Paul Joseph Watson is spreading fake news
>Claims Europe gives "Taxi services" for African economic migrants
>Give no source
>couldn't find on google either
This guy's only makes us look bad, I'm telling ya
Paul Joseph Watson is spreading fake news
Other urls found in this thread:
define "us"
>this faggot turned tail as soon as he felt the heat
not to mention hes a fucking leaf
Alt right of course
Get of shill
>Channel has 543 subs
>Valid source
fuck off oven-dodger
fuck off you kike that is exactly what they are doing for (((you))) kikes
>Alt right
Oh well, someone fell for the "Jews aren't white" meme
I'm Ashkenazi you fucking leaf
>All Jews are globalists
sure thing hun
get knotted. Soros is the asshole not pjw
I want to help my race (White race) to survive
PJW is a useful idiot for pjw
For Soros*
Fuck off shill
You should use proxy next time.
Ah, finally my greatest ally is here to set the facts straight. Thanks shlomo, don't know what I'd do without you.
What's your point here? The taxi shit is still bs
You would get fake news
For a jew, your reluctance to read is atypical
>Mr Zuccaro's comments come amid growing criticism of NGO activity in the Mediterranean, including one leading politician saying it was tantamount to providing a taxi service to Europe.
>Claims Europe gives "Taxi services" for African economic migrants
That is completely true
t. in Italy talking about some fucking boat uplifted by NGOs off the Libyan contiguous zone every god damn week
All these people are CRIMINALS. If they wanted to save lives, the closest beach is the libyan one
>Someone claims
>Now it's a fact
>Alt right
Kys filthy kike.
You wanted a source I gave you a source, what exactly are you trying to prove here?
They quote someone, I haven't read a report that confirms his claim
Ashkenazi Jews are white
Feel free to delouse yourself anyday
Why I've seen no report?
Altright are retards and cia plants you utta fookin moran
he must be one of those jews that thinks hes white.
What are you, a retarded mongrelic American?
>He claims
He can have his own opinions but there's reality
>report comes out that israels economy and birthrate is going downhill so they'll probably have to take in migrants
>suddenly israel is all about protecting the white race
really makes me think
>Ashkenazi Jews are white
No, Ashkenazi Jews are Ashkenazi Jews.
Ashkenazi Jews are white
1/10 for effort
Because you're not in Italy, schlomo
This has been mostly an Italian problem that people have only recently made into a big european thing, if you want Italian sources I'll be more than happy to give you a fucking taxi toll of how many of these shits we have ferried off from 15 miles off the north african coast to traverse 300 miles and get to italian ports.
Neither Jews are white. White people are Europeans. Jews mixed with Europeans. Khazar kikes are just regular kikes who moved, and mixed with the people in that area, which is not even part of Europe itself.
>obviously hasnt read the article
okay schlomo
Page 27. You should be banned from google for your stupidity. Also your jewishness should be revoked, because of people like you we can't get accurate statistics of how sneaky jews actually are.
Define white?
Sure look white to me
>The prosecutor claims
Not a fact
They are visibly brown, thats like saying arabs look white. Youre sand monkeys, and any appearance of whiteness is stolen from Europeans. Also, calm down Jared.
Einst kommt der Tag der Rache...
Kikes themselves admit they are not white. They only pull this horseshit when it benefits them.
You can google the things he mentions in his video. Just type in the titles of the reports.
It's all online.
Ethno European with bright skin
Define European
>bright skin
fucking ghouls get off my board
>he fell for the jews are white meme
>Ethno European with bright skin
According to this definition you are not white but Spain and Russia are.
i aint care
You don't need to see a report, each ship has a transponder and can be tracked via marine traffic.
Is he white Pedro?
Fuck off and die Rabbi. He is totally correct.
>OP will ignore this
looks mixed to me. still not sure how you think jews are white - mainly shit skin if you ask me
He literally fucking cites sources the entire time
Kys shekel sniffer
We're not white because white doesn't exist. We are Iberian, Latin, Celt,... you are Celt, Germanic,... and Germans are Germanic. Only retarded mongrels from America talk about white because they have nothing else to unite their cultureless shithole.
Pic related though is probably gyspy.
So basically russians and scandinavians are the only white, because there are not much grills like that in the Europe. They have beauties, but most of them mediterranean.
Here are more (((fake))) claims from Frontex's director. Obviously he is talking out of his arse too.
thats obviously make up though. it's like when you see a 'white' asian
>but most of them mediterranean.
Mediterranean are white too dumbass
>israel flag
They don't have "bright skin" and clearly don't look like girl on his picture.
Why do you idiots always try to justify that you're white by cherrypicking images? Are you that retarded?
There are still white
This girl is a typical mediterranean girl
that aint white ahmed
> every non-American using the term white let's pretend doesn't exist
> let's pretend culture is exclusive to muh shithole with wild dind y s dancing around a fire
I'm going to pretend that you learned to be that retarded instead of being born that way which is probably what really happened.
That's not what I've argued with. He provides blonde cutie, who look like scandie or north slav, who are not that typical for Europe, that's all I've said.
Who the fuck are you to call others non-white you fucking ottoman rapebaby.
Yes it is.
I bet you don't even consider Greeks or Serbs white, and you'll wonder why they'll take the gooks and pakis side.
>Taxi service to economic migrants
Shlomo, there were already cases of reported migrants paying taxis. there are a lot of source but they are not in english
Yea who the fuck am I to call others non white!!
Go choke on ahmed's dick you midget UK cuck
Whites are european, jews are asian. Asians have a higher IQ but a complete lack of empathy, this is why they don't feel the White Man's Burden and the need to save the world.
You have to go back bougnoule.
Where are your grandparents originally coming?
soros is destroying europe and the usa to help china attain global hegemony.
>who the fuck am I
An Ottoman rapebaby? He already told you that, mate.
Or is it Magyar rapebaby? Croatia has been raped so many times its difficult to remember who is pumping your mum.
disregard the shilling
remember that one time OP created a thread about PJW but the thread got derailed in less than a minute bacause of flag?
Tell a man whoose country is full of niggers and muzzies, where the woman are addicted to BBCs and the man love to watching them.
Sup Forums greatest ally
It's all true you manipulative slug, there are plenty of sources posted by himself and people commenting on his videos. I live in a small town and even I see "refugees" from Africa and the Middle East everywhere, they are being shipped in by the fucking millions.
I am telling one, right now.
Maybe not so much the first part, but the second? Definitely. You lot joined the EU just so you could get a healthy dose.
Love of seeing 'your' women defiled has been bred into you over centuries of foreign domination.
Its not nice being discussed in these terms, is it Branko?
>tfw live in Cheshire
>no niggers or muzzies
We do have a problem, but I don't know where you're getting your info from, because nobody actually likes those fucks.
You must be new to Sup Forums. Russians are not white because Russians are mixed with Finn related mongoloids.