Italian president of the Republic Sergio Mattarella greeting "today's Italy" represented by this 15 year old niggeress.
Italian president of the Republic Sergio Mattarella greeting "today's Italy" represented by this 15 year old niggeress
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Imagine going to china and showing a white man of germanic or nordic lineage and saying: "This is today's china"
15YO pussy... hmmm
Even Italy???
If I read a single "I'd throw her my banana if you know what I mean" from anyone with an italian flag it means we're past the point of redemption and an orbital strike or a nuclear detonation is in order
Serves you right. Italy is shipping negroids into europe 24/7 after all.
Hey, you're the one passing us invoices for them, we'd be more than happy to ferry them back to libya, whenever the EU gives the go
fuck the EU
just do it
what are they gonna do, kick you out?
Been there, done that. Doesn't help as much as you think
This. So you get sanctions, so what, just leave. They are openly promoting white genocide, there is no other end result of all this immigration and the shilling for it.
the EU wouldn't be so fucking garbage if we just kicked out germany instead of leaving
i'm starting to see interracial couple. we need the great purge
Already full of HIV and looks like a man with loose pussy. Worth it? Definitely
It looks like tar you'd use on a roof or in a street. These people are showing you shit and saying, "look at this shit, it's not shit, it's beautiful this shit thing, you must accept this shit and like it."
Disgusting animal it looks like in the Italian flag.
No way she's 15.
get started on that
Not even Berlusconi would fuck that.
Bring him back!
>15 years old
But she's 100% Italian
I would fuck her in the ass if you catch my drill
This proves blacks are superior
I don't understand, why are all countries choosing these "beautiful women" in beauty pageants and to represent their nations?
This started happening recently. It didn't used to be unanimously niggers getting first place in everything, regardless of how truly beautiful the other women are.
What has changed?
>15 y/o
>And then there were none
Bye-bye Italy. So we just have Spain, portugal, poland, romania, ukraine...?? to preserve european race and culture. Exactly the ancient empires and the Deus Vult countries. History and genetics always prevail.
Italia, ma che cazzo di porco dio sei diventata?
Leave the town paleto and witness reality
Soros and his push for one world order, make everyone stupid nigger cattle, easier to control.
italy not cucked was just a terrible meme, we are on the same level of french and germs
>cheat on your real age
>destroy children 6 years younger in sport events
muh superior race
It's simply white guilt and self-flagellation on overdrive.
The 60s Baby Boomer flower children are in all the positions of power now. This is what you're seeing.
>not cucked
>germanistan and little somalia
non dirlo a me porca madonna.
sono quasi pronto ad imbracciare il fucile.
Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Europa belongs to us
>north afrikan ebonics
Tu habla espanol o solo marroqui??
>Mario, my son, you are man now
>Will you peak beatiful Franceska
>Or Shaniqua from african shithole
i read just now tha article,so she brought that negress to the zone of the earthquake.
how is this respectful to te people that lived there??
this is just blatant propangada! i want to spit on this globalist cuck
I'd tap that
fuck i'm furious
Autists getting triggered for a nigger, shills saying Italy is done, meanwhile North Europe is crumbling.
I donated to Defend Europa project. Can't post link from phone. At least I don't feel like a total cuck while Italy gets niggerized. Also remember PD is Satan, they'll force ius soli down our throat.
>comments disabled
>existing comments are all positive
>while all the (((news))) are reporting a huge wave of racist comments
So.... a fucking retarded sjw kike piece of shit spent his day deleting every single "racist" comment? What a fucking sad cuck
We have more niggers and sandniggers than Italy and you are probably one of them consider in your post, what are you a Romanian gyppo?
Why not both?
I'd throw her my banana if you know what I mean
I am proud italian but I also hate italy or to be more accurate the people. I hate the 30-50% of italians who always vote PD aka communists, I hate the partigiani, I hate the fucking grillini, I hate it that the rightwing cant form a proper party or unite together, this moment of history is so fucking important to stay italian. I hope this fucking salvini will try the best to get votes from the south if not I see black for italy...
(((Davide Baruffi))) these faggots aren't even hiding it anymore. They just want to make you all mix with the stupid nigger, as niggers are known to be retarded, all so the jew can profit off of you. Good luck with these people, you threw them out of places in Italy in the past multiple times, now ask yourselves why?
Remember what happened with gorilla kyenge? If anything, those blatant atempts at propaganda just seem to make you marios and luigis even madder than usual, you're no nordics
We are still allowed to talk shit to immigrants without being arrested, what is pathetic is the amount of self defeating faggots carrying the italian flag here. You are making a big deal because our president let a niggress LARP as an italian.
Nice to see that Italians are finally acknowledging they're not white.
yes i'm triggered because it's blatant propaganda,this zone was striked by an does a negress is needed here?
This one is THINN at least.
Mussolini is turning in his grave
Nothing will change.
More cultural enrichment from Italy, watch till the end
It's just the president playing the good goy to make himself look good.
>home destroyed by a earthquake
>5 years later not fully reconstructed
>they bring you a nigress dressed with the flag
ma porcodio
the most liked comment is NOT positive
meh she looks like straight outta congo, only black chicks i find attractive are those who have bleached ancestry desu
Hopefully this nigger will face similar treatment.
I bet it was in North Italy since they are a bunch of cucks there.
U should have had more kids
I have nothign against this girl, the asshole is the president this fucking shithead and of course the politics. But in the end we need more things like that, its the only way to redpills the italian
Our political class is focused on their internal civil wars since two hundred years ago. We dont give a shit about mudslims, niggers or Soros cultural marxist agenda. If you really think that Spain is more cucked than our european counterparts you are a stupid inmigrant or from andalucia. Either way, you dont know jack shit about spanish history and our particular idiosyncrasy. Now go and take a nap, Joselito Salman Ramos.
Vote left, get rekt.
Ma oltre la metà non erano abusive?
You imbecile, they are preparing the ground to pull the ius soli card, can you even into politics..?
She's beautiful, I don't see the problem.
Political correctness
I'd throw her my banana if you know what I mean
you are the problem
>Why didn't you let him fix it?
Go back to Austria.
For a black woman, yes. For a white woman, she's barely 5/10.
you need a new pair of glasses. Or a rope to hand yourself
go fuck yourself
double the porcodio dose
>says the burger
American here vacationing in Italy. Rome is dirty clearly from a lack of civic duty. Tons of pickpockets. The food is shit. Americans do Italian food better. People are rude, loud, and act like niggers. Most of the Italians can barely speak English even though you have millions of English speaking tourists come here every year. Guess it's cause Italy still thinks it's important even though it hasn't mattered since the Roman Empire.
TLDR a 15 year old monkey is an appropriate representation for this shithole.
It's his fault. He sided with literal jewish puppet who told him that Italians should mix with niggers.
You have more niggers than us so pssst
The 60s were peak Jewish Century bamboozling
thx, never come back with your shitty taste in food
You know what i want to see when i travel visit historic Italy? half of Africa.....maybe get me some good fried chicken in Rome. eat some watermelon in Florence. ahhhh open borders
Funniest part is when they threw bananas at her during a speech
>italians love blacks
how is this news?
fuck yourself,don't talk shit for things you don't know. we know we have lots of problems.
think about fixing yours
The fascists made a song about freeing an Ethiopian girl from slavery and making her Italian. We are just carrying out their vision
@127717353 (You)
oh gesù cristo santissimo.