore my other post.

Why do brainwashed leftists pretend central banks are capitalist or free market?

It's the most socialist thing you can ever have.
The main control on economic production and human living standards is controlled by the state.

The modern economy is run by socialist central banks.

It has no value in reality, increasing wages, using more laws, and actually giving power to individuals for their own power is good.

I did provide evidence. The fundamental basis of the EU is free flow of capital across international borders.

What is not capitalist or pro-free market about that?

>Bullshit, it only restricts capital.
Yes, by giving it totally free reign across international borders. I see, that's not retarded at all.

>How are government monopolized banks that dominate entire continents anything close to capitalism and free markets?
Okay, so is the USA not capitalist because it has a central bank?

Hold that thought, I have a feeling you're dumb enough to say yes.

>How are heavy restrictions on free trade and markets in general free market?
How is the unrestricted, unconditional, free flow of capital across international lines not a free market?

Really, you have yet to explain this.

>Holy fuck you're a brainwashed motherfucker.
Where is the argument?

>was a communist faggot that supported socialist government banking
Jesus Christ, if you're so retarded you think Hayek was a communist I'm done with this conversation. I might reply if your next post is better quality.

>makes sense
Yes, the majority of the Russian population are Jewish. That's not retarded at all.

>Lenin did many things wrong, he killed countless people that did nothing wrong.
Whites deserved a bullet sandwich.

>they're just remembering the nostalgia
Yeah, bruh. They're just imagining it.

It's not like Russia has a 3% homeless rate and through the roof AIDS. There is absolutely no logical reason why the USSR was better.

>who gives a shit
The point was that if you're suggesting the problem is a lack of free markets then it makes no sense they would prefer communist rule. Because a centrally planned economy is the farthest possible thing from a free market, even farther than a regulated market.

Following this logic they would prefer the modern state of affairs. But clearly they don't, so clearly the problem is not a lack of free markets, it's a lack of socialism.

So glad I am an American and don't obsess every second of my day about "Class" like fucking eurofags do.

Hate to break it to you Shamrock nigger, but eurofag ideas of "class" don't fly here in the US. Just because you and your leprechaun-kin are butt hurt that the brits literally had to ban drinking and dancing so you would actually work and not starve to death does not mean your definition of class is even relevant anywhere else.